American Fortune Life

Chapter 995: Turn your hands over the clouds


Paulson held the phone's hand because he was too strong, some lost his blood color, and hung up the old Smith's phone. His body was shaking slightly, and a word was squeezed from the gap between his teeth.

His chief aide, Hamilton, shook his head somewhat helplessly. Although he did not know what conditions Andy Smith had proposed, but based on his knowledge of Andy Smith, he would never miss the opportunity of the global economic crisis.

Even if it was a transaction, it was a very difficult condition to accept. Hamilton looked at Paulson, who was flushed with anger, and comforted: "Minister, we already knew that he would ask too much, and his greed is no worse than this. Anyone in the street is lower, or his pursuit of wealth is more persistent than anyone. "

"Do you know what he wants? Haha, it's just a bastard. In addition to the five small banks, he also needs the California Indyma Bank! It seems like these banks don't spend money ..."

"California Indyma Bank, which specializes in housing loans? Du Li National Mortgage Corporation ... God!" Hamilton's face changed sharply, and he reached out to cover half of his face.

"What?" The sneer on Paulson's face was stunned by the exaggerated response of the staff.

"Indyma has always been in doubt about its financial situation. The bank has issued loans to people with unknown income and assets and resold a large number of such loans to financial institutions.

This year's subprime mortgage and housing market crisis has intensified, the delinquency rate of home loan deferred payments has increased, and the absolute assets of indyma's books have shrunk severely.

Indyma's assets are about $ 321 billion. The bank has about 7 trillion deposits across the United States, of which about 37% of deposits are not protected by Federal Savings Insurance ...

Andy Smith must have been eyeing it for a long time. No matter we agree or disagree with the transaction, he will make it a "heart attack". Under the current panic mood, those customers without insurance protection will definitely run crazy. ... "

"..." The cold sweat on Paulson's forehead burst out, and the corners of his mouth were unnaturally tugging. His eyes were full of anxiety, and he grabbed the mobile phone that had just been thrown on the table by him, and then dialed out.

"Secretary, it's useless! Your call will only help Andy Smith to complete his job. His people must have also shorted this stock. The more you react now, the faster this bubble will burst. Indyma Bank It must be very serious. As soon as the wind blows, it will have a heart attack and die suddenly! "

"No, I want the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to take it over ..." With that said, Paulson's eyes flickered open, and the hand holding the phone was fixed in the air.

Aides Hamilton said with a grin: "Then calculating the cost of bankruptcy ... The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will keep the new bank up and running as much as possible, and will begin to plan for a buyer for indyma, right?"

"In the end, Andy Smith is likely to be that buyer ..." Paulson mumbled a bit tired, putting down his phone, closing his eyes, and leaning on the boss chair.

"He has cash. In this period, no one can resist the cash of youhuo, the crisis of liquidity, and cash is king!

Indyma Bank is a bank that basically invests 100% of its mortgage assets, and we are in a bad mortgage market, and the bank is out of capital, which is obvious.

Whether we are willing or not, the bank of Indyma is finished, but the question of how to die is terrible. Whether it is Andy Smith or his think tank, it is simply ... "

There was silence in the office.

"Minister, I want to see Andy Smith."

"Oh, don't say it's you, I want to see him too, but he's on vacation in the Caribbean now, riding a 100-meter-long superyacht he just delivered ..." Paulson opened his eyes and smiled with a mockery. Said with a smile.

"I'm going to see him! I want to talk to him. Since he wants to take over the mess of Indyma Bank, he must have a way to solve the real estate that fell in the hands of the bank. I want to know how much he plans to spend to win these banks. .

We need his help in the future. A Buffett will not completely restore confidence in the market. What about Andy Smith? "

Paulson was a little stunned, looking at his staff and said, "Do you want to, really sell it to him?"

"Otherwise, bankruptcy, compensation for 50% of the deposits to those users, completely wipe out middle-class families in the United States ...

We have no choice but to sell him to the world's 20th billionaire, which can stabilize those deposit customers who are scared to want to withdraw money.

Confidence is the most precious and valuable at this time!

Andy Smith can bring confidence to those people. After all, his rise has been accepted by the American people, and he is accustomed to his success again and again. Perhaps, he took over Indyma Bank is the best solution to calm down the turmoil ... "

"Well, I'll help you meet him, but you're flying to the Caribbean ..." Paulson's words weren't finished, and the phone on the desk rang.


Some bitter and helpless Paulson hung up the phone and said to his staff: "MG Chase changed its mind, and nearly three-quarters of Bear Stearns' assets were found to be subprime loans. Jamie Dimon said that regardless of price Anyway, he will not want this part of the asset, and must cancel the transaction.

He also issued a warning that if Bear Stearns goes bankrupt, four other investment banks are likely to be implicated. "

Hearing Paulson's words, the aide sneered, and said sarcastically, "He wants the government to help solve the problem of mortgage assets. Bear Stearns' high-quality assets have always been coveted by mg chase, how could they not!"

"Even if they didn't know it, these **** have kidnapped the U.S. financial system, and everyone, I discussed with Geithner and agreed with the proposal of mg Chase, which will allow the New York Fed to lend mg Chase $ 30 billion to Bells Equity-level investment-grade assets are used as collateral, and the Ministry of Finance compensates for some losses. "

Hearing Paulson's words, the staff widened his eyes and looked at Paulson in disbelief, with a hesitant expression and hesitation.

"What's wrong? What do you want to say?"

"Cough ..." The staff member's eyes were slightly loose and he slightly coughed, and finally reminded wryly: "Perhaps you and Mr. Geithner didn't realize ... Without the approval of Congress, the Treasury cannot compensate the Fed ! "...


"Fxxk! These damn, greedy, vampires to hell, a cheeky, dirty bug! Even now they want to fool us ..."

Paulson felt incredulous and began to lose his temper, but anger was useless and Bear Stearns could not go bankrupt ...