American Fortune Life

Chapter 2009: No one is an island

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, but like everywhere, the United States has rich and poor people.

Moreover, in the United States, the gap between rich and poor depends not only on people's income, but also on which area of ​​the United States they live in, because it can make a big difference in whether they can have a long and prosperous life in the future.

Just like family background and education, the place where an American lives can have a huge impact on their future opportunities.

However, according to the data survey, this time, the economic recession is the main reason for the widening gap between the rich and the poor in the United States, and the middle stage and the poor have been hit hardest by the economic recession.

The income of the richest people with an average annual income of about $ 140,000 in 2008 was 11.4 times the income of the poorest people with an average annual income of about $ 10,000 or less. In the past, this figure was about 11.2 times.

Last year, Americans' income fell across the board, with low and middle income earners losing the most. The average annual income of a middle-class family in the United States fell from $ 522,000 in 1997 to $ 50,000 last year, the lowest level since 1997. At the same time, the number of poor people has increased to 13.3%, a new high since 1997.

The main reason for the widening gap between the rich and the poor is that companies have laid off workers during the recession. The wealthiest Americans may lose some income as corporate executives' pay declines, but lower- and middle-income classes are facing unemployment.

Faced with this situation, this is why the US government has to impose further salary limits on senior managers of companies receiving government aid, and has included a tax increase on the rich in the health care reform package.

This is also the fundamental reason why the medical reform plan of Okuanhai will be resisted and difficult to pass.

The wording of this new Forbes article seems to be a word to remind people to pay attention to the unfair distribution of wealth in the United States. The intensified polarization between the rich and the poor between 99% of the people and 1% of the rich is causing dissatisfaction among American society and the public to accumulate. This is not a good sign.

"Dear, we have to do something." Andy groaned frowning for a moment and said.

Ivana frowned slightly and asked hesitantly, "What do you want to do?"

"Looking at the above article, hehe, there is a sense of blame for being unkind. Since I have once again secured the throne of the world's richest man, naturally I can't be indifferent. Donate it to grassroots social service organizations that focus on the poor or minority Donations from institutions or non-profit organizations, this time we have to make a high-profile, you and me, let the people across the United States know that my Andy Smith, the world's richest man, really cares about and cares for the lives of the people at the bottom of society! "Andy's eyes flickered With a bright and wise light, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

To be honest, since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008, the image of American super-rich people in the eyes of the public has begun to deteriorate, which is why so many billionaires will make "donations of donations" without legal restrictions in the future Maybe to a large extent it is intended to improve their image.

In fact, if the rich want to give back to society, the best way is to pay more taxes, at least not to evade taxes. In the United States and Canada, many rich people accumulate wealth by using the government's tax system. They racked their brains to avoid taxes, deducted them in various ways, including in the name of charitable donations, and earned a reputation.

You see, who in the U.S. didn't suddenly die, didn't go into production before his death, so as not to be levied a high inheritance tax?

Seriously, in the view of Andy, Gates and Buffett ’s charitable plan that donates most of the assets to the Gates Fund are not only difficult to benefit the poor, but will only exacerbate the divide between rich and poor.

Because their philanthropy is more inclined to help those who have enjoyed privileges, they give almost all of their largest donations to colleges, hospitals and medical centers, and art institutions, but rarely to societies focused on the poor or ethnic minorities Service organizations, grassroots organizations or non-profit organizations provide large-scale donations.

"Help the poor and change the world?" Ivana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nice, great slogan to help the poor and change the world," Andy affirmed.

"We must also pay attention to methods and methods, not too high-profile, so that some people just wait for donations and evade their responsibilities." Ivana reminded that Ivana can understand the response of his own men, Perhaps it is because the money is too much, which may cause anxiety to his own man. Of course, this phenomenon is not unique to Andy.

Being too rich, in fact, has become the collective anxiety of a large number of rich people in the United States. And this anxiety is not unreasonable.

Under the nest, did you finish the eggs?

In essence, as the main owners of social wealth, the rich are the people who do not want a major crisis in the overall economy. However, the fact is that the major economic crises have largely been caused by the widening of the wealth gap between groups.

In fact, the reason is very simple, social wealth is becoming more and more concentrated, but for the rich, consumption is always limited. Can't buy him hundreds or even thousands of luxury cars?

However, for low-income groups, it is a different picture.

Because, with less and less wealth, it will naturally reduce luxury consumption first, and then reduce unnecessary daily expenditures. In the end, even the most basic food, clothing, and accommodation must borrow money to maintain. Moreover, it is normal to consume in advance in the United States. In the end, one day, even the money for maintaining a living cannot be borrowed, that is, it is bankrupt.

In this way, the entire society is "immobilized" and the economy is in crisis.

To put it plainly, no one is an island and can be self-contained. . .

"For each individual, we should care about our society, and for those who have the ability to control resources, let alone try to monopolize ..."

At the 100-year-old store, and training the poor to help the poor to stand on their own. At a press conference held by the New York Rescue Station, Andy faced the media across the stage with a serious expression, saying that it had been three days since he and Ivana were present. The fifth donation conference was held. In three days, the most famous couple in the United States, under the name of the Smith Foundation, has provided to social service organizations, grassroots organizations or non-profit organizations focusing on the poor or ethnic minorities. A $ 100 million donation involving 20 organizations and institutions.

The two of them made such a crazy 'surprise' donation, which aroused widespread concern and discussion in the American society and the world as a whole. It also received countless praises, and the people's love and help were sincerely grateful. .

"No one is an island and can be self-contained. Everyone is a piece of the continent, a part of the whole ... Anyone's death is my loss, because I am a human being, so do n’t ask who the death knell is for. Naming, it will mingle for you. "


As Andy again quoted the English poet John Donne's poem as the ending, the whole room sounded like a machine gun-like camera shutter sound and a white flash.

"Mr. Smith ... What is the maximum funding limit for your donation?"

"Mr. Smith, what do you think of the media questioning ..."

"Mr. Smith, what do you think of the high unemployment rate?"

"Ivana, do you donate to charities that focus on women ..."

When the press conference ended, Andy scowled Ivana with a smile on his face and walked out under the guards of bodyguards. Hundreds of media reporters at the scene ignored the security guards and surrounded them madly. Living with two people, shouting various questions, hoping to get a response from this hottest couple.

Facing such a chaotic scene, Andy raised his voice, picked one out of many audible issues, and said loudly, "Solving employment is more effective than donating and is more effective for the current society. The method. Although my own strength creates limited jobs, I am willing to try and do my part. As for the specific plan, please pay attention to the announcement information of Smith Media Group. Thank you. "