American Fortune Life

Chapter 1847: This is really going to heaven!

"At 19:30 on the evening of April 30, the thief broke into the National Museum, using the jammer to disable the monitoring, then controlling the monitoring room, and killing a security, went straight to the Asian Pavilion on the second floor. The location of the cultural relics is very clear. Smash the glass of the display cabinet with tools and remove the cultural relics. The whole process of committing the crime should not exceed half an hour.

The pedicure government is seeking help from multiple parties to resolve the case, including inviting the US fbi to participate in the detection, and to help Interpol to prevent the logistics from coming out of the pedicure.

‘This is by no means alone, and it must be a connoisseur, sabotage the security system, open the safety lock, the car is cooperating, and change the car halfway, it is estimated that at least 5 people can do it’

The foot basin government and the National Museum offer high rewards. The director of the museum also accepted a reporter's interview and was emotional and trembling, saying, "The stolen cultural relics are rare national treasures, especially the famous knife Sanriyuezong, which is unique and loves antique relics. People, don't collect, you will be found sooner or later! "

"Haha, this curator is really cute and must not be collected." After reading the news report, Andy closed the newspaper, shook his head with a smile and voiced. He was afraid of the detection ability of the footbath police and the blindly blended fbi. Compliments.

Three days have passed, but it is estimated that there are at least five people who have returned to the car and changed cars halfway? Alas, according to this direction, can you find a hair, and also prevent the logistics from coming out of the foot basin? Really can only hehe.

To be honest, seeing them so 'smart', Andy was relieved a lot.

"Generally, stolen cultural relics will not appear on the black market for many years. However, this purchase behavior is also a highly dangerous game. Often the stolen party and the government will spare no effort to investigate. For years, decades, Even decades. "Ivana said with a smile, hearing Andy's teasing.

Andy nodded and shrugged. "Let ’s take a look at it. Can you really turn a blind eye? Can't you? So, it doesn't make much sense to discuss this matter. I'll take a bath first and let's have breakfast later."

"Hmm." Ivana raised her arm and motioned, and Andy, who had already stood up, reached out and carefully pulled her up.

At the breakfast table, Andy was eating breakfast while listening to the little assistant reading a briefing to him to understand the daily situation of his company, and Ivana on the side also occasionally opened his own opinions.

"Well, about the Jeju Island casino hotel development project, you inform Hanks Cui and let him notify the partners, I invite them to come to Lanai Island, Hawaii." Andy dining fork inserted a strawberry, finished Then, chewed into the mouth.

"Okay, boss." The little assistant took a pen to record Andy's decision on the folder.

"Dear, how are you going to respond to the Austrian government's tax policy adjustments to the Silicon Valley's major overseas enterprises that could have been exempted or suspended, need to adjust their tax policies like domestic income? It is not necessary to show your opinion, after all, this has a great impact on your industry. "Ivana handed Andy the charcoal-grilled holi chicken that she had cut with a knife and fork in front of her. Asked.

"I don't need to express my urgency. After all, at the moment, neither Google, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, nor Apple will comment on measures to delay tax payment. Qualcomm and Cisco are now representatives of this tax policy. After protesting, this is not the time to overweight. "Andy took the plate and smiled slightly.

Adjusting the traditional tax policy has triggered a wave of opposition in Silicon Valley. This is the first time that the world between Silicon Valley and the government has diverged since Austrian Seaview took office. I have to say that this guy, Guanguan Hai, is constantly crossing the river to dismantle the bridge, first Wall Street, then Silicon Valley, offending again and again, and running all the way on the road to death. He would not really think that he would get the support of the majority of the people. Will you be eligible for re-election?

The corporate tax rate in the United States is 35%, which is much higher than in other countries in the world. However, under traditional taxation methods, American companies have certain advantages, which can better compete with foreign companies. In the framework of the global market, the importance of income from overseas markets is increasing, which is also positive for reducing domestic employment pressure.

Therefore, in order to avoid the government taxing overseas companies, many large American companies have reinvested their funds in overseas markets by depositing funds in various private accounts or investing in foreign-funded companies. If you don't do this, take Google as an example. In 2008, Google will pay an additional $ 1 billion in taxes to the government. Like Hewlett-Packard, it was through overseas tax avoidance that it successfully reduced its effective tax rate by 16.9 percentage points in 2008 by paying a lower overseas tax rate.

This is a policy gap that American companies want to explore, but it is true that traditional taxation methods encourage these companies to transfer their income to overseas markets, which greatly reduces government tax revenue. Especially in the context of the current economic crisis, many government-sponsored rescue plans require financial support, and they need a lot of tax revenue to stimulate the economy. Therefore, the Austrian government thought of moving a delicious piece of nai butter, which immediately caused a strong rebound.

Silicon Valley even used ‘if it ’s measured by the magnitude of the earthquake, the news ’s sensation can be called a magnitude 20! ’Words to show the seriousness of the matter, express opposition, and put pressure on Washington.

As for changing the traditional way of taxation, the Austrian government did not even have too many details. It is only mentioned in the preliminary budget document that the government has decided to increase revenue by $ 210 billion over the next 10 years and reform the tax policies of overseas companies. I encountered so much resistance and so many objections. I have to say that the chair in the white house is really not so good.

Andy, and even the major companies in Silicon Valley are very clear that even if the government adjusts the tax, compared with the high overseas profits of these companies, the part turned in is only a very small part. However, this mouth must not be opened. After all, this is to move their nai butter, cut meat from them, the government has no money to care about them, and never want to use their money to save Wall Street on the stink street.

No way, this is not to blame Silicon Valley companies for their unscrupulous and unreasonable, but Austrian Guanhai is really a bit uncontested!

Compared to the Detroit auto industry giant, Okuanhai has paid too much attention to Wall Street. Instead of effectively preventing Wall Street financial institutions from raising wages, they are constrained by Wall Street everywhere. They must make frequent capital injections to ensure that they are “big enough”. This behavior has greatly reduced the effectiveness of the Austrian plan, and at the same time it will greatly reduce the image of the government's ability to reform the economy in the eyes of the public.

"My dear, Wall Street has done a little too much this time. If this continues, something will definitely happen." Ivana issued more than 36 billion US dollars in bonuses to employees in the first quarter of this year. "It also expressed doubts and dissatisfaction.

In this regard, Andy also shook his head helplessly. This high-tech door can be said to have caused many questions and large-scale dissatisfaction.

Compared with the deepening of the previous crisis, which relied heavily on the government's bailout during the period of high salaries, "the embracing pipa half-faced", this salary increase bears the "first-quarter profit" aura, which appears to be "bright and upright."

However, Andy knows better than anyone how this money came from. Look at the first-quarter profit statements of major financial consortia on Wall Street. Most of the real reasons for their profits come from direct government assistance, revaluation of assets generated by guaranteed mortgages, and even government Tax rebates and other short-term factors related to government assistance, large-scale reduction of employees to ensure the salaries and benefits of some employees, etc.

At a critical moment when actual profits are minimal, and it can even be said that it is actually still at a loss stage, Wall Street financial giants will pay high salaries through unsustainable “watering profits”, which will undoubtedly pose a huge challenge to the current financial and economic recovery.

This is undoubtedly a merciless trample on the interests of the public. To put it plainly, Wall Street is holding the government's bailout money in its pocket.

It ’s too ugly to eat at Nima, and Wall Street ’s greed can be said to be vivid at this moment!

"What happened?" Andy's mouth raised with a sneer. "Oh, the accident is certain, but it's just a matter of time. It's too ugly to eat, it's too arrogant! My profitable banks and financial institutions are afraid to send money like this, they Really want to go to heaven! "