American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 188: Violent energy, violent me

Benny's body slowly floated, as if he was in the water, his body stretched naturally.

As Benny's body drifted higher and higher, the tentacles of energy gathered out of thin air and connected with Benny's body. The surrounding energy continued to converge into his body along the tentacles.

The more and more the three old men thought, the weird syllables floated around, but the blood-colored barrier on the ground did not rise as expected. Not only that, the blood barrier that had risen before has also become thinner.

Finally, the energy stopped converging, and the energy tentacles disappeared.

At this time, the surrounding blood barrier has become almost transparent at this time.

Ben's closed eyes slowly opened. At this time, the eyes in Benny's socket had turned red. His two eyes were like two beams of light, exuding dazzling brilliance, making it impossible to look directly.

The three old men stopped. They looked up at Benny flying in the air, as if they felt something. The big beads of sweat condensed on their foreheads, and they kept rolling down, hitting the ground, and splashing in the ashes. A small pit.

There was a breeze in the calm field at some point.


The three old men shouted tremblingly, but their bodies were fixed in place, unable to move at all.

The bodies of the three old men twisted for a while, leaving three clouds of gray smoke in place. Several bats appeared and disappeared in the smoke. They struggled, flapping their wings, trying to get rid of the smoke, and flew away toward the night.

The smoke twisted, and the figures of the three old men reappeared on the spot.

At this time, the breeze in the field has turned into a violent hurricane.

While the hurricane was blowing, the retro tuxedo was blown into the hunt, and the top hat on the old man's head was swept up into the sky by the wind, revealing a mess of gray-white hair.

"do not--"

Old Man One tremblingly stretched out his hand towards Benny in the sky, just spit out a word, the next moment, with Benny's gaze, the rest of the words were all blocked in his throat.

"Dirty, bugs that only dare to hide in the dark!"

Benny opened his mouth and let out a series of majestic voices.

"Dare to provoke God's authority!"

"Accept trial!"

When the voice fell, the surrounding hurricane immediately became violent, and at the same time, Benny's raised arms suddenly fell.

The next moment, the violent wind suddenly dissipated, and everything around him calmed down. The blood-filled lines on the ground were even still cleansed, as if nothing had happened.

The three old men seemed to have turned into sculptures, staring at Benny in the sky, motionless.


Suddenly, a beam of violent energy gushes out from the ground.

The beam of light drowned everything around Benny in a flash.

The energy beam rushed straight into the sky, and at this moment, the sky full of moonlight became dim.

The figures of Benny and the three old men have long been swallowed by the beam of light.

The beam of light continuously erupted upward, like an inexhaustible spring.

After a long time, the energy finally dissipated, and the beam of light gradually became thinner, and finally dissipated.

In the air, Benny naked and three delicate rings floated. Under Benny’s feet was a huge cylindrical pit, and a gurgling sound came from the huge pit. Soon, the endless stream of water filled the huge pit.

Above Benny's head, the stars in the sky became extremely clear, and a cylindrical pure black hole emerged, slowly being squeezed and filled by the surrounding blue.

Benny glanced towards the horizon, reached out and grabbed the three rings, the next moment, waving his limbs and shaking his teeth and claws, he fell rapidly.


Benny fell into the puddle under his feet and splashed with water.

Rumble rumbling ————

On the horizon, the sound of propellers sounded from all directions, and a helicopter emerged.

On the ground, a boy who looked like a middle school student appeared. He stood by the pit and looked at the puddle at his feet for a while, then jumped in with a plop.

Before the helicopter landed, the boy took out a naked middle-aged bald head from the water, and disappeared into place in a flash.

The helicopter quickly landed next to the puddle, and a group of armed men in black combat uniforms surrounded the puddle with a bald head.

"I just want the same, the coffin below. I'll give you the rest."

On the other side, a big pie face was surrounded by a group of soldiers and came to the bald head.

Dabing glanced at the puddle and nodded.

"According to the previous agreement, it should be so."

The bald head nodded in satisfaction and waved behind him, and the armed men immediately took action.

After a while, a huge iron box was salvaged, and his bald head lightly stroked the iron coffin. The rough palms brushed over the intricately carved patterns on the iron coffin. Finally, he stood up and turned his head straight. Lift the plane and walk away.

The armed men in black behind him carried the iron coffin and tied the iron coffin to the rope.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of the propellers, the plane painted with the bat's double-wing reverse shear and the dagger in the mouth disappeared into the sky while hanging from the iron coffin.

Dabinglian retracted his gaze, waved at the people behind him, and the crowd who had just watched immediately started to act.

The water in the puddle was pumped out, gathered in large buckets, and then transported away after being sealed. Researchers in chemical protective suits lined up and stepped on ladders into the pit.

The abandoned building on the edge of the soil pit had been torn down at some point, and a door in the ruins was opened. Soon, the basement under the door was bright as daylight, and an endless stream of researchers poured into the basement and began intensive research.

Dabingen stood on the edge of the dirt pit and looked at it for a while, and a lean old man was invited.

"Are hunters like Benny Hammond?"

The old man shook his head.

"General Hoffman, Benny Hammond is an alien. This may be related to his family. According to the record, there is no Hammond family in the Thirteen Hunter family. But maybe it has something to do with a certain family."

General Hoffman nodded, not commenting on the old man's explanation.

"General, I always think it is not a good choice to let him go. You know, the Aljitax family are all lunatics—"

The old man's words were interrupted before Hoffman raised his hand.

"Benny Hammond is not here, who saved him?"

General Hoffman asked.

The old man shook his head.

"No matter who rescued him, with the lethality he showed, if it can't be controlled by GJ, it will be a hidden danger after all. Find a way to find him!"

The old man squirmed his lips, his eyes flashed, nodded, and turned away.

What he wanted to say was not said in the end.


The edge of the puddle was quickly sealed off, and several kilometers around it were designated as important military sites. Teams of armed personnel were stationed to keep the surrounding water from leaking.

Outside the cordon, a sloppy figure stood in the darkness, staring at the busy figure in the puddle in a daze.

The sloppy figure shook his head, licked his lips, and there was a glow of excitement in his eyes.

The sloppy figure turned and left. As he walked, he grabbed a tattered notebook from the air and opened it, then grabbed a quill pen, licked it in his mouth, and began to write swiftly on the notebook.


Shortly after the sloppy figure left, three people in gray linen robes appeared here.

Like sloppy figures, they stood still and looked into the cordon, silent.

After a long time, someone behind him came forward and said

"We have to find him."

The leader shook his head.


The first person asked urgently

"He was the first wizard to appear naturally. We can't let our companions stay out!"

"I agree."

The other person also spoke

"He is dangerous now."

The leader still shook his head.

"It's too late. He has been spotted."

As he said, the leader stretched out his hand and clicked in the air in front of him, and red lines emerged. These red lines were drawn in the air into a complex and twisted pattern. The lines were intermittent and branched constantly, and finally pointed towards a little bit. .

The leader waved his hand, and the pattern in the air disappeared.

"No! I'm going to remind him!"

The person who spoke first shook his head and said

"Even if you don't bring him back, at least you can't let him be exposed like this again."

After speaking, with a burst of mysterious syllables, the man turned and walked towards Hawkins.

"Let's go back."

The leader looked for a while and said.


"It's okay. He is a liaison officer. He is more familiar with the outside world than we are. There is no danger."

The leader softly comforted his companions.


Outside Hawkins, inside Angerville Manor.

Angerville Manor has experienced the baptism of the last war and has become obsolete Xu. With the spread of ghost legends, many children in the town regard it as a place of adventure and often come here to explore to show their masculinity.

Greek threw the naked and unconscious Benny on the grass and stood aside, staring at Benny with complicated eyes.

Greak's heart was constantly struggling.

Although he was the last to arrive at the scene, the seal connected to him was released and the madman sealed inside was released, and he still felt it. He even felt the activity of that lunatic.

As one of the participants who sealed the madman back then, what a huge number of vampires are needed to unlock the seal!

The Ashes on the ground were all seen by Grek, who were all his compatriots.

Tens of thousands of compatriots were killed by the people in front of him, and he wanted to avenge those compatriots who died.

But Greak also knew that Benny was kept in the dark about this matter.

With the attitude Benny treated himself before, Greak knew that Benny himself did not hate vampires.

He was just deceived.

However, the fact that he killed tens of thousands of compatriots is also an indisputable fact!

How did things develop into what they are now?

Greak rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache.

He glanced at Benny on the ground again, and Benny had already snored.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

Just as Greak was about to send Benny back, there was a howling of wolves outside Angerville Manor.