American Fortune Life

Chapter 1170: Whoever has cash is God!

When the Beijing Olympics was in full swing and a wonderful performance was underway, the entire Wall Street was still shrouded in the shadow of the financial crisis. The financial giants of the past were struggling to get through the financial crisis.

Although Paulson and Bernanke have previously emphasized countless times, the current credit crisis is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. If action is not taken as soon as possible, market conditions may deteriorate further and the consequences will be very serious. But conservative forces have still raised objections to such a huge spending plan and extensive intervention in the private market.

During the presidential election, Paulson must stay in touch with O'Neal and McCain as two presidential candidates, because if any of them want to oppose the measures taken by Congress, it will cause the U.S. economy and the world economy to be at an extreme In great danger.

The Austrian Black Bull is a very concerned issue. It often communicates and communicates with Paulson and the Ministry of Finance, and is very surprised to support the measures taken by Paulson. On the contrary, McCain, who is the same as the President of the Flying Shoe, likes the party. His principles are exactly the opposite, and he feels that these measures are not welcome, so Paulson's communication with him is very difficult every time.

Moreover, the two parties are becoming more and more tortured. If a truly decisive rescue plan is to be introduced, Paulson must convince everyone, and this cannot be done by himself, and the olive branch thrown by Andy He was undoubtedly in the middle of his weakness, and even if the other party wanted to put people into the rescue team, he had to agree.

As for whether Andy can help him, he has no doubt at all, because at the next lunch table, the old Smith gave great affirmation to his rescue work, and the old Smith is undoubtedly the largest in the party. Leader of the conservative forces.

Paulson's valued Andy's think tank headed by the **** of fire, Alvette, brought him a huge surprise.

When lunch was over, he saw Arvitelli and expressed his idea of ​​putting the "two bedrooms" under the takeover process. After getting confirmation from Andy, Al gave suggestions without any hesitation. .

"Immediately ask the Federal Housing Finance Agency to write to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, announcing that their previously submitted report proving their capital adequacy is temporarily invalid, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency will review their capital adequacy ratios ..."

Listening to Alvitre's pale face, but his voice was full of Morin's cold and murderous suggestions, Paulson's eyes could not help flashing brightly. This undoubtedly pushed the legal basis of the two bedrooms completely. Although the means were a bit violent, For the cheeky two-bedroom kidnapping of Washington, it's perfect.

"... Complete the semi-annual review report on Liangfang with the strictest wording, analyze in detail the capital and management deficiencies of the two companies, and point out all the areas where they have not been rectified as required. Interview with the current management and the board of directors, persecution They agreed to the takeover plan, then replaced the two current in-house EOs, carried out a full takeover, cut their huge investment portfolio, and stipulated that they should no longer lobby the government ... and finally nationalize! "

Hearing Alveitre's murderous holistic plan, Paulson really had a cold neck and a chill in his heart. This was really decisive and straightforward.

I glanced at Andy Smith, where some old gods were, and couldn't help sighing. What kind of character a boss really has, what kind of subordinates he has.

Paulson knew that the matter needed some detailed preparations, but the Arvitele's proposal in front of him was undoubtedly a more feasible solution than what he and the Treasury and his staff could think of at present.

"Mr. Witley, I officially invite you to join the Financial Rescue Working Group under the White House."

Looking at Paulson's outstretched hand, Arvitelli glanced at Andy with a smile. After Andy nodded with a smile, Ar smiled slightly, and reached out and held each other's hand and said, " It's my honor!"

"Well, I lent you, did you sign the consultation agreement with our Gaia company on behalf of the Ministry of Finance?" Andy said with a smile on his face, Paulson.

Just as some comforting Paulson heard Andy's words, he almost sipped old blood on Andy's face, and smirked at Andy and said, "You can see the money?"

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it is also meat. Besides, some things are more reliable in black and white, you say!" Andy doesn't think that more than 100,000 is a small number. The more important agreement can become something to some extent. The shield is not settled after the fall.

You should know that after the financial crisis, almost all the profiteering parties in this crisis have been included in the investigation list, and they will be called by the investigative group formed by the Congress to complete the hearing. Even the finance minister in front of it is because of Goldman Sachs. Profited in this crisis, but was questioned and jealous. Of course, this guy got the amnesty document from Congress and the White House early, so he was only criticized and not investigated. Even so, he participated in many The hearing, to explain some decisions, how can Andy not prepare more shields.

Paulson stunned, shook his head and took the folder handed to him by Alvitelle, opened it and looked at it, after confirming that it was OK, took the pen handed over by Andy, sighed, and signed the document. Named ...

Looking at the back of Paulson's departure, Andy stood in front of the big red gate of Haizi Academy and smiled at Al around him: "In the next few months, you need to fly back and forth between Washington and New York."

Al indifferently laughed: "It is worthwhile to participate in the decision-making level, and Paulson's power in the hands is too great. If you make good use of it, you can get more With more gains, it's impossible for Goldman to eat all the benefits. "

"Oh ..." Andy's mouth turned upwards, with a smug expression on his face, as he walked into the room and asked Budstone, who hadn't spoken to him, "how's Lehman?"

"At present, preparations are being made for the end, and it will withdraw from the market step by step. This time, Goldman Sachs' short-selling Lehman is too obvious and there is suspicion of manipulating the market. According to data, Lehman is already in danger and the dilemma it faces is beyond imagination Because of the impairment of residential and commercial real estate assets, Lehman Brothers is expected to have a loss of $ 3 billion to $ 4 billion in the third quarter. What's worse is that they have little cash flow. If the government does not take action, it will face Only annexation, liquidation, or bankruptcy. "

"Oh, wait for the government to rescue?" Andy shook his head with a sneer and asked, saying leisurely: "If the two houses are taken over for injection assistance, do you think the ordinary people, the Congress and the two parties will agree to sacrifice the Nashui people? Interest to carry out rescue operations?

Unemployment remains high, and the economy has deteriorated significantly. Hehe, no politician wants to stand on the opposite side of the rising civic activists. Now is the election year! "

Al and Bud looked at each other, and they both saw a touch of brilliance in the other's eyes, followed silently behind Andy, and walked back to the extremely cool, simple and elegant Chinese-style study.

"What's the profit of short Lehman this time?" Andy asked with a relaxed smile on the ring chair of Huanghuali.

"The current revenue is $ 620 million, and it may fluctuate because it is a decreasing withdrawal."

After hearing the figures from Bardstone, Andy couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Sure enough, the financial market is the fastest way to get money. No wonder everyone is unwilling to engage in industry and plunge into Wall Street."

The big boss sighed, making Al and Badstone laugh uncontrollably. They naturally knew that although the young boss in front of him said so, but looking at his layout, he knew that he was not very interested in Wall Street, but instead It is the favor of the boss of the industry.

"Prepare more cash. In the next few months, it is the best time to pick up the cheap, and use the opportunities brought by chaos to maximize the benefits. It will be our most important work in the next step. Whoever has cash at that time, Who is God! "Andy smiled happily, exposing his white teeth.