American Fortune Life

Chapter 468: The charm of Ivana and the dinner of the

Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Andy holds a steaming white porcelain coffee cup in one hand, and inserts it in the trouser pocket of black slim trousers without any trace of folds, overlooking Central Park in the sunset through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"My dear, what do you think of me wearing this skirt?"

A sweet voice came from behind, Andy turned and smiled and saw her arms open, showing back and forth on her body Ivana in a pink sleeveless high waist slim pleated dress, her long and slender legs were exposed from her knees, her feet. A pair of high heels with pink pointed heels.

"Noble and elegant, perfectly outlines the proud upper circumference, slender waist, fat and tun, it really is the best!" Andy smiled and walked in front of Ivana, stretched out a finger to pick up her chin, lightly Teasing the face of the younger sister.

Ivana stretched out Jade's hand and patted Andy's finger, gave him a white look, then raised the jade arm, thoughtful help Andy began to buckle the white shirt shirt, arranged the lower collar, and picked it up from the sofa on the side The dark red and black striped tie was wrapped around his neck, and he began to tie it seriously.

"Tonight, however, Warren Buffett invited us to dinner. Naturally, we should be more formal. I don't know how many people want to see him. It's difficult ..."

"Ha" Andy listened to Ivana's admiration for Warren Buffett, and he didn't care about hitting Haha. To be honest, not in New York or Wall Street. I don't know how much Americans worship Warren Buffett. The world's most talked about is the annual auction of Buffett Lunch.

Last year's Xiao Bawang, step-by-step boss Duan Yingping sold for 60,000 US dollars. This Duan Yingping's absolute hero, oppp, vivo two brands of mobile phones are rising step by step, it is really a monopoly on the streets shop.

Ivana's long eyelashes blinked back and forth like a brush, Mei Mei smiled into a crescent shape, her bright red lips, and a funny look at a little boyfriend who did not care about Haha, she knew the mood of her man How high, you can appreciate Andy's indifference to some "big men" from the usual conversations and behaviors. Although he deliberately suppressed his arrogance, he still made Ivana clear in some accidents. Feeling the pride of that kind of bone.

"Mr. Buffett is a respectable man ... he contributed $ 1.9 billion last year."

Andy admires it a bit, no matter what his purpose is, Andy himself can't tell the truth.

Andy didn't care if Ivana attached so much importance to the dinner, but when the dinner was invited in the afternoon, he was a little unexpected, but thinking of Warren Buffett as Moody's largest individual shareholder, Be clear.

It is nothing more than their own two courier services. The power of the media lies in this. No one can despise the strength of a weekly magazine with a circulation of 4 million copies, especially in the future storm. No one can be sure that it will happen. What, once regarded as a target, the angry people and Washington, who is looking for a scapegoat, will definitely be happy.

After all, the cartoon of Andy was given to the then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson by the previous media, which made the White House Treasurer feel embarrassed. How can the two fraudulent rating agencies that rely on credibility to eat can bear it.

It's just that Andy didn't expect Warren Buffett to meet with him. O God, an old man who was deified by people all over the world. Andy naturally would not believe in the deified reports of some media. With a congressional background, to put it plainly, Warren was a second-generation official when he was a kid. In the 1950s, when he debuted, he was in charge of 500,000 US dollars for investment.

Buffett is not a simple investor. He is also the maker of news and trends in the world's largest capital market. He is a big dealer in the US financial market and a big dealer in the world financial market.

For the American financial community, it's really necessary to avoid the essence of Buffett's big bookmaker, magnify his lace news infinitely, and finally create an "American dream" in the capital market.

It is understandable that Americans have created a myth in the interest of the United States, so as to attract world capital to the United States, or induce the world to imitate the US capital system.

Andy reached out to gently leave loose golden hair on both sides of Ivana's cheek, pinching her white ears, and gently pinching her earlobe, laughing: "You are like a ripe apple It ’s getting more and more tempting. Many magazines now say that young guys in the United States want to date you. "

"Giggle." Ivana helped Andy tie his tie, lifted his toes, and wrapped his arms around his neck. His red lips kissed Andy's cheeks and lips continuously, and his eyes flashed with love. , Said gently, "Are you happy or unhappy?"

Andy stretched out a large hand and kneaded Ivana's soft Feng Tun, kissed her red lips, raised her eyebrows, and whispered in her ear: "Actually they know there, I'm in you How hard you work on your body, irrigation will make you so bright and attractive, and there are many kinds of styles. I dig hard again and again, so that you are familiar with everyone from the inside out ... "

Ivana's pretty face flushed and her nose became hot and hastily. She became more and more unable to resist Andy's provocation. The whole pretty face moved into Andy's neck and clung to her little man's arms.


Two beeps and waves, Andy's big hand moved away from Ivana's Feng Tun. After two hesitant laughs, he said ridiculously: "Knead for a while, we will not have to go to the appointment, directly Go back to bed and feed you. "

"It's annoying!" Ivana loosened her neck around Andy, and left from his arms. She blushed and cheered, started to sort out the opened skirt, and looked at her skirt in front of the mirror. After there are no folds, pick up a water-blue hand bag, cleverly smile and hold Andy's arm already in a suit.

"Let's go and see the grace of the gods, haha." Andy said with a smile on his face and a tender look at her.

In a restaurant decorated with historical features, listening to beautiful orchestral music, looking at the antique dark red European tables and chairs, the white tablecloth was flat without any trace of wrinkles.

"Miss Ivana is really amazing. The media have said that you two are princes and princesses in New York. They are indeed an enviable pair of young people."

With a smile on his face, and Ivana, whose white teeth were barely smiling, looked at each other, Ivana said gracefully, "Thank you for your compliment."

It's been almost twenty minutes since the three met, and Warren Buffett has been watching Andy Smith, a young man, and has not let him down. This handsome young man is very calm and doesn't talk much from beginning to end. There is nothing exaggerated, only good recuperation and etiquette are displayed, and there is nothing to see the excitement and admiration of the big men, calm and indifferent.

On the contrary, Ivana's noble temperament and elegant conversation have adjusted well, and it is not like an upstart at all. After all, Ivana's father is not to be seen in the upper circles and can't control it. No one likes his mouth, especially superficial upstarts who like to brag about themselves.

After the meal came, Andy just smiled lightly, watching the smiley Ivana and Warren Buffett with a soft look indifferently.

Andy can see that Warren Buffett likes Ivana very much. Of course, this kind of love is the kind of elders see the pleasing juniors. Although Warren is also an old hooligan, but even if he cares, the old guy is also about to die. Already.

"Sorry, I'm missing ..." Ivana knew that her task of adhesive was almost completed, and it was time for the two to have a little room for communication, and she picked up her handbag and got up gracefully, saying apologetically to Buffett.

Warren Buffett smiled and reached out, "It doesn't matter."

Seeing Ivana with a smile, Sona's posture went away, Warren Buffett looked at Andy Smith on the opposite side and said, "You have an excellent and enviable girlfriend."

"Thank you, Ivana's excellence is beyond doubt." Andy nodded in agreement with a smile, and there was no implicit humility. This is not the old style, especially when praising loved ones and lovers, humility actually makes people misunderstand. So good.

"To be honest, I have read your materials before. From your experience as a teenager when you became famous in novels, until now, you have fallen, drunk, and dreamed to death. Let me understand one thing, you use all your net worth to bet on the collapse of real estate in the United States. It's not about listening to the analysis of think tanks or financial advisers. It's about your belief in your own decisions, but this has always troubled me. Where does your confidence come from? $ 1 billion, the age of the age is simply unthinkable. "

Warren Buffett didn't go around the corner, but directly spoke his doubts. He doesn't think that Andy is a blind and arrogant gambler. This young man has a calmness and maturity far beyond his age, a unique vision and a delicate mind. It is hard to believe that such a young man will do gambling with great risks.

"Maybe I just want to rely on gambling to make a huge profit. The risk will continue to decrease with some data, and it will also make people's guts and ambitions grow, and I have a good team." Andy fell down. With a blank eye, he was not interested in discussing with the old fox on the opposite side some inexplicable power or the complexity of human beings.

The old man's bright eyes flashing jing light took a deep look at Andy with a pale expression, and said without a word, "Maybe."

"Moody's and Standard & Poor's will not downgrade the mbs, at least not in the near future, because they cannot be against the entire Wall Street and even the government. Now everyone sees a huge storm is brewing, I don't know when it will start to rag, who I wo n’t drop a bomb in the eyes of the storm, because the person who shreds first will know that at the first sight of you, you know better than anyone else, and you just do it for others, or more Most of them are the first to prepare for the future and jump out of the mire with profits! "

Andy stared at the other party's bright eyes without a smile, smiled slightly, raised the glass and gestured to the other party, and then sipped, "Maybe ..."