American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 145: Eric is visiting

When receiving a call from Eric, Benny was discussing with John to solve the Vampire Queen as soon as possible, and then set out to look for the Colt gun.

When the phone rang, the room was quiet, and John and Dean looked at Benny with strange faces.

As far as they know, apart from them, Benny’s call is hardly any other person.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?"

Benny groaned dissatisfiedly and connected the phone.

"Where are you?"

"Eric?" Benny asked suspiciously. "What's the matter?"

"Are you in Indianapolis? How is the plan to assassinate the queen?"

"Cough cough--" Benny was a little confused by Eric's sudden words, and was caught off guard with a cough to cover up his embarrassment.

"I have always known that you are going to assassinate Sophie Anne, and I know that Bill started to prepare a long time ago. Have you succeeded? If you haven't succeeded, you can add me a copy."

"You want to kill Sophie Anne?" Benny exclaimed in surprise, "What the **** did she do to make you all want to kill her so much?"

"Where are you, I'll find you and say it in person."

Benny looked at John hesitantly.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust Eric. In fact, if only he is himself, he would not even consider the question of whether Eric is not credible. In his own case, even if Eric brought an army of vampires to arrest him, He also has the ability to escape from life.

But now it's not only himself, but also John and his son. John is veteran. If he is surrounded by an army of vampires, his experience can make up for the physical gap between him and the vampires, but Dean can't do it.

The young man looked calm, as if he was already a veteran. In fact, Benny could tell from some of his subtle movements that Dean was a little bit scared deep in his heart.

Maybe the newcomers who are new to this line will be afraid, maybe this fear will gradually wear off in the long hunting time, and the fear will become numb. But this is all for the future, and now, just such a loss of fear is enough to kill at a critical moment.

John and Dean heard the content on the phone, and seeing that Benny did not answer immediately, John already understood what Benny meant.

Eric on the other side didn't urge Benny any more, but waited quietly for a response. He also seemed to guess that Benny was not alone and needed to seek the opinions of his companions.

John nodded after thinking a little.

Benny glanced at Dean, who had just come out of the bathroom, and said, "Next to the gas station in the suburbs of Polis, a motel with a separate yard, with an iron sign at the door. The motel has four floors. We are in room 207. ."

As soon as the voice fell, before he hung up the phone, the door of the room outside was knocked.

John got up from the bed, drew his pistol quietly, and walked towards the door. Benny grabbed the clothes on the bed and threw it to Dean, motioning him to move faster, and looked at the door vigilantly.


John opened the door, and there was only one person outside, but he did not relax.


Eric waved at the three people in the room and stepped in. Seeing Benny about to speak, Eric said first.

"This is a motel, not your room. I don't need to accept an invitation to come in.

Any questions, Mr. Hammond Rookie Hunter? "

Seeing Benny shaking his head, Eric nodded in satisfaction, and his eyes turned to John and Dean.

"Excellent hunter of the Winchester family, I have heard of you, your reputation is very famous."


John responded cautiously.

"Little guy, this thing is very dangerous, but don't just point it at others with it. It's easy to cause accidental injury."

Eric pointed to the pistol in Dean's hand and said calmly.

"Eric, come on, what are you doing?"

Benny interrupted.

He could see it, if they didn't ask, Eric could be ridiculous here.

Now that Eric came to him, it showed that something happened to him, and judging from the speed of his arrival, the situation seemed not optimistic, it was very urgent.

If there is nothing wrong, Benny is very happy to be patient with Eric to see who can't handle it first. But the problem is that they have things to do now, he doesn't have the idle time to compete with Eric, and there is no need for it.

If you are sincere, then quickly explain the situation and start cooperation, if you disagree, then just give up and do your own things.

Improve efficiency, do more, and think less about these twists and turns.

Benny murmured in his heart that these vampires were always immortal, and none of them were friendly.

"I know where Bill is."

Eric said.


"In Lansing." Eric said confidently. "Bill was taken by Sophie Anne and later taken by a group of werewolves. Only the King Russell Eddington of Michigan can feed nearly a hundred werewolf wolves nearby. "

Benny and John looked at each other, which coincided with their previous guesses. Before, they suspected that the vampire who raised the werewolves had great authority in Michigan. It could not be said that it was the king of vampires in Michigan. Now they know the name of this king, Russell Eddington.

"Russell Eddington is a very old vampire, even older than Grek." Eric began to popularize science to everyone. "For a long time, he has been active all over the world, using the werewolves he raised to do evil."

"Unlike most vampires, Russell is a complete lunatic. His killing is not for blood, let alone for anything else. He is simply provoking war and killing."

"Tell me about you. Eric." Benny started after digesting the little science class that Eric had brought. "Whether Russell Eddington is a lunatic or not, he has nothing to do with us."

"My agreement with Bill was to help him kill Sophie Anne, not to protect his safety." Seeing Eric looked over, Benny said solemnly, "So, wherever he is, it has nothing to do with me. His life and death are also irrelevant. It has nothing to do with me, as long as I promise to kill Sophie Annie, I will fulfill the promise."

Benny didn't believe that Eric could get the news that Bill was captured by Iverson Eddingson, and that they were looking for the Colt gun?

"Unless you can bring us news of Sophie Anne."

Seeing Eric hesitating, Benny added another fire.

"Sophie Anne framed me for reselling V blood, and high-level investigators were involved in the investigation. Pam was arrested. I need to collect evidence of Sophie Anne reselling V blood within two days."

Eric said the matter briefly and looked up at Benny.