American Fortune Life

Chapter 155: With a smile

Andy woke up from his sleep with his hips stretched out, stretched out his hand and scratched his thigh twice, opened his sleepy eyes, and looked at the wall clock. It was already over 10 o'clock, and he got up from the bed and beat him twice. Yawn.

Last night, in order to catch the follow-up story of "Gossip Girl", he fell asleep at more than 3 in the morning, picked up cotton casual pants from the carpet, put on them, and went into the bathroom with his naked torso.

Soon there was a rushing sound of water in the bathroom. . .

While wiping her wet hair, she walked out of the bedroom and saw her mother, Li Wanqing, sitting in the living room watching TV. She smiled and shouted, "Good morning, mom. Is there anything to eat?"

Li Wanqing glanced back at her son, and gave him a nasty look. "It's already early, it's early! There is a lot of time during the day, why stay up late?" Then he got up and walked into the kitchen and started giving Andy hot breakfast, as for the maid, went out to buy ingredients.

Andy glanced at the TV in the living room. The content in it was live broadcast, and the scene was very confusing. As for the news, naturally I do n’t need to repeat it too much, shrug my shoulders, and ignore it.

Soon Li Wanqing set the breakfast on the dining table, and at the same time she sat down, watching her son eating food slowly, and asked a little curiously: "It's all over the sky. Why don't you worry about it at all, know that now Outside the "Observer" newspaper are all reporters and interview cars ... "

Andy laughed indifferently: "I had guessed this would happen before, what's so surprising, because it's just started, everyone's attention is focused on our newspaper, and now this time has almost spread, Washington This is the battlefield. Our newspaper just ignited the fuze. As for the damage caused, it is not within our consideration. Besides, is n’t my grandpa ready already, he should get what he wants. I need to hide and avoid being surrounded by reporters. Smiling at the situation is the most important thing I should do. After all, I am also a member of the Smith family. I just go out and talk freely to let others see the Smith family ... "

"Oh, you read it thoroughly, but many of the news topics have turned out your information, and it is being broadcasted over and over again, but your fame is going to increase again." Li Wanqing looked at her son with amusement. His complexion became hard to look.

"These programs are ill, do n’t report the scandal, report what I do?" Andy was afraid that some media would skew the rhythm, so he hid at home and did n’t go out. I hope all the focus will be directed to Washington. I did n’t expect to worry about anything what.

"Hehe, who made you the boss of the newspaper, and has a strong background in elephants, isn't it worth reporting if you dismantle your own desk yourself? Besides, these media fear that the world will not be chaotic and all kinds of conspiracy theories will emerge Yes, but they also praise and admire the neutral attitude you maintained in the "New York Observer" after the acquisition. After this incident, both sales and fame will be greatly improved, especially the credibility and influence among the people. These intangible values ​​will be promoted to a new level. "Li Wanqing analyzed and narrated the host in the TV program just now to her son.


Andy nodded his head and continued to eat. This is already the case. No matter the result is good or bad, there is no room for regret. Anyway, he will be more or less blacklisted by some elephants, even if the old Smith goes well. Sat in that position.

(For well-known reasons, all the content in Washington is cut off, and it has been largely vaguely passed. It does not affect the plot and understand it.)

After finishing breakfast, Andy went back to the bedroom to continue writing. He wanted to finish all the follow-up stories of "Gossip Girl" and give it to Pete, and then completed a troublesome thing, no need to be reminded.

Ivana, who is far away in San Francisco, is going to find the cp meeting in the same hotel, go to inspect the golf course, push the door in, and see her dad stunned watching the TV in the living room, can't help but walk away curiously Steps, seeing the scenes on the TV and the host is introducing the situation of the "New York Observer" newspaper, and many times mentioned Andy Smith's name and information, could not help but frown.

After seeing her daughter coming, she looked at the TV in an unpredictable manner. CP could only tell the whole thing. Ivana immediately found out her mobile phone and called Andy. Knowing that the situation is complicated, she directly The call was made to Andy's personal number. This phone is only known to Andy's family and a few close people. It is usually kept open for 24 hours.

In the hotel where the crew was staying, there was only a white towel wrapped around her shoulders and collarbone, and Scarlett, a pair of white legs, was blowing wet wet hair while watching the TV program in surprise. Now most of them TV stations have launched special programs to focus on this news.

"What mess is that guy causing again?" Scarlett muttered with a slightly frown, turned off the hair dryer, made it on the sofa, and picked up the remote control to make a loud noise.

Because Andy's external mobile phone was shut down, his original agent, Fat Carl, had already been blasted by various media and TV stations without knowing what happened, especially several TV stations with cooperative relationships, which were all managed Call from the layer, Karl really did n’t know how to reply, but he already understood what happened, knowing that this was not a trouble he could mix in, and he could only use Andy to contact him now to reject all Invitation.

Carl looked at the cell phone that had no electricity, and said with a bitter smile: "It's okay, don't worry about it anymore, but this boy Andy is utterly amazing!"

In the apartment rented by Adriana Lima in New York, Lima holding a pot of fruit and vegetable salad watching the photos of Andy Smith and information presented by the host on the TV, could not help buting against Andy's talents and I was surprised at my ability. I wrote three physical novels, a serialized novel in four months, and completed the acquisition of the Observer newspaper, the acquisition of game companies, and the launch of the hottest games of the day. Song, lined up on the bulletin board.

This is a complete subversion of Lima's common sense. Well, even if the TV host said Andy was a real genius, but it was incredible to complete these things in just five months. I remembered that Assistant Mary was careless. Speaking of things, her beautiful face could not help but appear two blushes, biting her teeth and cursing: "This bastard!"

However, the mystery that Andy Smith brings to her has made her curious about it and use her knowledge to earn wealth. It will be respected in any country and will not be as treacherous as a house seller. A little bit of admiration was slowly deep in her heart.

After hanging up Ivana's phone, Andy had a bit of bitterness on his face, it was really troublesome, and those who cared about him expressed concern, as if this thing was done by Andy, please, he is just a newspaper Boss, this kind of big news is not provided with evidence how can it be reported blindly.

It is no wonder that others have misunderstood. The whole thing "Observer" and Andy are definitely the beneficiaries. The newspaper has increased its fame and sales through this explosive news. Andy, who has been criticized by the press for the young and inexperienced, will follow this matter. After the exposure disappeared, After that, Andy will also completely stand on the heels of the publishing industry and have a place.

Sometimes I really can't underestimate the approval of other colleagues in the same industry. Although mavericks are very aggressive, they will also be criticized and questioned. Some people will jump out and find faults, even if they can survive successfully. Scald all over, life is too tired.

Andy never thinks that having a xing is to stand alone, and to oppose the vast majority, that is not a xing, that is stupid, everyone is drunk. I can only wake up and do it myself There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Don't consider yourself to be the most special one. You can't be beater. The fool's face shows that talent is the most correct.