American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 95: kidnap gwen

George Stacy's police car sped through the Brooklyn twilight, targeting an abandoned suburban factory, after his beloved daughter Gwen was kidnapped on the way home from school a day earlier, and gangsters called him that night Telephone.

As an experienced old police officer, George has dealt with many vicious kidnapping incidents. In these kidnapping cases he has handled, the percentage of hostages who survived by luck is not high.

Because of this, George was very anxious at this time.

Unlike most of the kidnappers in the past, this time the kidnappers made an ingenious request—the kidnapper asked George Stacy to take Goofy to an abandoned factory in the suburbs for an appointment, provided that he could not bring any weapons, let alone support. If George broke any of these agreements, they would kill Gwen on the spot.

After hearing this request, George guessed that the kidnapping was related to the human experiment at the Holt Pharmaceutical Factory. He deeply regretted that he insisted on taking up this case, and even more regretted that he had dug deeper into this case and found out. new clues...

But now it's too late to regret it, things have happened, and now he has no plans, no plans in his mind, his only thought is that he can't let his daughter face the murderous kidnappers alone, Back, he also went to see his daughter.

So George Stacy drove into the abandoned factory alone, and finally got his wish to see his beloved daughter.

Poor Gwen was firmly tied to an abandoned scaffolding, her position was nearly ten meters from the ground, and when she saw George Stacy getting out of the police car, the pale Gwen exhausted her last strength and screamed. shouted, "Daddy! Daddy!"

The old sheriff was trembling all over, and his steps became a little messy. Looking up at his daughter, George shouted loudly, "Gwen, don't be afraid, Dad is here."

However, before he finished speaking, there was a dense sound of loading.

Black barrels protruded from the buildings around George Stacy, and the icy muzzle pointed at Sheriff Stacy and his old police car.

"Sheriff Stacey, you are indeed a man of your word, but where is my other guest, Constable Goofy?"

A sinister voice came, and a man in a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses walked out from the depths of the abandoned factory. Under the gold-rimmed glasses, a pair of sly eyes looked at George Stacy's police car. It was obvious that Goofy was not sitting. in the car.

"Goofy isn't in the car, Sheriff Stacy, are you playing tricks with me?" Gold-rimmed glasses asked with a sneer.

George Stacy raised his hands gently, reluctantly compromised: "Listen, friend, this is the case, I..."

Before Sheriff Stacey could finish speaking, the gold-rimmed glasses interrupted him roughly: "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, now tell me where Goofy is! Tell me immediately, do you hear me?!"

"This..." George looked embarrassed, because Gao Fei was indeed not there.

Seeing George hesitating, the gold-rimmed glasses took out the gun at his waist and raised his hand to aim at Gwen on the scaffolding.

"Pretty girl, guess how good my marksmanship is? If I shoot at this distance, how sure is it that I will kill you?"

Gwen on the scaffolding was just a twelve-year-old girl, and she was already shivering with fright at the scene in front of her.

George Stacey was furious: "Stop it! Let go of my daughter, she's still a child, she's coming at me!"

The gold-rimmed glasses turned back to stare at Stacey: "Then tell me where Goofy is now!"

Before he finished speaking, two lights suddenly lit up at the entrance of the abandoned factory, and then a brightly-colored Audi car galloped forward and drifted into the field at the entrance of the factory.

The car stopped, the door opened, and Gao Fei stepped out with a smile on his face, and greeted the gold-rimmed glasses.

"Hello, gold-rimmed glasses, we meet again."

"Police Goofy..." The gold-rimmed glasses sneered, then nodded to George Stacy, "Sheriff Stacy, well done."

George Stacy looked back at Gao Fei with a look of astonishment: "Officer Gao Fei, why are you here?"

Gao Fei stepped forward and patted Stacey on the shoulder: "You may not believe it, I just happened to pass by."

Stacey has a black line on his face - who can believe this? !

Then he quickly reminded Gao Fei: "Officer Gao Fei, go away, it's very dangerous here!"

Gao Fei looked around, then spread out his hands: "Sheriff Stacey, do you think this is a place where I can come and leave when I want?"

Sheriff Stacey was taken aback for a moment: Brother, shouldn't this be your line?

The gold-rimmed glasses are even darker: why did you kidnap my words?

Looking up at the gold-rimmed glasses, Gao Fei said straight to the point: "Golden-rimmed glasses, I know you're here for me, since that's the case, I promise to go with you, but only if you let Sheriff Stacy and his daughter go. ."


[Admiration from George Stacy +3]

[Worship from Gwen Stacy +5]

Unexpectedly, the gold-rimmed glasses smiled coldly: "Police I don't think you are qualified to negotiate conditions with me."

Gao Fei looked surprised: "Huh? Gold-rimmed glasses, why do I feel like I haven't seen you for a few days and suddenly changed? Wasn't our cooperation very pleasant before? What have you been through these past few days? What happened to you? The whole person's style has become dark?"

Phnom Penh's face instantly turned gloomy after hearing this.

God is very happy to cooperate, he was just being played by Gao Fei a few days ago!

This kid either rushed into the mercenary tavern inexplicably to die, or he drove a car to chase the gunman, which is nothing, and then went to Manhattan to save some **** Tony Stark!

Tony Stark is under the protection of the American military, do you need to rush to show your hospitality? !

In order to save Gao Fei's life, Phnom Penh brought his brothers to fight with the mercenary army for a while, regardless of the casualties, Phnom Penh and his accomplices were almost killed by the American military as gangsters!

How pitiful this matter is!

When I think of the gold-rimmed glasses, my brain is buzzing with anger, and I can't wait to turn Gao Fei into briquettes on the spot!

In fact, the gold-rimmed glasses did indeed plan to do so today, and he was not at all prepared to let Gao Fei leave here alive.

He stared at Gao Fei with a fierce look in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Police officer Gao Fei, I'm really sorry, tonight, you and Sheriff Stacy, as well as his delicate and lovely baby daughter, have to die here, and I will never again. There's no need to save your dog's life, because a new notice was sent to me from above - a breakthrough in enhanced reagents, living samples are no longer the only ones, they just need to get your body, as for whether you are dead or not Live, it doesn't make much difference to them!"