American Fortune Life

Chapter 1683: Crazy game

There is no free lunch in the world. If you are still, you are going back, but you must be willing to make decisions and take risks to move forward.

In Andy's view, he gave people the opportunity to choose, which is the biggest rescue. You know, opportunity is the rarest thing in the world.

People get rich because of opportunities. If you look at the poor, you can see that they are not incompetent stupid people, nor are they not working hard. They are suffering from no opportunities.

We live in a jungle of weak meat and strong food. Here, we can either eat people or be eaten by people. Escaping risks is almost giving up. If we take advantage of opportunities, the opportunities of others will be reduced accordingly. Take good care of yourself and even become a predator.

In this world, optimistic people will always see opportunity in suffering, and pessimistic people will only see suffering in opportunity.

Believe me then live!

Andy is not just joking about this, because he knows that what he is saying is true, and the US stocks will really rebound in early March ...

He told the truth without reservation this time, if the people still can't seize this opportunity, then no one can help them, deserving their poverty!

You might think that this is very unfair. After all, no one knows that Andy Smith is crossing, knowing the future.

Unfortunately, there has never been any fairness in this world!

"This is the rendering of the future mocking bird game company headquarters ..."

At the edge of a busy construction site, Andy took Ivana's waist and pointed at the drawings unfolded by two staff members.

"Well, a good design." The fiery red Ivana nodded slightly, looking at the design renderings, praised.



At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance, and Andy frowned slightly, and Ivana leaned slightly to look in the direction of the sound.

A dozen paparazzi reporters were being stopped by a group of bodyguards, but this group of paparazzi reporters did not give up, shouting and yelling, several of them kept pressing the shutter while holding the camera.

"Wherever I go, there are these guys." Andy grumbled angrily. Since he and Ivana were glued by these paparazzi, they haven't shaken off this time.

"Forget it, they are not easy. They have been with me for a few days ..." Then, Ivana reached out and smiled and beckoned in the direction of the paparazzi, but did not walk over to accept their interviews and photos, after all, they were all Unfamiliar paparazzi give their faces too much, and they do n’t accept them when they do n’t see it. The best thing paparazzi do is provocation, anger the parties, and then make big news.

The paparazzi in the distance saw wearing a black shawl tight skirt, outlined a protruding belly, stepped on high heels, and looked very slender and white, even if pregnant, Ivana smiled and waved at them.

"... She is so beautiful!" A reporter who took a picture of Ivana's smile and waved her hand and looked at the photo in the camera. She sighed sincerely, immediately raised the camera again and aimed at the two people in the distance. stand up.

The other paparazzi yelled more joyfully, pressing the camera shutter in their hands, hoping to attract the attention of Ivana and Andy, and can shoot at close range.

To be honest, Andy and Ivana are really thoroughly convinced.

The story of a super-rich man from a family background and the wealth of a New York real estate tycoon has been particularly striking from the beginning.

From the value of the two to the background of their net worth, they can be regarded as a door-to-door match, with various faces and talents, who can not marvel at such a combination?

Excellent people are a dazzling spark in themselves. If they meet the other half who is just as good as themselves, they will naturally shine a better light!

In particular, each time the two of them appeared at the same time, they were ten fingers fastened, like the intimacy of lacquer, and the happiness and sweetness of Ivana's face made all the women in the United States envy and envy.

"Let's go, ignore them." Andy reached out to embrace Ivana, holding her in vain, and turned towards the convoy not far away.

Ivana pouted and smiled slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes twinkling at Andy's profile, said softly, "Where are we going now?"

"Go mock the bird games company headquarters."

Ivana's eyes can not help but bright, for the mocking bird game company, to be honest, she had wanted to visit a long time ago, when I went last time, it was just a small company with a dozen kittens, and after two years Development, the current mocking bird game company is already a new billionaire in the gaming industry with a valuation of billions of dollars. Even in the economic crisis, I learned from Andy that last year's profit was as high as more than 800 million US dollars, which can be called printing money. machine!

Ivana can't forget until now that Andy had a joke with her at the beginning, the game of "Minecraft" is making him around the world at a rate of 240,000 euros a day ...

Although two free games like Angry Birds and Plants vs Zombies have monthly advertising revenue of only a few million dollars, the sales of its derivatives have begun to increase, whether it is t-shirts, baseball caps, etc. Apparel is recruiting franchisees all over the world. I believe that the háo stream that is popular in the world is definitely another profit growth point.

"... No, I think it's crazy to make 240,000 Euros a day in Minecraft. Is Candy Crush really so profitable? Make millions a day?"

Looking at Ivana's fuss, Andy took her into her arms with a smile, stroking her back, and laughed: "Oh, without that exaggeration, it's impossible to make millions of dollars every day I'm talking about the highest daily sales amount, but although there are no guarantees of millions of dollars every day, hundreds of thousands are fine. You also know how attractive Candy Saga is to your women. "

To be honest, Andy was very surprised when he saw this from the company briefing. I didn't expect that "Legend of Candy" would be so popular every few months just listed. You know, this mobile game is the most popular Hangren's free mobile game of 'sale props'.

As a planner, Andy is naturally in order to make this game make money for himself, and also knows that this game will be very hot, but I did not expect it to be so hot, after all, it is just a casual game, earning millions of dollars a day, not only let Andy Surprised at the same time, I was ecstatic, and shocked the entire industry.

Under this trend, the profit of 800 million last year is really not that much. You have to know that there are still a few games that will be listed this year that mock the bird game company. In addition to these popular games now, the profits in 2009 It's absolutely easy to break 1 billion. Even if the derivatives and promotion are done well, even 2 billion US dollars are not a problem.

"This is a good time!" Andy sighed heartily.

The arrival of the smart phone era has revolutionized the hardware of mobile phones, and has also exploded the development of various mobile app software and mobile games. The higher the penetration rate of mobile phones, the more profitable the relevant service providers will be.

The executives of the gaming company, when they learned that the boss came with the boss to inspect, naturally they did not dare to neglect, let alone the Westerners would not be on the stage. Although they did not need to be greeted by the entire staff of the company, the executives would not dare to ignore the boss. And the lady.

"... This is Joyce, the development team leader of Candy Saga." Andy smiled and introduced four female mobile game engineers among executives to Ivana.

To be honest, Ivana saw four female programmers in the crowd, and when she heard that she was the leader of various development teams, she was also very surprised. You must know that the number of female software developers has been scarce, especially in the past. In people's stereotypes, their ability to work and their education level are easily questionable.

In fact, family environment, school education, and marriage life have greatly affected the life path of female software developers.

In the game industry that is dominated by men, female developers are in a weak position in the entire industry. Of course, with the rapid development of the mobile game industry, game developers continue to join, and more and more female developers have become new bright spots, but in general, it still looks a little thin in the big environment.

"Only women understand women." Andy watched Ivana happily chatting with the four female subordinates and smiled at the other subordinates. "Let them lead the game development and design work. With keen insight, they can accurately grasp Taking female preferences and making the game popular with female players is undoubtedly a tried and tested trick. "