American Manga God

Chapter 131: Queen's Proclamation

The bones were crackling, and the sound like fried chestnuts kept echoing in the bones. The arm was bulging, and at the extreme, it was the kind of severe pain that the skin and muscles were cracked inch by inch.

After being abused by Dormammu a lot, after dying again and again, sometimes I feel pain... that's all.

The body is like a robot that has been thirsting for electricity for a long time. When a strong current comes, the whole body becomes a real steel body.

It is an absolute sense of self-confidence that you are omnipotent and invincible.

It's a pity, God **** it, his head and the hand that pretended to be abolished have not changed.

Mei Mumu clearly knew that as long as she used the [Eye of Agamato], she could recover, or it would automatically become normal when she returned to 2016, but now she can't change it.

Nothing, I just want to cry now.

"Host, why do I feel that you are not happy at all?" The young lady gave him a rare understanding.

"No! Just thought of something bad. I'm very happy with this exchange."

"It's just elementary."

"May I ask, how many offset points does the intermediate level require?"

"Haha! That's not what 'offset' can describe anymore." Miss Sister was mysterious.

Considering the lack of his own will, at the suggestion of the young lady, Mei Mumu exchanged the remaining offset points for a skill - [Intermediate Fear Protection Barrier]!

Originally, this thing is the specialty of the dwarf priest in "World of Warcraft", which can give a teammate a chance to offset fear. But under the strengthening of the system, it has become a special solidification enchantment that enhances willpower and resists [mental weakening].

It can resist three [planet-level] fear-like mental attacks every day. As long as the physical condition is normal, all the times will be automatically resumed after 12:00 every night.

Maybe 99% of the time, this thing is a decoration, and it will undoubtedly save lives when it is critical.

After spending the remaining Destiny Fragments and strengthening part of the magic of his [Dungeon and Dragon] series, Mei Mumu can be said to have turned the victory into strength.

"The last thing to miss..."

Mei Mumu recruited Natalia and Yelena to their new office respectively. The original two generations of black widows have graduated from the red house, and it is a bit unruly for Mei Mumu to do so.

The Intelligence Department was also embarrassed to offend the Moscow political upstart who had just coaxed Stalin into the sky. They made an application seriously, saying that they would congratulate the disciples who were about to go to the new department after changing jobs. The Ministry of Intelligence can only approve.

The first time I saw Natalia, who was obviously in a good mood, Mei Mumu said at the first: "I blocked the monitoring, um, I will be leaving 1943 soon."

Black Widow's big eyes suddenly opened to the widest: "You... brother, you..."

"I came to this era by accident. Obviously, I'm going back to my 2016. In New York, I have to resist a monster that can destroy the entire solar system."

Natalia shuddered.

If she had just met Mei Mumu, she would definitely think he was crazy.

But since gaining Valeera's inheritance, communicating shadow energy, and allowing her body to easily achieve optical camouflage-level invisibility, she found herself entering a whole new world.

Especially after seeing Mei Mumu's incomparably exaggerated magic, she was even more certain that her brother-like existence was extraordinary. And Mei Mumu's miraculous performance of recovering her arm at will, and then turning it into a disabled state, made her even more stunned.

But she never thought that Mei Mumu was not from this time!

It's too fantastic, isn't it?

Natalia's nails on both hands were embedded in her palms, her bright red lips were pursed, and her teeth almost bit her lower lip to bleed. After thinking for a few seconds, she came over firmly, put her hands on Mei Mumu's shoulders, brought her mouth close, and spoke in a pleading voice.

"Brother, you... can't you stay? For me, and Yelena, even if I leave the Soviet Union... I will..."

Mei Mumu smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't." After that, he took out the [Eye of Agamotto] from his arms. The green light above was already very faint, like a candle that was swaying in the wind and could not be extinguished at any time.

There were some things he couldn't say to Natalia. At this point in time, the genuine [Eye of Agamotto] was placed on Kama Taj. It is impossible for two [Time Gems] to coexist at the same time. They obviously influence each other and interfere with each other.

The time gem in Mei Mumu's hand was obviously severely suppressed by another time gem. Not only was it unable to recharge itself, but it also accelerated the consumption of time power in order to ensure the existence of Mei Mumu.

Natalia was so smart, she quickly guessed the key point. At this moment, not only did her face turn pale, but even her bright red hair became eclipsed, with an unconcealed sadness on her face: "I... Do I really have to wait for you for 73 years? Maybe I was already…”

Mei Mumu is quite embarrassed: "This, maybe it won't take that long. After 2000, there should be a chance to meet. If I can survive the disaster in New York in 2016, we can meet often."

Natalia's whole body stiffened, but in the next instant, she jumped on the armrest of Meimumu's office chair with her legs apart, holding Meimumu's face and kissing, no, that was gnawing on it. The upper and lower jaws clenched forcefully, biting Mei Mumu's lower lip to the point of blood dripping.

"Woo! Nata... woohoo!"

It was like chewing on a pig's hoof, bit by bit, bit by bit, and after eating Mei Mumu for a full minute, Natalia opened her mouth. During this period, Meijie struggled and resisted, but was suppressed by Natalia.

This is not the crushing of physical strength, but the suppression of momentum.

The emotions revealed in those bright eyes are so complicated, they should not be the eyes that a 15-year-old girl should have.

grow up in the fire of war;

Reborn in In this life, when she was most desperate and painful, it was Meimumu who appeared in front of her and became her savior, her brother, her half father (guardian), and her 's master.

It's hard to describe the two of them in any simple traditional relationship.

So when she heard that Mei Mumu was leaving, perhaps it was the most appropriate to describe Natalia's mood at the moment with love and hate.

Finally, the lips are divided.

There is no half-point charm!

At this moment, she was like a vampire princess who had just sucked human blood, exuding a fierce and brutal aura all over her body.

Suddenly, she laughed, very presumptuously, and very flamboyantly. She was clearly sitting on Meimu's crotch, her movements were ambiguous, but she seemed to be sitting on her own horse, and condescendingly declared—

"Humph! Isn't it sixty or seventy years? This girl has undergone genetic enhancement anyway, so I can afford to wait! But if you don't show up by then, I will hunt you down to the end of hell!"