American Fortune Life

Chapter 1308: What dogs really matter? (60/69)


Hearing Andy talking to himself, Miranda's cheeky face sunk into the dimples, revealing a sweet smile, giggling, fresh and moving as if the first morning breeze came.

I have to say that on the sweet and pleasant side alone, Miranda is indeed the best, with a smile and a variety of styles, especially the sao wave that gently conveys Huan is indeed a rare youwu.

"Hey, have you heard a word?" Looking at Miranda, who was blushing and smiling, Andy turned over and smiled condescendingly.

"What?" Miranda's pair of beautiful blue eyes flashed instantly, the light flashed, the dimples were sunken, and her arms were raised around Andy's neck, she asked softly.

"Early birds get eaten by worms, and early ones get eaten by birds ..."

"Woohoo" ...

Sleeping Tori was awakened by continuous shaking and meowing. He opened his eyes and looked at the two who were scuffled together. He turned around and took the mobile phone from the wound cabinet, held his head, and lay on his side. , Turn on the phone, adjust the camera function, point at Miranda Kerr's face and start shooting.

"Bichi ... Don't shoot! Whoo ..."

"Giggle ..." The little assistant giggled, the flower branches trembled. "If you said I uploaded it online now ..."

Miranda Kerr's red-faced and intoxicated expression became frightened. Her pupils shrank, her whole body tightened, and she turned nervously to look at Tori, but was stopped by Andy Wen and could not speak, making a whine.

Click one's tongue

Andy, who was almost surrendered by Jia's surrendered qiang, was very happy. He did not stop the little assistant from scaring Miranda, and continued to be a diligent old ox, over and over again ... 哞, 哞, I am a hard ox division line ...

At the breakfast table, Andy was so energetic, with an incomparable expression on his face, humming the cheerful tune, looking at the newspaper, and opening his mouth to the little assistant next to his fork to the breakfast.

Breakfast could have been eaten by yourself, but looking at the headlines of today's major paper media, Andy really needs to read the newspaper first, so the little assistant started feeding breakfast to the devil.

"Haha, I like this group of people. They are really good employees of the Los Angeles Times. In order to keep this newspaper, they really did not fear power!"

Watching the news of the Los Angeles Times strike, Andy smiled happily. He has lost his patience for the Tribune newspaper company so far has not responded to the acquisition letter he sent.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he acquired the Miami Herald, it stimulated the nerves of the Los Angeles Times, reducing funds continuously, laying off staff, and the bankruptcy protection of the parent company was imminent. I do n’t know how to continue in the future. A few years of bewilderment and confusion have thoroughly irritated the Los Angeles Times more than 18,000 employees across the United States.

Under the pretext of demanding an immediate solution to the pension debt issue, the Los Angeles Times union decided to start a general strike from November 7, which is today, until the parent company Forum Company, which was stuck in the debt mire, immediately resolved the issue.

"Boss, the union is a double-edged sword!" The little assistant reminded in a timely manner.

Andy is naturally very clear about this, but he is not attentive. After all, this group of people is assisting him this time. Moreover, print media is already a sunset industry. These reporters are very clear, even if the media industry Generally, salary cuts, journalists, and editors just accepted the facts helplessly, and did not choose to strike. This is also what Andy feels about them. In fact, they are the best people to manage.

The impact of the strike as one of the three major daily newspapers in the United States has been very large, and it has become the focus of attention of all parties almost immediately, especially on a very sensitive node, which is undoubtedly fierce. A knife has been inserted into the back of the already threatened Forum Newspaper Group.

Of course, even if the news of the Los Angeles Times strike has become the focus, it still cannot hide the glory of Andy Smith. On the entertainment headline, the picture of Andy being surrounded by a group of Victoria's supermodels is still so dazzling that Ivana was full of resentment on the phone call.

Andy finally managed to coax Ivana and told her to return to New York in the afternoon before finally making the expectant mother feel better.

"You're a bastard!" Miranda, wearing a bathrobe, her cheeks rosy, and hun's eyebrows between her brows, sat at the dining table, teasing while eating a variety of fruit and vegetable salads.

Andy put down his phone and shrugged with a smile: "My life is like a big table with a variety of foods. Although I like steak best, Australian lamb, Brazilian barbecue, pasta, etc. I will not miss it either. I have a good appetite, and it is big enough, and there are conditions for me to enjoy it, and my food looks good.

In fact, I am the same as those gluttonous diet men, the only difference is that I am only goddesses! "


Miranda, who was eating a fruit and vegetable salad, had a salad dressing, a baby face flushed with red, a look of cries and laughter, and her forehead was blue.

"Ahem ..."

The little assistant was almost strangled to death by his own saliva. The words of the devil are too shameless!

Andy shrugged his hands, poked his lips, and continued to sweep the breakfast food on the table.

People let Miranda Kerr take away the food for one night, the little assistant starts packing, and Andy calls Al to call and discuss how to make an article on the Los Angeles Times strike. Press the Forum newspaper group to make a choice.

"Boss, in fact, it ’s best to do this article by the Miami Herald. After all, we originally issued a takeover letter to both parties. Now one acquisition has been completed, but one has not responded. Instead, there is a big deal. The strike and the Miami Herald's statement were the most stimulating media debate. "

After hearing Al's suggestion, Andy nodded, okay, this is another form of asking his newspaper to write soft articles for him to promote.

After listening to reports on the progress of other projects, Andy hung up the phone and called EO Alyssa of the Miami Herald, and said the matter. After receiving a satisfactory answer, his current Miami The journey can be considered to be a complete end.

Although there was only one night of friendly exchanges with Lima, she can send it away at any time when she comes to Japan ... The gift is light and affectionate, and Andy will give you a generous gift. Full load of leather.

New York, and even the entire United States, and the entire world, are caught in the heated discussions of the first black president elected by the United States. It seems that without saying anything, the American example of dishwashing can not be demonstrated, and new achievements in freedom and equality are just as good.

Even the black hairdresser who has shaved Austrian black cattle for 14 years has been given the prefix of the president, and the little flying shoe president that has been left in the corner by the whole world can only rely on his little flattering and irritable character. The puppy bit the reporter to vie for some attention.

"Mr. Smith, what advice do you have on what kind of pet dogs the first family will buy in the future ..."

"Mr. Smith, what do you think of the Italian Prime Minister's controversial discourse on the color of the Aussie ..."

"Will you attend the presidential inauguration?" ...

Andy's entire face was indifferent as usual, and he ignored these paparazzi. The boring problems of reporters, Nima, the first pet dog of the first family have become hot topics in the United States. Can a group of silly 13 forget that they are still in finance? In the storm?

He is meowing and ca n’t eat anymore. He also cares about what kind of dogs the president keeps. I do n’t know if the Americans are really heartless and heartless, or if he is meowing in pain.

"Hurry up and decide what kind of dog you want, **** it, I'm going to be annoyed by those **** paparazzi!"

Andy got into the car, took out his mobile phone, and sent a text message to spit out. In less than a minute, the text message was answered.

"Oh ... what do you suggest?" 8)