American Fortune Life

Chapter 1767: When I laugh, everyone laughs!

Highclere Castle shines in the afternoon sun, solemn and elegant.

"噔 噔"

Andy took Shakira and Cheryl down the giant oak stairs, stepping on the double signs on the floor, through the 50-foot-high hall with antique furniture from France, and slender red and blue marble columns The central hall of the castle supporting the vaulted roof, looking at the four walls wrapped in 17th-century Spanish leather, covered with portraits and photos of members of the Smith family, and the carved wall with 20 shield coats of arms ( Smith family crest), low-key highlights the strength and cultural heritage of this ancient castle.

The three walked side by side in the manor's garden, watching the joy and quiet hidden in the English garden. The elephant valley flowers planted in the manor's garden were budding. Flowers like Elephant Valley can be seen everywhere in the English countryside. They are just flowers. They are very delicate when in bloom, although they are so evil and so special.

The wind rises, the flag high above Highclere Castle flew up the hillside, the scenery was beautiful, Andy stood with Cheryl and Shakira, watching the wild wild flowers on the mountains, and the stars in the distant fields In the distance, there are many cedar trees grown in the manor in the 18th century, which have grown into tall and handsome trees, making people feel like they are in a romantic pastoral oil painting.

"It is actually very easy to find magnificent aristocratic castles in Britain, but those are mostly historical sites that have lost popularity and most have been owned by the British National Trust.

Even if this castle has been well-preserved, there are nearly 300 rooms, but not many can be used. Don't look at everything that is magnificent, but the original luxury manor was baptized for hundreds of years. Some monuments and decorations have been ruined. It needs to be repaired and refurbished. "

Andy looked back at the mottled castle with flags fluttering in the sun, and said with some emotions that before, he took two women to visit the circle. Both women were amazed by everything in the castle, on the lawn, garden and classical Between the buildings, the dignity and elegance emanating are fascinating.

"Everything is good enough for the torrent of time ..."

Shakira looked at the beauty in front of her, listening to Andy's words, and sent a heartfelt emotion.

"Oh, in my opinion, some goodness is a concealment of contamination and struggle with an illusion. In fact, goodness is always a longing or a way to this longing. On the way, fortunate to have a confidant partner has Enough, don't expect God to give too much. "Andy naturally stretched his hands around Shakira's slender waist, stroking it, without any rustiness at all.

Shakira's instinctual body is stagnant, but there are some things that once women and men break certain boundaries, that indulgence may be like a dam of a dyke.

Especially women who have tasted happiness are extremely apt to become greedy and indulgent, and struggle in the quagmire and continue to sink. In particular, Shakira's "out-of-marriage" situation may even create the illusion of love, and it is impossible to extricate yourself. Will be more disgusted and disgusted with the incumbent, and will instinctively for the lover, "Shouyuruyu" to refuse to live with husband and wife incumbent. This is a woman's instinctive reaction to Qing Qing's love, and it's also a woman's fool's loyalty to 'Qing people outside marriage'!

And men are indulging in indulgence. All the men are derailed, and they still sleep with their wives in peace, and nothing has happened. And a man is born to be able to separate his feelings from yw. Even if he has no feelings with that woman, he can still enjoy the joy ...

Cheryl on the side looked at the dogs and men who were a little contrasting in height and held each other together, giving a charming glance, "Okay, it's all time, we won't show up in London again. About last night, British paparazzi can compile the stories of the three of us into a restricted publication ... "

After a long period of hun, Andy released Shakira, who was almost holding him, and straightened his body. He smashed hun, and looked at Shaqila, who was blushing and smiling, and said, "I can't help but show up." , At night, I flew to find you. "

"Aren't you going with us?" Cheryl asked, frowning slightly, stepping forward and kissing Andy.

"I have another important guest to see. You go back to London first." Andy reached out and patted Cheryl's pg.

"Ok, then after we go back, we can have a crazy shopping." Cheryl said angrily with an eyebrow at Andy.

"Don't save money for me!" Andy reached out and pinched Cheryl's funny face with a dimple and laughed.

"Hate. Let's go ..." Cheryl knocked off Andy's hand, and some reluctant Shakira walked towards the helicopter on the lawn in the distance. "Okay, don't watch, he's very greedy, Especially in the face of new people, you can't wait for the kind of person who will not leave the house for three days. You can rest assured that he will not let you go. "

After hearing Cheryl's ridicule, Shakira blushed and gave her a white look. After waving her hand with Andy, he boarded the helicopter with the help of a bodyguard.

Feeling the strong wind from the propeller, Andy watched the helicopter slowly take off, draw a beautiful arc in the air, and quickly disappeared into the sky, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted up, again for his legendary kill list Tim new people, feel comfortable.

Turning leisurely back and walking back to the castle hall, butler Klin greeted and reported with a smile: "Sir, Mr. Christian's car has entered the manor."

"Well, take him to the library to see me in a while." Andy nodded his expression indifferently, stepped on the oak stairs, holding on to the handrails of the stairs that had become polished after hundreds of years of grinding, " Get a pot of black tea. "

"Okay, sir." Steward Kline responded slightly.

Gold-plated roof, gold-plated bookshelf, neat rows of precious ancient books, ancient Greek Ionic columns, dark red sofa, and dark red carpet, revealing a classic temperament of Highclere Castle books In the museum.

Andy sat at the wooden writing desk used by Napoleon, and carefully looked at a well-preserved ancient book of the Tang Dynasty, The Legend of Martyr. After a while, the library door was knocked, and then was Push away.

The housekeeper brought a suit and leather shoes. About 40-50 years old middle-aged white people came in. Andy saw the person, stood up from the chair, took off his white gloves with a smile, and walked around the table. , Smiled and said to each other: "Hello, Christian."

"Hello, Mr. Smith." Although the other party was much older than Andy, he smiled, his posture was obviously lowered, and he was somewhat flattered and flattered and shook hands with Andy.

"Sit down." Andy gestured with a smile.

"Thank you." After Christian said thank you, he looked at the chair he was sitting on, his eyes flashed, and he instinctively reached out and touched the back of the chair, and sat down with a little restraint.

Andy saw everything in his eyes, his mouth slightly tilted, and said to the housekeeper, "Klin, help Mr. Christian get a cup of black tea."

Speaking, Andy sat opposite and smiled and said, "To be honest, when I started drinking English black tea, I was really not used to it, but after drinking it a few times, I found that the taste is light and soft, which is still very good."

"Oh, when it comes to English black tea, there is still a stalk in the UK, that is, is English nai tea poured into milk or black tea?

This problem has plagued the British for 150 years. It was not until 2003 that the Royal Chemical Society published an experimental paper entitled "Perfect Black Tea Brewing Method" that ended the problem of this century, that is, it should be slowly poured into black tea. Milk will not destroy the protein and nai flavor in milk. "

"Haha ..." After hearing Christian's introduction, Andy couldn't help laughing, shaking his head and saying, "Well, at least in terms of dining happiness and ritual, the British are really invincible!"

Watching Andy laughing, Christian, an Englishman, also laughed.

The laughter converged. Andy took the black tea handed over by housekeeper Kline, smiled and raised a toast with the opposite Christian, then narrowed his eyes, took a small sip, and put the white porcelain tea cup in the saucer. Cross your fingers on the table in front of you and smiled, "So how many antiques did you find for me this time?"