American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 676: Help Thor!

Odin stood on the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert with the gun of eternity in his hands, Gungnir. The yellow sand was slowly falling from the sky. With the projection of his deep eyes, his memory seemed to return to tens of thousands of years ago...

"Hela has inherited my bravery and good fighting skills. Her leadership and fighting skills are the most similar to me among my children. Even the invincible Thor is difficult to compare with his sister. Thor is me In his twilight years, his character is a little more kind, and her sister was born in my prime, and she is only fierce and vicious..."

"Not only that, I have the same source of ability as Hela, because at that time I was in urgent need of a right-hand man to follow me to the north and south, so I deliberately made Hela an invincible warrior..."

"She and I have powers from Asgard, we can draw divine power from the boundless mountains of Asgard, and every time Asgard occupies a new world, the subjects of this new world will give us Provide more awe and worship, and the power of their faith makes Hela and I stronger..."

"Until we unified the Nine Realms, neither of our father and daughter suffered any defeats on the battlefield. This was a good thing, but it brought bad consequences. Frequent victories inspired Hela's ambition and made her mistakenly believe that A The Sgardians are invincible and the masters of the universe..."

"She still wants to continue to invade and develop more territories, but she doesn't realize that our ability to rule is limited. Even if we can occupy more territories, we are unable to rule them..."

"The nine realms are my limit, and nine different worlds have consumed all my energy. As the ruler of the nine realms, I must pay attention to their people's livelihood, guard their peace, and contain their disasters..."

"With my ability and Asgard's current ability, it is very difficult to do this. Once we occupy more territory, there will inevitably be some areas that cannot be properly taken care of and become uninhabited. An alien land of domination."

Hearing this, Gao Fei nodded sincerely: "You are a rational and responsible manager, Odin, you did not allow your ambitions to expand, but limited your personal desires with reason."

"Maybe it is." Odin smiled, and then regretted, "But Hela didn't have this self-knowledge. After I announced that I would stop fighting, she even tried to instigate political (harmonious) changes in the country to drive me down and let her continue to rule. Asgard expands..."

"In the words she advertised at the time - 'Odin is old and faint, he is like a dying lion who only knows how to sleep in his den, Asgard needs a new monarch, one who can rewrite Asgard's Historic, dynamic great emperor.'"

Gao Fei sneered: "The so-called great emperor is just a guy who uses military force."

Odin nodded and said: "That's right. So I had to exile Hela to the underworld, let her reflect on herself there, abandon her first child, and imprison her like a prisoner, maybe I did it when I was young. The best decision I've ever made."

Although Odin said so, but Goofy could see the grief and entanglement in his heart. As Hela's father, he had to deal with his own children... This choice is really cruel, and there is nothing more unfortunate in life than this.

After a while, Odin sighed: "My lifespan is about to end, which also means that my seal on Hela will end... The older and older I get, the weaker my seal on Hela will be. The more likely she is to escape from the underworld."

"I have visited Hela occasionally over the years, and I found that she has no remorse at all. Her thoughts are still the same as many years ago, and she still dreams of conquering the entire universe..."

"So my death will be a disaster, because my death will inevitably release Hela, and then Hela will come back and start a war that sweeps the universe."

"Is this the Ragnarok? The protagonist of Ragnarok is not actually Surtur, but Hela. She is the protagonist in this Asgard prophecy, and she is the culprit who may destroy everything. ?" Goofy asked quickly, "So Odin, is this the first thing you came to New York to talk to me about?"

"Huh?" Odin frowned, and his only remaining eye cast a doubtful look, "I came to New York to find something you want to talk about?"

"Yeah!" Gao Fei nodded, "You told me clearly a few hours ago that you came to New York to find me, and you have three important things to do, do you remember?"

Goofy saw that Odin's current mental state was not bad, so he hurriedly asked while the iron was hot, otherwise it would be too late when Odin became mentally ill.

After Odin was questioned by Goofy, his originally clear consciousness became a little confused. He dropped Gungnir in his hand and cradled his head in his hands to think hard.

"Three things...three things...three things..."

The old man talked for three minutes before finally looking up at Gao Feidao helplessly.

"Gao Fei, I can't think of three things. I can only think of one thing. Is one thing okay?"

"One thing is fine." Gao Fei nodded and said, "There is one thing to say about one thing. What are you coming to me for? Stop Ragnarok?"

"Stop the Ragnarok?" Odin was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hand, "Don't interrupt! I finally remembered, don't confuse me..."

"I came to New York to find you, and the most important thing is for you to help Thor!!"

"What?" Goofy was confused. "Help Thor? Where's Thor?"

Odin said: "He was thrown to the end of the universe, a place I have never been to. I only know that place is very dangerous, so you have to help him..."

"Ragnarok is coming soon, and Thor must come back to save his home..."

"By the way, his current coordinates are 34Z·17X·63E·92N..."

Next, Odin said a long series of cosmic coordinates, and Goofy quickly and carefully recorded it.

Goofy was just glad that Odin could remember this incomparably complicated string of coordinates even when his mind was not very clear.

But when Odin finished reading the coordinates, he seemed to be in chaos again because he wasted too many brain cells.

Goofy: "Okay, Odin, I have written down the coordinates, is there anything else?"

Odin: "34Z·17X·63E·92N..."

Goofy: "Odin! Odin? I'm going to find your Do you have anything to tell me?"

Odin: "34Z·17X·63E·92N..."

Gao Fei: "…"

"Forget it, you're confused again, right?"

Odin: "34Z·17X·63E·92N..."

Gao Fei turned to Carrie helplessly and said, "Carrie, Dad is going on a business trip to the universe. Please take care of Grandpa Odin while I am away from Earth. If he loses control again, you know how deal with him?"

"I know!" said Carrie, smiling, "I'll just be Frigga!"

"What a smart girl." Goofy rubbed Carrie's head with satisfaction and praised with a smile.