American Fortune Life

Chapter 1617: Breaking secret death deal

Corruption is everywhere and in various forms. In fact, U.S. citizens really don't spend a lot of money on raising corrupt officials.

In the United States, the amount of corruption each year is trillions, and the amount of legal corruption has not been included.

Attorneys from at least a dozen states in the United States work for energy companies in exchange for political contributions. Consortium capitalists help their officials come to power through "donations," and officials in turn provide various "facilities" for themselves.

If the United States engages in anti-corruption like a country, the US government will be empty, and the 536 heads in the United States Congress will all have their heads on the ground. . .

"... I have a list in my hand!"

Stalldale's pain caused by the stab wound, cold sweat has wet his hair, red eyes, exposed a large white teeth, and William will not compromise to look at him, he knows that whether William will kill him, he can The chance of returning to the United States alive has been minimized.

"In Iraq, every contractor has a power-money transaction with a U.S. official responsible for outsourcing reconstruction projects, and I often" honor "the U.S. official responsible for project outsourcing.

In the "Green Zone" of Baghdad, we use the whole bag of money to buy out US officials responsible for outsourcing reconstruction projects. Of course, these transactions are conducted in secret.

I would put $ 50,000 in cash neatly in a box of pizza, and people who did n’t know it thought it was a takeaway. Haha. . .

However, their favorite is that I stacked them on their desks with sacks of cash.

I bought Soviet-made helicopters from Poland for 28 years and sold them to the Iraqi Army. After 25 years of service, these helicopters should become a pile of scrap iron.

The armored vehicle I transported can penetrate the bullets of the old ak-47 rifle. Is there a serious oil leak? Haha, some of them should have been scrapped long ago!

They ordered a $ 3,500 mp5 assault rifle, and I mixed with a batch of $ 200 Egyptian-made rifles. For every 4 cents to 6 US molecular bombs, we sell 16 cents. . . . . . "

Stodel looked at William's indifferent expression and smiled at himself, "Among these contractors, I can definitely be regarded as a more conscientious businessman. At least the projects I have completed have been completed. Although it was cut corners, You have to know that many contractors will roll back to the United States after they have completed the project in half, and some projects have not even broken ground at all. "

"The early Americans will live well in the United States, but you get the end of hunting and sealing. Hehe, it seems that you have made too much money and know too much!" William sneered and inserted the straight knife back again. In the scabbard, he reached out and pressed the headset. After a moment's glance, he stole his head against the wall and closed his eyes with a bitter smile. "They value you very much and are ready to reorganize the attack!"

"Hehe, cough ... You're right, I know too much, so much that they have to kill their mouths to be assured.

When sigir came to me, oh, sigir is the newly established US Special Administration for the Reconstruction of Iraq, although I said nothing, but I also know that the good times are over, and I hope to return to the United States as soon as possible.

It seems that even if I return to the United States, I will not die, they will not be at ease, but will bring danger to the family, ha ha, cough, I have three children, the youngest is 9 years old, her name is Jenny, it is me Sweetheart. . . "

"Da da da--"

Along with the sound of guns re-emerging outside, Stollel's face was remembered with a gentle smile. William just looked at him indifferently, and did not interrupt the other party's suicide.

"... William, can you do me a favor?"

William looked indifferently, suddenly raising his head to look at his Stockdale with imploring eyes, without answer.

"I'm sorry for the sacrifice of your team members ..." Stodel said with a grin, and his sweaty gritted teeth raised his hands and tore his shirt apart, exposing the lower abdomen wrapped in tape for a few times, and pointing.

"Here is a compact disc, two keys. The compact disc is what most people outside want.

Two keys, one of which was my secret safe house in Baghdad, with $ 10 million in cash.

The other key is the key of the Swiss bank's safe. It contains an anonymous bank card with $ 200 million in the account and transfer letters from the six companies I use to launder money. I have signed it. Anyone They can all be transferred easily. The six companies have $ 1.5 billion in their accounts. They gave them to me some time ago to help them wash. . .

Oh, you do n’t need to doubt my intentions. The reason why you choose your Free Eagle Security Company to **** me, in addition to your 100% mission completion rate, the most important thing is that your weapons are the most advanced and powerful mercenaries, especially your company. Strong background.

It just didn't occur to them that they didn't even care about killing their mouths, hey, cough. . . "

Stoudel saw that his apparently provocative words had no effect on the sneer William in front of him, smirking and continued to say, "That ten million is my compensation for the failure of your task!

UBS 200 million and six companies, I hope your boss can take shelter of my family and don't let them be hurt, I know this money will not be seen by him.

With this CD, I know that this is a big trouble, but for your boss, there may be different gains. Sheltering four ordinary people is just a trivial matter for him. . . "

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you now and take these things away?" William blinked coldly in his eyes and asked with a sneer.

"Oh, I have n’t said the password, the safe number and the password, and I do n’t worry that you will break your word, because as long as you report it to your boss, he may not refuse. After all, there is nothing in the list that can threaten him. people.

As long as he is willing, he can easily crush them. Once the content is exposed, these people will be sent to court! "

"Huh! You have a good idea, but it also offends the military and the Ministry of Defense." William listened to the sound of gunfire and explosions outside, staring at the dark-hearted businessman who was going to die before he died.

"You can also trade with them, don't you have to oppose each other? As long as my family is safe, the assets I leave for them are enough for them to live well, I just ask them not to be affected by me! I beg you!"

Stoudel looked at William with his face imploring, and did not hesitate to say the CD-ROM password, safe number, and password. He was afraid that William could not remember. He said it six or seven times in a row. After William interrupted him, he stopped. under.

"You're not afraid that I would swallow the money alone and leave the CD-ROM here. What did not happen?"

"Haha, don't be afraid!" Stodel smiled relievedly, his mouth rising, and his smile was full of ridicule.

"To be honest, maybe you will be unhappy, but for me now, it is not important anymore. Change the time and place, you are just a mercenary, and I am a billionaire who knows the real power of the military, even me. This kind of funds that billionaires cannot swallow alone, do you think you have the ability to eat black?

You are a smart person, and only take what you should take to be safer and live longer. You can take things away and leave me a gun. You can withdraw without affecting you. . . "

"No need to bother, now that you're ready to see God, I'll send you!" William didn't hesitate, took out his pistol with a cold face, walked aside, and stood on the other side's sun xue, his eyes were split. Pulled the trigger in panic.


Blood splattered, William sneered, stretched out his hand and dragged the contents of the other's lower abdomen. After checking and confirming that it was correct, he put his gun in the dead Stolldale's hand, reached out and pressed the headset. , Send me an anti-infantry mine! "


"Sir." A heavily armed soldier with night vision quickly ran in.

"Use him to make a weird thunder! I want to let the **** outside know that those who killed us can only be repaid with blood!" William eyes gritted his teeth.