American Fortune Life

Chapter 1297: Spoiled and noisy

Although Andy didn't care about the life and death of this "Mrs. Washington", the suicide case was still raging in the outside world. The original authorities hoped that this conclusion could calm the American society's speculation that she "dies in murder".

However, for someone who has mastered many scandals in Washington's political circles, Mrs. Washington's death naturally reminds people of the word "conspiracy."

The high-level clients she had expected to stand up to testify, but the exposed guests are still very happy. Still firmly seated on the throne of senators, and still the elite of the country, even if they resigned, this is nothing more than returning to their hometown and changing positions.

Only she died lonely and helplessly.

But no one thought that before the death of this lady, she left a detailed record of her data with her personal lawyer, and the beginning of the lawyer's "ruthless treasure" in the following years, Every election year, they will jump out and throw out some information, which will make some people ashamed. . .

Having accompanied Ivana to pack things, Andy, who took the huge baby-sitting group to the air palace flying to New York, looked at the promotional brochure of the London auction next month sent by Christie Auction House, and couldn't help smiling. .

"Dear, look, do you like it?"

Andy handed a page from the album to Ivana's eyes and asked with a smile.

"Wittelsbach!" Ivana's eyes glowed green, staring at the photos on the album, exclaiming.

Andy shook her head and laughed, woman, it really is the same as the Dragon!

"I have read some jewellery books in the company. This diamond was a dowry from King Philip IV of Spain to his daughter Margarita Teresa. Princess Teresa, who was only 13 years old, married the emperor who later became the Holy Roman Empire. Leopold I.

Wittelsbach is said to have originated from Indian diamond mines and later became a Bavarian crown ornament. It was exhibited at the World Expo in Brussels in 1958, but has since disappeared. . . "

Ivana reached out her finger and slid across the album. For example, several Jiazhen said the information of this 35.56-carat blue diamond, and then a pair of beautiful eyes flashed little stars and blinked long eyelashes. Winking and staring at Andy with a smile on his face.

"Like it?"


Andy looked at Ivana who was nodding madly, a pair of big eyes with watery dumb and cute appearance, "Then I will buy it and give it to you, when you get married ..."

"Long live! My dear, I love you! Hey, hey ..."

Before Andy finished, Ivana shouted ecstatically, sitting in his arms violently, holding Andy's cheek, starting a mad kiss, and making Chundy's face a chun mark. .

Looking at the ecstatic Ivana, with a happy and sweet face, Andy also showed a happy smile. He was not hesitant to spend money to please his woman. Why not make money?

The starting price of 10 million pounds has a history of more than 300 years. A blue diamond that is so large, of such high quality, looks so beautiful, and has experienced such a legend is really good value for money. If you do n’t encounter the financial crisis, I'm afraid it won't be put up for auction, right?

This opportunity will not be missed by Andy, which will also be the legacy of his and Ivana's family.

"Oh, just be happy!" Andy hugged Ivana gently, stroking her back, while Ivana happily pressed her chin on his shoulder,

"I often think of the scene when I promised to date you, dear, that was the most correct decision in my life! I love you."

Listening to Ivana's whispering in the ear, Andy held her arms tightly and said softly, "I love you too. Although you didn't make a deal with me first and date later, but I was not disappointed, you It ’s really delicious ... "

"Giggle ... you guys hate it." Ivana's smiling flowers trembled, and her heart was extremely sweet, and she was really grateful for her decision at that time, and when Andy had just risen, he was firmly in his position. Grab, otherwise, she will become jealous and remorseful like the New York ladies now.

While the two people remembered the past and talked about various ‘knowledge points’ that were very private when they were in Hawaii, a group of people in Los Angeles were sitting in a conference room and embarrassed.

Large and bright conference room in the Los Angeles Times building.

"... In the past few decades, we have not seen a well-known American newspaper advertise a news story so prominently on the front page.

If news stories are advertised on the front page, this will seriously damage the newspaper's positive image of insisting on objective and neutral reporting, and will eventually lead to a decline in readership. Everyone, we are destroying our own brand! "

John Carroll, the editor-in-chief who helped the Los Angeles Times to win 13 Pulitzer News Awards, said he was very dissatisfied with the decision of the parent company's forum newspaper to prepare the Times to write business soft papers in response to the decline in advertising revenue. Firm opposition.

"This is only an expedient measure. The parent company is about to file for bankruptcy protection. We do face various operational challenges, so occasionally publishing news story ads on the front page is no way out."

As the newspaper's ceo, Eddie Hattonstein looked at John Carroll with a ugly face and explained with a bitter smile that he could only persuade John's desk pillar.

"Putting news stories on the front page is a terrible idea, and this behavior will lose our readers' trust!"

Executive editor Dean Barquette also said angrily that the clenched fists can make everyone present understand that he is angry at this time.

"Did you ever think that if we put an image ad on the front page, readers will know at a glance that this is an ad, so we can barely accept it. But if you put a news story-style text ad on the front page, you will be deceived, The feeling of being fooled, if it were us, how would we react? "

"I will never buy this newspaper again!" The editor-in-chief John directly cursed the knife.

"Current news and information delivery methods are undergoing a period of change. We must also actively explore various new delivery methods, including creating new marketing opportunities for our advertising partners."

Ceo Eddie Hattonstein's forehead bounced blue, but still suppressed the anger in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he said indifferently, this was also the request of the headquarters, and he couldn't help it.

"In the period of change to Nima, in addition to reducing funding, two major layoffs in four months, Samuel Zell messed up, but asked us to bear the consequences, and I have no money to learn to buy, Bi Chiyang Yes! I won't do it! "

John Carroll had accumulated a few months of anger, and at this moment finally erupted. The unspoken curse made the entire conference room dead. Everyone's eyes were staring at the theme, flushed. Ceo trembling with anger.

The editor-in-chief, John, who had got up and was about to leave, was dragged by two executives and refused to let him go. Nima, if the great **** really patted Pigu away, it would be really lively. Definitely the biggest loss for the Los Angeles Times and the happiest thing for other competitors.