American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 631: Soul Scepter

Goofy's method was neat and neat, and he cut off the black dwarf's head without hesitation, while Thor, the **** of thunder, looked at the battle axe in Goofy's hand and patted him on the shoulder: "I have said it before, Fei, the axe matches your style very well, I think it's too late to change my mind, let Yitri make you a battle axe, don't make any scepters."

However, the dwarf king Yitri shook his head regretfully and said, "Oh, no, Thor, it's too late to change your mind now..."

"Actually, the scepter I made for Goofy is 30 percent complete, and it should be finished tomorrow."

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Thor's expression suddenly became depressed: "Oh, damn, Yitri, why are you so efficient?!"

Itri looked at Goofy with a very dog-legged look: "This is the only thing I can do to thank Goofy for his contribution to Watheim."

"You shameless flatterer!" Thor glanced at the dwarf king in disgust, and turned and left his palace with Mjolnir.

Goofy smiled helplessly at Yitri, and then followed Thor's pace.


Yitri's speed did not disappoint Goofy, and early the next morning, a dwarf attendant came and knocked on Goofy's door, telling him that Yitri had finished building the weapon.

Because Mage Gu Yi was still trapped in **** and hiding with Mephisto, Gao Fei immediately got out of bed and rushed to Yitri's forging. Thor, the **** of thunder next door, heard the movement and followed Gao Fei. Fly to join in the fun.

Soon, Gao Fei saw this magical weapon that could destroy the soul - it was a very well-crafted walking stick, and the whole body showed a deep and mysterious dark blue.

Because Goofy doesn't like too exaggerated decorations, he did not let Yitri make any dragon and auspicious cloud decorations on this scepter (in fact, Wattheim does not have such a typical Chinese style design) …

The whole scepter looks simple and heavy, only the end of the scepter is engraved with inscriptions of flexing teeth. It is said that it is an ancient script in the Nine Realms. The blessing of these inscriptions is the key to destroying the soul of this scepter.

"The soul scepter you asked for has been forged, esteemed Goofy." The dwarf king Itri politely handed the scepter to Goofy, and said with a little pride, "This scepter is better than what I used to do it many years ago. The Soul Chopping Sword that Sgard created is even more powerful."

Hearing this, Goofy nodded in satisfaction, but Thor beside him felt a little unbalanced.

"Hey, why is the weapon for Goofy stronger than the one for us in Asgard?" Thor asked in dissatisfaction.

The dwarf king Yitri answered plausibly: "Because after hundreds of years of tempering, my casting skills have improved to a higher level, so the weapons I created this time are more powerful, what's the problem? "


Thor was speechless for a moment, and the reason was impeccable.

Gao Fei couldn't wait to take the Soul Scepter, trying to try the power of this magical weapon.

"Then, dear king of dwarves, how should I use this weapon?" Goofy asked politely.

"The ability to perceive it is enough." The dwarf king Yitri said, "You need to use your soul to fit with this scepter, and then use your soul to stimulate the ability of this scepter."

"I use my soul to activate this scepter, and then use this scepter to destroy other souls...Is that what it means?" Goofy asked.

"Yes." Yitri nodded, "So the stronger your soul, the more lethal the scepter is, but the question now is, is your soul strong enough?"

"I really can't say that..." Gao Fei shook his head slightly, he had never tested the strength of his soul.

Everything is unknown, and he can only try it for the time being.

Thinking of this, Goofy held the soul scepter and tried to activate it with the soul according to Yitri's guidance...

Goofy mastered the use of the Soul Scepter in an instant, and successfully completed its activation!

The scepter suddenly lit up, and the bright light flashed through the blue scepter. At this moment, the scepter seemed to be no longer a scepter, but a glowing lamp.

The dazzling light eclipsed the whole of Watheim, and at the same time, the top of the scepter continuously released shock waves one after another.

The dwarf king Itri was almost pushed down by this shock wave, and Thor, the **** of thunder, also became long hair flying in the shock wave.

"Oh, my God..." Thor frowned, "This scepter's movement is really big enough."

Goofy was also overjoyed at the performance of the Soul Scepter, stopped using the soul to activate the Soul Scepter, and turned back to ask the Dwarf King Yitri: "Dwarf King, should I be activating the Soul Scepter like this? It seems that I have Is your soul still strong?"

"Really powerful?!" The dwarf king Itri was almost speechless, "I have never seen such a powerful soul! Dear Goofy, oh no, I should call you Mysterious Goofy... Mysterious Goofy , even if Odin, who was in his prime, activated his last soul artifact—the long knife I built for, the effect was not more spectacular than yours now!"


This time Gao Fei was a little surprised.

It is not surprising to say that his soul is strong and flying high. In fact, this is what he expected, but it is a little surprising to say that his soul is not worse than Odin in his prime.

Thor also found this a bit surprising.

"Oh, Etri, do you mean Goofy's soul is stronger than my father's?"

Yitri nodded lightly: "I know this is an incredible thing, but I have to admit that it is the truth!"

"This..." Thor frowned, "Isn't this a bit amazing?"

After careful consideration, Gao Fei probably figured out the connection.

Goofy's soul has not been directly blessed by the system, which means that Goofy's soul has not been transformed, but it is impossible for an earthling's soul to be stronger than the heavenly father-level Odin without being transformed. Yes, there is no doubt about that.

If you want to reach the level of the heavenly father Odin, unless Goofy gets the help of a single universe-level or even higher-level creature.

And considering Goofy's résumé, the only thing that has ever transformed him is the one who cursed his death.

Death's curse on Goofy's immortality is that it can keep his body remodeled and return to the level before death. Now that I think about it, to keep remodeling the body and not die, then it's probably because death has acted on Goofy's soul. .

Death is very likely to make Goofy's soul strong enough - big enough to reshape the body again and again, which has the effect of immortality, allowing him to be resurrected again and again at the dying moment.

And only for this reason, can Goofy have a more powerful soul than Odin in his heyday...