American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 132: Holiday

While talking, Benny’s gaze was attracted by the corpse on the ground and the big puddle of black liquid. He frowned and asked, "Are you not the'mainstream'? Why? Your seniors decided not to hide from others, and prepare to cause vampires in a fair manner. Is there a war with humans?"

"We never said that we were the mainstream."

Pam rolled his eyes, pulled up the legs of the bodyguard, and walked back. After a while, the sound of the chainsaw was heard from behind.

"Humans attacked us first. We are in self-defense." Eric explained indifferently, and then said, "What are you doing here? Isn't it your stupid Christmas today?"

"If you want to come to me for some fun, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Benny shook his head, didn't rush to say his purpose, but squatted next to the pool of black liquid and observed it carefully.

"what is this?"

Eric didn't respond, he leaned against the bar and watched Benny's performance quietly.

Benny picked up a spoon from the side table, scooped up a spoonful of black liquid, and looked closer, and asked suspiciously.

"Which new weapon is this? It seems to be very lethal to you."

Eric still didn't respond, holding his chest and watching Benny perform alone.

Benny dropped the spoon, clapped his hands, and stood up boringly.

"Okay, okay. I lose."

With that, Benny took out the envelope Bill left him and asked.

"Has Bill been here?"


Eric did not accept the envelope, but continued to hold his chest, shaking his head and replied.

"Should he not be with his little blood slave?"

Pam interjected from behind, covered in blood.

"Well, let me change the question. Have Sophie and Bill been here?"

Benny retracted the envelope, ready to take it back in his arms.

"Sophie is also missing?"

Eric reached out and grabbed the envelope, and asked as he opened it.

"Yes, she is also missing." Benny murmured dissatisfiedly. "Even if it is a vampire, I think it's not a good habit to see a friend's girlfriend, right?"

Pam, who came to read the letter, ridiculed, "Ethics and morality are something you humans have. We vampires don't need that stuff."

"What does it mean?"

Eric asked, holding the letter paper.

"I still want to ask you." Benny shrugged and looked at Pam. "Miss Vampire, come and explain to me as a human being. Do you vampires usually leave clues like this?"

"When did they disappear?"

Eric directly ignored Benny's mockery and asked.

"I'm not sure. Something happened to Hawkins recently. I have been busy dealing with this letter that I found at Bill's house tonight."

"Earlier I owed Bill a favor and promised Bill to help him get rid of someone when the time came. Now it seems that the time has come, but I can't find anyone else."

Benny will briefly explain Bill's agreement, omitting the specific details and who Bill is going to get rid of. After speaking, he looked at Eric, hoping that they could give him some clues.

"By the way, do you know where that vampire queen is? Has she been here recently?"

Seeing that Eric and Pam were confused, Benny asked casually.

"Sophie Anne?"

"That **** just left."

Pam gritted his teeth.

"Just left? When?"

"Just ten minutes before you come in."

"What are you looking for Sophie Anne for?" Eric looked up at Benny "Do you suspect that she took Bill and Suki?"

"I said long ago that Suki Stackhouse is a cumbersome and troublesome spirit." Pam said gleefully.

"Benny, tell me everything you know."

Eric ignored Pam's sarcasm and said seriously.

This made Benny hesitate. Eric is now the justice of the ninth district. According to the power structure within the vampires he knows, Bill belongs to Eric’s management. Although Benny is not clear that he is planning to assassinate the vampire queen. What kind of guilt is in the vampire world, but I think it should not be a misdemeanor.

"I doubt there is a feast between the Vampire Queen and Bill."

After a long hesitation, Benny still didn't say everything.

"He? Bill Compton had a holiday with that **** Sophie Anne?"

Pam repeated exaggeratedly, then laughed.

"This is the biggest joke of this century.

Mr. Hammond, you may not know, Bill Compton is the dogleg of that slut, and how many shameful things he has done for that slut. You said they had a feast? This makes people laugh more than God is a vampire. Can you stop joking? "

"Sophie Anne just left, but they are very fast, I can provide you with Sophie Anne's address. I hope you can find her there."

Eric returned the envelope to Benny, turned around and wrote a string of addresses, and handed it to Benny.

"If there is nothing else, please leave."

Benny took the paper and took a look, said nothing, turned and left Fantasia.

Watching Benny leave, Eric immediately walked outside eagerly.

Pam stepped forward and stopped in front of Eric, and asked with a sullen face, "Eric, where are you going?"


Eric said, bypassing Pam and walking towards the gate.

"You are going to verify what he said, right?"

"You went to see Suki Stackhouse, right?"

"Eric!" Pam yelled when Eric ignored him.

"I said long ago that she is a trouble, we should stay away from her. They have been involved in the Maelstrom, and our wisest choice now is not to go anywhere and wait here."

Seeing Eric getting in the car and preparing to drive away, Pam stopped in front of the car and looked at him through the windshield. Seeing the look on Eric's face, Pam asked incredulously.

"Do you like her too?"

"Gosh! You really like that troublesome spirit!"

"Pam, get out of the way, let me see the situation. Bill is a vampire under my administration. He is missing. I have a responsibility to find his whereabouts."

Eric explained slightly irritated.

"Come on, Eric!"

"We have been together for hundreds of years. I know exactly what you are thinking. You just go to that bitch, right?

Would you care so much about Bill's life and death? Eric, don't lie to me. "

"Greek is in Hawkins. If he doesn’t stop him, do you think you can? Greek, our best option now is to stand still. Don’t do stupid things for that troublemaker. We all know Sophie Anne’s Horrible. And Bill, he must have had something with that **** Sophie Anne.

The **** raised by Hammond didn't tell the truth. Now the situation is unclear, and rash actions can easily get us into trouble. "

Pam was still bitterly persuading Eric, who was silent for a while, pulled out the key and got out of the car.

"That's right, Iri—"

Before Pam could finish saying a word, Eric threw the key to Pam and disappeared.


Pam stood there and cursed fiercely, closed the door, and ran after him.