American Fortune Life

Chapter 1341: on the way

"I am delighted that this fantastic new stadium will join the ranks of world-class stadiums in our city.

London is open to all great sports events and will once again showcase the world's sporting capital.

White Hart Lane has become an iconic stadium, and it will never go down in history. The new stadium will not only bring almost twice the capacity, but also provide world-class facilities for international sports events, concerts and more. The new stadium is also the focus of the Tottenham area transformation, bringing new employment opportunities and promoting economic growth. "

In a Mercedes-Benz V-Class custom business car in the middle of the convoy heading towards Hampshire at full speed, Andy leisurely held a steaming cup of black tea while watching the newspaper ’s Mayor's The interview reported that the corners of the mouth could not help it.

Seeing some sour reports in the Times, "Spurs are not afraid of" the aftermath of the new stadium "?" Andy could not help but twitch his lips slightly, revealing a touch of sarcasm.

Unlike other Premier League clubs, after Andy took over Tottenham, the club has no debt problems. In comparison, Chelsea still owes a huge £ 1 billion to their boss Roman Abramovich, Manchester United still have a net debt worth £ 27.5 billion, while Arsenal's net debt is relatively small, about 50 million pounds.

The construction of a new stadium is imperative. This season, Tottenham's revenue during the match day was 44 million pounds, which is 56 million pounds less than Arsenal's 100 million pounds. This is because the stadium is too small. This has directly affected the profitability of the club.


Andy closed the newspaper and stared at the beautiful lawyer Amar, who was sitting in the h-shaped long-sleeved woolen dress with a dark blue and black stripes sitting opposite, slender beauty tui, smooth skin, euphemistic and charming appearance, holding Black tea, leisurely looking at the suburban scenery outside the car window.

Andy also turned to look out the window of the car. The green hills in the distance were shrouded in a faint rain curtain, as if he never wanted to lift this mysterious veil. The fresh rain and fog permeated the sky, like a wide and large Screens.

"The scenery is beautiful, but I still don't like rainy days."

"To be honest, I don't like it either, but this is part of life in London." Amar looked at Andy with a graceful smile.

"Why didn't you stay in the United States at the beginning? After all, your main international law, criminal law, and human rights law are more useful in New York." Andy raised his tea cup with a smile, and took a sip, curiously.

"There are private reasons, and the large and complex legal system in the United States. The federal and state laws have their own legal systems, and the legal system levels are not unified. English law forms a unified legal system from top to bottom, and as a human rights lawyer , Some laws in the United States have some racial discrimination, and there is still a potential impact that cannot be changed ... "

Amarr said bluntly that he did not become euphemistic because his boss was an American.

Andy shook his head and laughed. He couldn't comment on this. He naturally knew this. The United States shouted every day to pursue racial equality. Although everyone regards racial discrimination as politically incorrect, it is because of inequality and discrimination. In order to pursue it, the race problem has always existed in the United States, and it is simply a problem that cannot be solved.

Even if the new president is dark-skinned, in fact, the victory of the Austrian Black Bull not only did not alleviate the racial problem, but also the trend of racial discrimination.

"It will slowly get better. After all, we now have a very attractive new president. Instead, I felt that when stamped with the head of the monarch, if it was posted upside down, it would be considered treason. And if it was found For treason, the law to be hanged is unacceptable. Babies are scared to dare to post stamps ... "


"Oh, you can post it with peace of mind. After all, you are not a British person. Speaking of which, some laws are really amazing. Even our British people are caught off guard. Meat pies are also illegal ... "

Listening to Amar's spit and sweet laugh, Andy shook his head and cried and laughed. This group of rotten people is really wonderful. "Yes, Amar, I gave you the information of the Highclere Castle. Have you seen it? Is there a way to make some changes to the renovation and stamping restrictions? "

Amar couldn't help but smile, then bent down and took out a folder from the black briefcase on the side of the seat, opened it to Andy, and explained: "It's almost impossible, Highclere Castle is a first-class protection history Buildings have strict regulations and restrictions. Even if the land in the estate is to be developed, documents such as construction application, project application, and social assessment must be submitted.

Community publicity is also required. As long as there is an objection from a neighbor, nothing can be done. The castle has also had the idea of ​​developing land, but it was eventually abandoned because of a neighbor who wanted to buy the castle at a low price. "

Andy swiftly looked at the information on the file and couldn't help smirking. He smiled at Amal and said: "It seems that the composer Mr. Webb did not do what he wanted, but was directly defined by the counts as robbery while on fire. Hell, haha. "

"Similar to the fate of most historic mansions, Highclere Castle is on the verge of bankruptcy, and the prospect of three million pounds of repairs makes it worrying. This sale is no other way. After eight generations, the Count Carnaven family has already Decline, as a middle-class family, although it has a farm, it cannot afford the maintenance and management costs of the castle. "

Andy smiled with satisfaction and looked at Amarr who was talking about Kan. She was very satisfied with her work and done so well. It seemed that she had learned some more detailed information than her own property consultants.

"Oh, 50 million pounds, this Earl couple also dare to bid!"

After hearing Andy's joke, Amar also said with a conspicuous eyebrow: "Maybe you should think carefully again, after all, the cost-effectiveness of this first-class historic building is really not high, or it is more appropriate to call it negative equity."

"Thank you for your reminder. Let's go and see if this castle estate is worth so much money. I don't care about the annual maintenance and management costs." Andy said with a smile at his beauty lawyer.

Amar smiled slightly, nodded, and said nothing more. For his own boss, Amar knew very well that the other party was a business genius and a super rich. Since he was able to take a trip for the castle himself, it also foreshadows the meaning of this castle estate to outsiders.

After more than an hour of galloping, the convoy has reached the gate of Highclere Castle Manor. Someone soon came forward to confirm the identity of the convoy and the door opened. Andy's convoy drove into the manor through the window. I saw the Gothic architectural style in the distance. It was huge and magnificent. It was very strong. The red and blue flag fluttered above the castle. It should be the color of the coat of arms of the Earl of Carnarvon.

Against the gloomy sky, the Highclere Castle in the rain was a bit desolate, with a strong sense of history, making people look sideways.



The bodyguards opened the door, and a sound of open umbrella was connected with a black parachute to block the falling rain. Andy took Amar out of the car and saw the wooden gate standing at the castle. The count couple, who walked up to the front of the umbrella, couldn't help showing a charming smile, and went up to shake hands with the castle's owner to meet each other. After the rain and a simple greeting, the count couple invited everyone to enter the castle together.

Andy followed the owner to the exquisite textured wooden door, watching the iron wolf head on the door, and the pair of two-footed dragons in front of the door were filled with a sense of vicissitudes of history. Above the main door, carved With an old French phrase, this is not difficult for Andy and Amar who understands the four languages, which means "I only serve you" to express the family's loyalty to the king.