American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 623: Mephisto

Robbie's defeat shocked both Goofy and Robbie himself, because it really shouldn't be Ghost Rider's fighting power.

On the Earth, a dimension familiar to Goofy and Robbie, Ghost Rider's soul chain is almost indestructible, and even the toughest metal vibranium on Earth cannot damage it, let alone other substances.

As for the melting point of the Soul Chain, it is too high to be measured. After all, the Hellfire released by the Ghost Rider himself cannot melt the Soul Chain, which is enough to prove that it can withstand the test of fire.

But now Mephisto just fiddled with the ghost knight's soul chain, and didn't even release the open flame. This artifact, which was originally indestructible on earth, turned into ashes and was completely defeated. Such a strength gap is really. Too big to accept.

"how can that be?"

Robbie Reyes looked at Mephisto in shock, his voice trembling.

However, in an instant, a voice came from behind him.

"How is this impossible?"

Mephisto transformed into a second entity in hell, which appeared directly behind Robbie.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that Mephisto's heavy cane was about to hit Robbie's back, Goofy hurriedly entered the speed of light form to rescue Robbie.

"Oh, what a fast speed... Is this Goofy? It didn't disappoint me."

After Goofy smashed Mephisto's second entity with a light-speed punch, Mephisto's third entity appeared not far from the ancient one, with a smile on his face and a free expression.

"But what about the speed of light? I said, in hell, you are no match for me."

Mephisto's third entity was more aggressive than the first two entities. He directly attacked the ancient one, and the scepter in his hand suddenly stretched and went straight to the ancient one's eyebrows.

Master Gu Yi calmly followed the move, waving the folding fan in his hand calmly to tear the surrounding space apart.

Mephisto originally turned a complete cane around in the torn space, and the visual effect looked like it was twisted into a twist.

"Supreme Mage is really powerful." Mephisto sneered, "But we are also of the same origin. Your power comes from the "Book of Emperor Weishan", and the "Book of the Dark God" happens to be "The Book of Weishan" The counter-argument of the Book of the Emperor, Supreme Master, we are actually the same people..."

Speaking of which, all the spaces split by the ancient one mage suddenly shattered like a mirror, and these space magics could no longer limit Mephisto's scepter.

The scepter slammed into the chest of the ancient master, knocking the ancient master five meters back.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the ancient master, who had almost no physical defense ability, showed a look of embarrassment.

Mephisto chased after the victory, drove straight in, and kept getting closer to the ancient master.

However, just as Mephisto was about to face Mage Ancient One, the corners of Mage Ancient One's **** mouth rose slightly.

"You've been tricked."

The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the real world became like an incomparably gorgeous kaleidoscope. Mephisto just happened to be imprisoned in this huge kaleidoscope, and no matter how much he twisted, he could not escape from the kaleidoscope...

"Nice job, Mage!" Robbie Reyes shouted excitedly, it seemed that Mage Ancient One had successfully captured Mephisto.

Gao Fei was also watching the situation nervously. In theory, a magic enemy like Mephisto should be solved by Gu Yi, a magic teammate.

So far, Mephisto has not shown any signs of breaking free from the seal of the Ancient One Mage. His body was tormented in the "kaleidoscope", squirming as hard as a maggot.

"Mage, can you defeat him? Defeat this evil guy? Or how should Goofy and I help you?" Robbie asked nervously.

"Although I can't completely defeat him with my ability, I can at least seal him." Master Gu Yi said solemnly, "Besides, keeping quiet with Gao Fei is the greatest help to me..."

While answering, Master Gu Yi continuously released energy into the kaleidoscope in front of him, and at the same time, the energy acted on Mephisto's body through the "kaleidoscope".

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Seeing that Mephisto's decent suit was gradually torn apart, revealing his human-like skin, but these skins were also burned and damaged by the energy of the ancient master, revealing the flesh and blood under the skin...

Mephisto gradually faded his disguise and showed his original appearance. His body wrapped in human skin was as red as blood, and his muscles were angular. With a pair of beast heads with ram horns and bright red pupils, he stared at Gu Yi angrily, as if Master Gu Yi had completely angered him.

"You are courageous, human mage, you are courageous..."

"Unlike others who came to **** and surrendered to you will at least try to challenge me..."

"But you think these spells of yours are enough to restrain me? Imprison me?"

"You think those humble tricks you learned in The Book of Weishan Emperor are enough to compete with my dark power?"

"Sorry, Mage, you are too arrogant!"

Speaking of which, Mephisto, who revealed his true body, roared and opened his arms. With the continuous release of his energy, the whole **** seemed to boil!

The magic of the ancient master could no longer work at all, and the imprisonment of the "kaleidoscope" shattered in an instant.


Mephisto broke free from the control of the ancient one, and his strength in **** is too powerful!

"Oops!" Master Gu Yi quickly retreated, realizing that her life was in danger.

At the critical moment, Gao Fei jumped up and hit Mephisto's back with a light-speed punch, hitting him directly.

Unfortunately, what Goofy defeated was still only an entity of Mephisto in hell. His attack was just an ordinary physical attack and could not completely destroy Mephisto.

Master Gu Yi saw the situation and reminded: "Two, Mephisto is right, we can't defeat him in hell, and if we continue to fight, I think we will all die here..."

"It's better to leave **** temporarily instead of spending it with him all the time."

"It's not wise to keep fighting, Goofy, what do you think?"

Before he finished speaking, Mephisto had already transformed into another entity, and Gao Fei naturally knew that the conclusion drawn by the ancient master was correct - if he continued to consume it, there would be no victory.

"Then let's retreat, Mage!" Gao Fei made a decisive decision.

Master Gu Yi quickly came to Gao Fei and Robbie's side, stretched out his hand to touch the dimensional crack, and opened the door to return to the human world from the **** dimension...