American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 641: The miracle of medicine


Christine left the apartment and slammed the door of the apartment hard.

Dr. Strange was shaken by the muffled sound, and then his eyes suddenly turned to the medical record at the door.

"High paraplegic patients...patients who will never playing basketball in the park across the street?"

Strange dragged his steps towards the door, and then opened the medical record file with trembling hands.

"Let me see..."

The medical record unfolded, and the patient's personal file was presented in detail in front of Strange.

After a brief glance, Strange realized that Kristen wasn't lying to him.

The unfortunate patient was injured on the job and severely fractured his spine. Speaking of which, his condition is far more serious than Strange, and his trauma is truly "irreparable".

Not to mention other doctors, even Strange, who is the highest level in New York, could not repair the patient's spine.

"But he's... playing basketball in the park now?" Strange frowned and whispered, which was so illogical.


Two hours later, Stephen Strange came to the park across the street.

There are many people playing basketball on the basketball court not far away, including teenagers and adults in their thirties and forties.

But the miraculous patient, the guy who miraculously recovered from a fractured vertebra, was not among them, at least not yet.

Fortunately, Strange has time now, because it is impossible for him to go to work in his current state, so he wears a loose home clothes and an ugly hat, and sits quietly under the tree in the park for a long time. On the bench, staring at the direction of the basketball court.

It wasn't until the third day that he finally found the miraculous patient on the basketball court.

"Pangborn!" - Strange took off his hat and staggered toward the patient, shouting his name at the same time.

"Huh?" Pangborn, who was just about to perform, turned around in astonishment, and then saw Strange, who was staggering. He was a little surprised. man.

"Can I have a chat?" Strange asked in a low voice, "I want to have a chat with you."

"Uh..." Pangborn actually wanted to refuse, but at this moment he suddenly recognized Strange's identity.

So the two left the basketball court and walked to a bench not far away.

"First of all, I want to introduce myself, I'm..." Strange said.

"Doctor Strange, I know you." Pangborn didn't give Strange a chance to introduce himself. "I have been to your hospital, and you have participated in the discussion of my situation."

"Really?" Strange had long forgotten that he had such a patient, and he was in contact with too many patients every day.

But Pangborn's confession made things a lot easier.

"Since you know who I am, then you should also know the purpose of my visit, Pangborn, can I take the liberty to ask, how did you... how did you recover?" Strange said.

"What? Is this the subject of your research now?" Pangborn smiled, and then said tight-lipped, "Sorry, I have no comment, because this has nothing to do with medicine, and it's not medical technology that restored me, I think you should Can guess that."

Strange could have guessed this, of course, knowing that no amount of magical medicine could restore Pangborn—at least not with the current level of medicine.

"Oh, you misunderstood." Strange scratched his tousled hair that he hadn't washed in weeks. "I'm not here for research, I'm here to ask for your help."

"Please... help?" Pangborn was a little surprised. "Please ask me, a man who lost his job because of an injury, to help the most successful neurosurgeon in the whole of New York?"

"The most successful neurosurgeon in the whole of New York?" Strange laughed to himself. "I don't think that title belongs to me."

Having said that, he stretched out his scarred, trembling hands and said, "Obviously, you didn't pay attention to the news about me... I had a car accident, and this car accident ruined my future. "

"My hands are out of order, they're like a malfunctioning machine..."

"But Pangborn, I have to fix them...I have to fix my hands, I have to do it."

"So can you tell me exactly how you healed? Can you?"

Hearing Strange's request, Pangborn was a little stunned.

He did not expect this arrogant and successful doctor to be reduced to such a miserable end.

He hesitated a little, and confirmed with Strange: "Doctor Strange, are you sure... are you sure you want to try my method?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Strange nodded. "As long as my hand can be cured, I'm willing to try everything."

"Pangborn, please tell me who healed you? How did you heal your wounds?"

Listening to Strange's appeal, Pangborn didn't continue to hide it. He stared into Strange's eyes and said a word Taj. "


After taking over the **** dimension, Goofy kept groping for how to use this dimension. Unfortunately, Mephisto let him inherit the **** dimension, but he did not give him the instructions for the **** dimension.

During this period of exploration, Gao Fei discovered some content, such as:

Souls in the **** dimension do not exist for a long time, and they often dissipate automatically after a period of existence;

Although most of these souls come to the **** dimension when humans die or are dying, they will stay in the **** dimension for a short period of time;

The more souls in the **** dimension, the stronger the energy here. In theory, Gao Fei can directly draw energy from the **** dimension, just like Mephisto, but Gao Fei does not know the way to absorb energy. The answer to the puzzle may be hidden in the Book of Darkness;

In addition, not only the souls of the dead or dying people can come to the **** dimension, the souls of the living can also appear here, and Goofy can make their souls stay in the **** dimension forever by establishing a contract with them, which can guarantee hell. Dimension has enough energy...

However, not all those who make contracts will become ghost knights, thus possessing the power of punishment and punishment. There are many kinds of contract atmospheres, and the most stringent contract will produce Ghost Rider...

As for other contracts, depending on the degree, the soul that the contractor needs to sacrifice is also different. In short, they transfer some of their souls to **** in exchange for some extra abilities, luck or immunity from certain diseases in the real world.

Of course, the specific content still needs to be studied by Gao Fei, which is not something that can be figured out in a while.