American Fortune Life

Chapter 1653: Hooligan and good guy

When Jordan Wells of Maryland received this big surprise, felt excited and happy to realize his dream, and proud and grateful for his idol, Andy, a 'good man', did not have time for this. Put too much attention.

It's not that he doesn't wait to see his fans, it is mainly this kind of care and willingness, which is really a small thing for him.

Of course, he can also imagine how excited and happy the girl will be for this. Seriously, his wealth accumulation has turned into a simple number game, giving fans benefits, although there is a bit of his own bad taste in it, hope The fate of some people can be changed or reversed because of some kindness.

He has never considered getting the gratitude of others, let alone to earn a good reputation among fans, being hyped by the media or the like, and more hope that his small charity can make people happy, share his happiness, and from it Make yourself happy too.

San Diego, California.

"... Six companies, including Nokia and Ericsson, who complained to the European Union made some concessions in the negotiations, but still hope that we will reduce patent fees.

The stick official still insists that we treat customers differently and charge higher fees for some of them, and refuses to terminate the antitrust investigation. . . "

In the conference room of Qualcomm's headquarters, Andy listened to the report from Qualcomm's Legal Department. As the only technology company in the world with more lawyers than engineers, Qualcomm's Legal Department is definitely the most complete and busy department.

Well, basically, Qualcomm's legal department is not busy.

Of course, these two antitrust investigations are just two of a large number of Qualcomm lawsuits. The various lawsuits faced by Qualcomm have also won or lost. For example, in the previous two years, they lost nearly $ 900 million to Broadcom.

Seriously, if the general it company did nothing else all day, just litigating the lawsuit, and losing hundreds of millions of dollars to lose out, as early as tm, it changed its business ideas, but Qualcomm would have been more, and A large number of professional lawyers are hired to specialize in these matters.

"It's the 3g era!"

Andy's mouth rose, and he glanced at the Qualcomm executives in the conference room for a week, and said with deep meaning.

Yeah, it's the 3g era. In the previous 2g era, it was the world of gsm. At that time, Qualcomm did not have any monopoly power.

But now, it is completely different, no matter what wcdma, cdma2000. . . These 3g standards are all closely related to cdma.

Therefore, any manufacturer involved in 3G technology in any country cannot bypass their patented technology of Qualcomm. The six mobile phone manufacturers complaining to the European Union were somewhat toughened by the new chairman Andy Smith, but passed a willingness to sit After coming down to discuss the signal, he agreed without hesitation.

As for the stick, Andy was very clear about the stick government, so he quickly made a decision, "Since the face is not needed, let them investigate it. Even if they lose the expectation, they don't want to. Want to get fine, keep appealing!

By the way, the PR department can increase its lobbying in Washington, contact the mainstream media, and give lessons to the fans. This is protectionism. Last week, the G-7 finance ministers and central bank governors met to emphasize opposition. Protectionism, combined with the entire semiconductor industry of Four Star, is obviously local protection! "

"Okay, chairman."

Andy glanced at the head of the public relations department in a hurry to respond, nodded with satisfaction, and taught the stick. Imperative.

Although Qualcomm's Qualcomm tax is indeed very rogue, many countries and manufacturers hate their teeth.

It should be known that one of the three overlord clauses of the Qualcomm tax is that the patent fee is charged as 5% as a whole.

That is to say, a $ 100 mobile phone has to pay Qualcomm $ 5, and even if it builds an airplane, it is worth $ 1 billion. As long as it uses a Qualcomm chip, it will give Qualcomm $ 50 million. . . . . .

Definitely black and cruel!

Under these circumstances, Andy is very clear, but he will never change it. You must know that this is a wise decision made by Qualcomm in the early days, and it is a very, very important thing for Andy, who has already become the chairman. Valuable legacy, isn't that what he bought Qualcomm for?

Now the noodles are going to challenge Qualcomm ’s ‘standards’ and not severely chop out the outrageous claws. In the future, more countries will be jealous of Qualcomm taxes, conduct antitrust investigations on Qualcomm, and conduct ‘fines’.

In particular, the local protection of sticks has always been regarded as one of the "stick characteristics". Of course, this can also be regarded as a kind of patriotism of sticks, which forms the protection of local culture and economy.

However, in the high-tech fields such as mobile phones, although they have first- and second-tier mobile phone manufacturers such as Four Star and LG, they still face severe risks of being invaded.

Not to mention that their Qualcomm was targeted by the government of the battalion country with antitrust weapons. Even Apple Inc. was also treated this way, even more severely than Qualcomm.

Due to the global popularity of iChat mobile phones, Apple's Stick Division is currently being investigated by antitrust agencies. The Stick Government claims that Apple is suspected of forcing operators to sign unequal treaties.

That's because Apple has forced operators to sign contracts in the country to include various "minimum sales" numbers. This is also the reason why Apple was previously investigated by French antitrust agencies. In fact, it is said that this is essentially because such an operator agreement has affected the sales of local mobile phones.

Is there a familiar feeling for underwriting by operators and underwriting of channels?

After the two-hour meeting, Andy returned to the chairman's office, took another hour, interviewed ten assistants, and left five of them to form his assistant team at Qualcomm, so that he could remotely control at any time when he was away. command.

Of course, the selection of assistants with professional talents is absolutely necessary. After all, a personal assistant is enough. Tory Black is enough.

Near noon, Andy finished his work, took the bodyguards to the tarmac on the top of the building, got into a helicopter, and flew to his mansion of Freedom City.

Da da da--

Standing on the viewing platform made of steel and glass, Ivana's long blond hair and sky blue floral dress fluttered along with the sea breeze, and the helicopter slowly suspended and landed. After stopping, Andy stepped out of the helicopter, and Pouting and smiling Ivana waved.


Andy walked quickly into the mansion while changing the phone mode, and soon heard a beep for whatsapp.

"... oh, mygod ... oh oh my God, this is ... oh ..."

Watching the girl in the video is excited and happy, the same happy smile appeared on Andy's face.

Gifts of roses, hand a fragrance!

"My dear, what makes you so happy?"

At this point, Ivana just came down the stairs and saw Andy smiling at the mobile phone very happy, with a bright smile.

"The girl in Maryland was pleasantly surprised by what we gave her. This video is a picture taken by her family ..." Then, Andy passed the phone to Ivana.

Ivana smiled sweetly and watched everything that happened after receiving the letter from Jordan Wells in the video. The smile on her face became softer and sweeter.

"Giving happiness to others is the best way to reap happiness. Sowing happy people is the easiest way to get happiness for yourself.

Dear you are a niceguy! "

Andy shook her head and laughed, reaching out to embrace Ivana's waist, kissing her intimately on her red chun.


At this point, Martin walked in from outside the house and said to Andy looking at him, "Boss, the two pickups you want are here, and the flatbed trailer."

Ivana raised her eyebrows and looked at Andy, and Andy shook her head with a smile and explained: "You ca n’t really use Super Run all the time, and there are six or seven hundred luggage bags. Seriously, I ’m crazy, I can use Trailer, why should I carry it with both hands ... "


"Hehe ..." Ivana couldn't help laughing, the flowering branches trembling.