American Manga God

Chapter 105: Clause 404 of the Red House

15 Fate Offset Value!

What the hell! many!

This is the richest harvest since Mei Jiexao crossed into the Marvel world.

"Hmm, how can I use it better?"

A Chinese student dog who came to World War II to be Maozi's thug, beat to death, for what?

Is it really pan-red sentiment?

Don't be ridiculous, the Soviet Union was cold at the end of the last century.

After all, it is not for the offset value.

With an offset value, Stalin? snort! love whoever!

Just because Mao's system is so good this time, I didn't even do it, and gave me a 15-point offset value directly?

Does the system know that I'm going to be in trouble in the morning?

This time, it's really a wave of fat.

In addition to these 15 points, one for each of the rescued generals, plus a bunch of messy school-level officers, and relatives of Maozi's diplomatic boss, Mei Mumu received a total of 18 offset points, plus 81 Destiny Fragments.

Just when Mei Mumu was in a happy frenzy, she suddenly received two offset values?


"It was detected that Baron Strucker was forced to defect, and the strength of Baron Strucker in the Hydra was greatly reduced, and the special reward was 2 points of Fate Offset."

Huh? Is this possible?

For the first time, Mei Jiecao discovered that in addition to strengthening superheroes, the villains of the Marvel world were cut in advance, so there can be offset values?

After another half day, I suddenly received a lot of Destiny Fragments, a total of 32 pieces.

That feeling of pie falling from the sky is so beautiful!

"Could it be that... Mustache is angry?" Mei Jiexao held back his laughter so hard.

This time, he guessed right.

In Hitler's lair, the mustache was completely furious.

The Eastern Front collapsed. As early as more than a month ago, hundreds of thousands of German troops fell into the extreme cold hell. ** Marshal Goering, commander-in-chief of the Air Force, assured Hitler that more than 700 tons of supplies could be delivered daily to the front-line soldiers in Stalingrad.

In fact, Goering, who had no idea how terrifying the Maozi Ice and Snow Hell was, could not even guarantee 300 tons per day.

Soldiers on the front line were tormented by cold and hunger to the point of lack of fighting spirit.

The situation is sliding towards hell, and hundreds of thousands of German soldiers may not be able to sustain the spring flowers. The German offensive was worse than in history because of May's troubles. Maozi has assembled more than 2 million troops and is ready to bring the battle of Stalingrad to an end.

At this point, no matter how angry the moustache is, he will not be able to rescue the hundreds of thousands of German troops who have fallen into desperation. The German Field Marshal Paulus on the front was ready to declare his surrender.

In this environment, a Yakov would have been very valuable. As early as the end of December, Moustache had already thought that if something went wrong, he would exchange Yakov for his marshal.

Unfortunately, Yakov flew away.

Not even Stalin's famous quote "I will not change a soldier for a marshal".

So, mustache's anger became natural.

"Trash! It's all trash! They were all caught in the eye of the enemy! The important guy didn't get caught. What about the ghost of Stalingrad? Also, are they all blind? A dozen cars and that guy's car After driving in the opposite direction, no one will go down to check the car?" The roar of the mustache rang in the wolf's den for a full day and night.

After a thorough investigation, it was found that the fuse of the incident was, of course, that Colonel Ludwiga Aiteka suddenly announced the annihilation of Hydra like a neuropathy, and also killed two Hydra executives first.

But it is also an indisputable fact that soldiers affiliated with Hydra opened fire on the SS.

According to Moustache's virtue of killing mistakes and not letting go, Hydra Hydra should be cold. I don't know what kind of soup the Red Skull gave Hitler.

Hitler changed to kill Baron Strucker's faction. Even the Red Skull acted as a vanguard.

Kill that **** storm wow!

Someone crossed his legs in his new office, lighting a ruble as a bonus, and looking at the picturesque scenery outside.

The only small entanglement is that Wei Mao is not in a real red house, but in a seemingly simple and ordinary white school building?

"Sunset, Xishan Hongxiafei, the soldiers hit targets and return to the camp..." Mei Mumu hummed the tune that he came back from the military training in the university, and the image of the Hydra members being shot against the corner and being killed **** rivers appeared in his mind.

That dark cool to the face ah!

Just as he was looking at the lottery plate on his retina, like a miser, he was reluctant to spend a little bit, when a knock sounded on the door.

"Sir, Second Lieutenant Romanova is here."

Mei Mumu replied, "Let her come in."

The intelligence department assigned him a secretary, a typical Mao girl, with a hot body of 36d, 26, and 38, a small round face, and a good-looking figure. Obviously, the other party doesn't mind having a super-friendly relationship with him.

It's a pity that Mei Mumu, the girl from the Intelligence Department, didn't dare to touch her casually.

Otherwise, it is a real personal investigation.

well! In other places, this is definitely the beginning of the happy and depraved life of a secretary who has something to do and a secretary who has nothing to do.


It seems that the little girl Natalia is a little dissatisfied with Mei Mumu's new secretary, but when she sees Mei Mumu who is also wearing a pair of sunglasses and has her right hand hanging in the winter, she suddenly loses her temper.

Closing the door, Natalia stood at attention.

"Chief, Lieutenant Natalia Arianovna Romanova is here to report! I have been notified by my superiors that I will become a reserve trainee from today."

"You are welcome, Lieutenant! Please take a seat!"

Since it is an office, there must be a **. The Intelligence Department never trusts anyone, and the brigadier general who was promoted to the line of fire and then parachuted down by Mei Mumu is no exception.

A little use of the balance system to detect the radio waves, I found no less than ten **.

Each of them is very secretive, but the level of technology in early 1943...hehe!

It's not Mei Mumu, except for some American emperors and Red Skull's gadgets that can be called black, others are scum.

After all, Natalia is a 14-year-old girl, and the hatred of her parents and relatives is quickly reported. Her thoughts are far less dark than another parallel world.

She knew that this was a place for official business, so she said it directly.

"Chief, I have no opinion on most of the terms of joining the Red House, but the last one... a little..."

Mei Mumu glanced at the last one, and snickered in her heart: "Are you very repulsive?"

"Yes, if this new red house has to have this rule, I may choose to quit."

The red house in the original book is too dark. All kinds of cruel training that annihilates humanity are not counted, and the final graduation exam is love action training.

But since Mei Mumu is the boss now, naturally many things have been removed.

"Well, thanks to the trust of General Secretary Stalin. I am in charge of the Red House, so the functions of the Red House will be changed. It will be replaced by training super soldiers. This is the newly revised Article 404, take a look."