American Manga God

Chapter 132: back to dark hell


Mei Mumu was really shocked!

Am I in love with this?

Mao Mei's daring to love and dare to hate has refreshed his three views.

Mei Mumu, who came from the Great Celestial Dynasty in the 21st century, listened all day to what her cousins ​​said about the house, the car, the money, and no girl to marry you.

At the beginning of marrying a wife, it is full of purple, red and green (it was popular in Shandong and Henan first, referring to 10,000 5-yuan bills, plus one thousand hundred-yuan bills, and a 50-yuan bill. "Wanziqianhong" is 150,000 yuan, " A piece of green "usually 666 pieces of 50 pieces.)

Forget about selling a girl, and often don't tell the man it's a second-hand house.

Sometimes second-hand houses are just enough, and people have died...

This kind of strong contrast has shocked Mei Mumu. Is this still Natasha Romanoff, the black widow who is recognized as Marvel's number one courtesan in her original world?

But on the other hand, what right do you have to impose such an unbearable impression on a 15-year-old girl who has never done anything dirty?

He saved Natalia in this world with his own hands.

He also opened the red house.

If such Natasha is guilty, isn't he the headmaster of the technical school?

Suddenly a wry smile!

"Hey!" Meimumu touched her lips that had been gnawed several times, and the blood kept flowing, and smiled bitterly: "Natalia, what are you doing? Sixty years is too long."

"Humph!" This was her final answer.

Without looking back, she swaggered out of the room like a triumphant general. However, from the glass cabinet beside the door, she could see tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

It was Yelena who came in, and Mei Mumu didn't have so many scruples about her. After he gave some orders, the only thing he did to her was to exchange the inheritance of Hundred Majestic Hassan to her.

The Maozi Intelligence Department had no idea what Mei Mumu said to them. It was more like a relationship dispute, or a pure farewell blessing.

Everything looks so normal.

Soon the two black widows went out on a mission, while Mei Mumu threw himself into the research and development of the Winter Soldier.

On August 28 of the same year, a major event happened in Moscow--Mejzao Delaus, who was secretly in charge of the super soldier [Winter Soldier] program, would return to Moscow to report regularly, and received a large number of Hydra members in the suburbs of Moscow. attack.

Six guards in two cars were killed and two seriously injured, and traces of a large number of power users were found at the scene. Delaus Benchmark will be suspected of being captured and missing.

Stalin, who was busy counter-attacking Germany, was furious when he heard this. Mei Mumu's successful rescue of people in the Saxony concentration camp is one of his greatest political capitals and his proudest secret operation.

Now the Germans doing this is tantamount to slapping him in the face.

He secretly made a decision to enter Berlin and kill Hitler's family.

This led to a later scene - on the surface, Stalin ordered three million Red Army troops to attack Berlin in order to overwhelm the United States and Britain, which directly caused the death of 1.5 million Red Army soldiers.

Stalin lived a year longer than he in another dimension because of someone's god-level toilet, and didn't die until 1954.

The next leader, Khrushchev, came to power and began the liquidation of Stalin's forces.

Khrushchev was the one who wanted to completely deny Stalin, including Stalin's second son, Vasily Zhugashvili.

What's more, Stalin and Khrushchev still had a feud for murder. It is said that Khrushchev's son was a fool and did not learn well. He once killed an officer of the Soviet Red Army because of alcoholism. In Khrushchev's face, Stalin forgave him. Later, the child was also captured by the German army. He may have a lax speech and misbehavior. After returning, the country convicted him, and Stalin wrote a batch of them—killed.

The so-called debt repayment. You kill my son, how can I spare your son?

Before Stalin's bones were cold, Vasily, who was then the commander of the air force of the Moscow Military District, was expelled from his military post by Khrushchev and imprisoned.

The "Winter Soldier" plan, which was launched during Stalin's reign, and the "Red House" that was established were all implicated.

Unlike history, it also has the same effect. Seeing that she is about to be persecuted, two generations of famous black widows defected on almost the same day.

Yelena disappeared.

And the strongest black widow, Natalia, defected directly to the US, the sworn enemy of the Soviet Union, and publicly changed her name to Natasha Romanov, hitting Khrushchev in the face.

The surname Romanov is the surname of the former tsar. After the October Revolution in Marvel World, it was the Soviets who personally shot everyone with this surname in the entire Romanov Dynasty.

This kind of slap in the face made Lao Mei feel at ease with the agent Natasha.

However, everything has nothing to do with Mei.

He returned to that boundless dark world.

"Hahaha! Die! Die! How many times can you die?" Dormammu's hideous and ugly face as huge as a planet appeared in front of Meimumu again.

Meimumu pouted, he knew very well that the past history had been messed up by him, but he had special expectations for the history of this magical reform. He couldn't help thinking to himself: "Sure enough, Miss Black Widow is still cute! I really don't know what happened to her in 2016..."

At this time, time has resumed the passage of time.

Another big move of Dormammu was already in front of him.

It was a magma-like thing that was forcibly extracted out of dozens of planets. Too bad these slurries are icy cold and full of dull inorganicity.

If it was the previous Meimumu, he would probably be kicked out at once, and then resurrected.

This time is Suddenly, dozens of huge magic circles appeared in the void behind Mei Mumu.

[Inheritance of the Witch Medea] contains a lot of magic of the gods. These magics can't be understood all at once, even if Mei Mumu uses the understanding of [Magic Apprentice Khadgar], it will only be a small part of it.

Even so, it gave Dormammu a feeling that this 'bug' was suddenly reborn.

Because, these magic circles extract the power from the dark space. But it's very different from the old one. The ancient one is the kind of person who has to take the dark power into his body and transform it before using it.

As for Meimumu's magic circles, they openly scrambled for control of the dark space with Dormammu, forcibly changed a small part of the dark power into the master-slave relationship. Frozen 【Magma】.

"Boom boom boom!" After a burst of roar, Mei Mumu was not damaged at all.

For the first time, Dormammu showed a surprised expression: "What did you do? Just that moment..."