American Fortune Life

Chapter 1247: HailHydra! (41/66)

After ordering the "ice-breaking plan", Andy once again started the shopkeeper. The process of this matter was not important to him. The only thing he cared about was the result. After finishing the briefings of other companies, he left the study.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, Ivana in a gray tights was stretching her hot body and the pair of slim long tui doing yoga, her white and rosy pretty face was already covered with fragrant han, and her slender neck Sweat slipped and quickly disappeared into the deep career line ...

"Well, it's really tempting!" Andy raised her eyebrows and smashed her mouth and walked to her side, and stretched out her fingers to hover around the proud man, admiring her.

Ivana gave him a nasty look, and after exhaling the stale breath, he said, "Don't ignore me ..."

"So what! Come on, dear, I can help you exercise ..."

"Ah ~ Get away ... woohoo." Ivana's helpless chomp slammed up, interrupting her workout, and disturbing Andy.

Dripping rain, sweat, crickets, waist loops, infinite peaks ... the train dividing line ...

Marvel Headquarters Building, 417 Fifth Avenue, New York, USA.

As the Marvel headquarters, there are no Marvel brands inside and outside the building, and the elevators are not marked as Marvel on several floors.

The elevator door on the seventh floor opened, and Andy followed the bodyguards out of the elevator, and the two front desks hurriedly greeted him.

"Good afternoon, boss."

"Good afternoon." Andy nodded with a smile, without stopping, walking towards the company, there was a huge painting on the wall of the door. This is the first time Andy came to the Marvel headquarters casually. When he officially became the head of Marvel, this giant painting soon appeared. It was a family portrait of Marvel characters, panoramic photos and some popular Partial photo of a superhero.

Looking at the album covers published decades ago on the wall, and Iron Man's frustrated iron can armor, Andy couldn't help shaking his head and chuckled. After all, there was no way to count on how beautiful the American comic character painting style was. The reason why superheroes wear tights is because it saves time and effort to draw ...

Not open to the public, the Avengers-themed conference room that needs a secret base is currently filled with a model of the Avengers Super British, with two rows of display cabinets on the sides and various display cabinets All kinds of beautiful hands.

When Andy walked into the conference room, the long-awaited Marvel Group executives stood up and greeted each other. Old man Stan Lee also smiled and shook hands with Andy who came over.

Andy stood in the first place with a smile, raised his right hand and pressed down, and said, "Let's all sit down."

Speaking, he also sat on the boss chair, glanced at EO Aike Pirmut, who was always smiling on the left, and comforted on the right, with bright eyes on Stan Lee. Andy said with a smile: "Look Everyone is in a good mood, huh, let's get back to business, our Marvel Movie Universe has ushered in a good start.

Although the d's bat gave it a head and stole some limelight, they also dug a big pit for themselves. Nolan's bat was very successful, but don't think of this series as the d-world. That bat, when our movie universe shocked the world and they also wanted to learn, they would find that Nolan's Batman settings were not available at all, and the only option was to start another stove.

Hehe, what is the movie universe?

Without a complete timeline and relationship line, if you want to forcibly get together, you can only draw tigers and not be anti-dogs, so congratulations here, our Marvel has officially risen! "


Everyone in the conference room applauded with a little excitement, and their faces were filled with happy smiles. In this economic situation, the Marvel Group that once stood on the edge of the cliff turned out to magically rise against the trend. , Write a new chapter that is amazing.

It all stems from the handsome young man sitting in the first seat. Everyone looks at Andy with reverent eyes, and the smile on eo Aike's face is even more brilliant, and his heart is also quite comforting. Pride, even the media praised him for making a good business saving American culture and being a wise and responsible person.

The old man Stan Lee is the happiest person. Water mist rises in the eyes behind his glasses. Finally, in his lifetime, Marvel has really risen in his hands. Now there is only one obsession left, as long as the dead opponent is completely depressed Comics, even if he is dead, he can rest in peace.

Next is the report of each department of Marvel Group, the production of peripheral toys, channels and sales status, various data of comics publishing house and so on.

Holding the comic book "The Walking Dead" just assembled, Andy glanced with satisfaction. The character painting style in it was completely in accordance with his requirements. He really couldn't accept the style of cutting corners.

"For the two series" The Walking Dead "and" Ace Agent ", I hope to implement this style of painting. Everyone has heard of it. I am seeking nb global acquisition?"

Seeing the excited expressions of the people in the conference room nodding, Andy chuckled and said, "With the nb TV platform, we can better promote Marvel's superhero, David, your Marvel movie. Karma can start thinking about spin-offs, and it's going around the Marvel universe. "

"Good boss." Marvel Pictures' eo David beamed and nodded in response.

At this time, the old man Stan Lee pushed down his glasses and asked hesitantly: "Is Marvel in the trading range?"

This question was asked, and everyone's eyes were focused on Andy's face. The corner of Andy's mouth slightly tilted, and then said with certainty: "Marvel Group will not become a bargaining chip. It will not now, and it will not. It will always maintain its standing, but some movies and episodes will be co-produced. "

Everyone, including Ike, seems relieved. After all, no one wants to be a subsidiary of a large group. There are many more bosses in the middle. In this way, even if the autonomy is not lost, It will also add many problems and troubles.

"What's going on with Paramount?" Andy looked at Ike and asked with a smile.

"Oh, this morning they called over there, very happy to promise to renew the cooperation agreement, willing to reduce the box office dividend of the next three movies to 8%." Ike also chuckled and wanted to know that before they Wanting to make Paramount pay dividends, Paramount is very exclusive.

After all, the sale of "Iron Man" and the remake of "Invincible Hulk" can be popular in the summer, and now a fool knows that Marvel is about to rise. By issuing 10% of the box office dividends, Paramount can be said to have made a fortune, how could they agree with Marvel's request.

However, as soon as the news that Andy Smith was merging nb Universal was released, Paramount was clawed. They felt that Marvel was determined to dig a pit for them and jumped them. Marvel could not wait for them to refuse, and then directly breached the contract. Liquidated damages did not make Paramount much cheaper. After all, Marvel's boss is Andy Smith, who is not bad at money. Besides, there aren't many fine-tuning Jinnima.

"That's it, re-sign a share agreement with them." However, Andy didn't want to break the contract, even if he joined nb Global, after all, it is not entirely his own assets, and the next three, but does not include the current gold giant Beast "Avengers."

"The directors of" Thunder "scheduled to be released in 2010, we are in talks with British actor and director Kenneth Blaner, and we need to adjust the release date of" Iron Man 2 ", from the original April 2010 0 It was postponed until May 7, 2010; "Captain America" ​​remains on May 6, 2011 ... "

Listening to the report from Marvel Pictures' eo David, Andy nodded, then looked around for a week, and said to everyone in the meeting room, "In the next few years, our Marvel Group's workload will be very large, I hope you all Being able to devote all of my enthusiasm to work, our Marvel's rise is inseparable from everyone's efforts. I hope that at the celebration party, everyone will appear, don't leave behind! "