American Manga God

Chapter 439: missed time

Of course, it is not a piece of junk that can be used as a killer by a big guy like Dormammu.

In the Marvel world, there are many demons that can be related to the word "fear".

For example, there are a lot of fear demon kings, but Dormammu doesn't like this kind of lord-level thing at all.

The most advanced, Dormammu wouldn't touch it either.

In the Marvel Demon World system, only Mephisto once became the highest in the Demon World, even if it is known as the top three in the Demon World, the existence of the multiverse level: Setorak, Suma and Sishorn have never had such an honor.

Back then, when Loki, the **** of tricks, was competing with Lao Mei's IQ, he couldn't match Mephisto's strategic ability.

Marvel's "Satan" is not a specific devil, but the highest title in the devil world.

Dormammu is indeed a star demon, but he's only second tier below Mephisto and the Big Three.

In this file, there are very few goals.

For example, Odin's eldest brother Orochi [God of Fear] in the comics.

In the age of mythology, the upright serpent was fooled by Mephisto for a while, and ran to fight Odin to death. He once occupied all the fear power of human beings, and made other fear lords and demon kings in **** who depend on fear to eat even Rexiang. Can't take a bite.

After fooling the serpent to death, Mephisto came to appease the other demon kings.

At the demon king's party, Lao Mei told all the demon kings that the best action now is to not act, waiting for Orochi and Odin to fight and lose both. Later, he came to the domain of the Nightmare King. The Nightmare King complained to Lao Mei about Orochi's behavior, which made him have no market now.

Mephisto’s words woke the king of nightmares and reasoned with the king of nightmares: tell the nightmare that if you go to fight the serpent, it will be death, if you join forces with Odin to fight the serpent, even if you win the war, just do this, you are afraid It is because he can no longer raise his head in the demon world. If he bows his knees and is loyal to the big snake, he can only eat some leftovers. In the end, Lao Mei suggested that Nightmare do what he can do, which is to take advantage of the fisherman.

After listening to Mephistopheles, Nightmare forged a crown of fear.

During this period, the serpent was knocked over by Odin and the heroes. The incident of the serpent was over, but the human fears left over were not eliminated, so Nightmare used this crown to collect a lot of human fears, and finally Loki took all the children's fears The crystal of fear was also given to the Nightmare King, which greatly increased the Nightmare power of the crown, once crushing other fear lords. However, due to the poor strength of the Nightmare King, the crown was finally taken away.

The Crown of Fear incident was originally used by Loki to entrap the Nightmare King, and deliberately gave him crystals of fear, so that the fear lords would have civil strife. But Loki has a lot of calculations, he is just a move in Mephisto's chess game. After several turns, this crown was finally won by Mephistopheles, and Mephistopheles, who wore the crown, became the first player in the demon world. A "Satan" sat on the Satan throne.

OK, here comes the point.

The [Nightmare King's Fear Crystal Fragment] that Mei Jiexao sees now is probably the leftover scraps that the Nightmare King used to create the Crown of Fear.

Even leftovers are enough for someone to drink a pot.

You must know that the King of Nightmares is an alien creature that dominates the dream realm and dream dimension, and is a realm that ordinary people cannot reach. He feeds on the fears of people's nightmares, and with every fear he draws, he gets stronger and is one of Doctor Strange's main enemies. In Marvel history, the Doctor has fought him more than Dormammu.

The ability of the Nightmare King is quite powerful. He can drag any creature that enters sleep into his own dimension for control. In the dream dimension, time, quality, space, and things are completely controlled by him (equivalent to monthly reading?), and can also be instantly controlled. Destroy a person's spirit, will through dark magic.

Because everyone has dreams and dreams. Therefore, the Nightmare King cannot be destroyed and disappeared, but can only be suppressed. This may be another factor in his strength. Although he is not as capable of destroying the world as Dormammu can move his fingers, this ability is enough for him to become a strong enemy of Doctor Strange!

Someone May wondered where Dormammu got the Nightmare King stuff, they never had a pot of urine.

He only knew that he was in big trouble!

"I bought a watch last year!" After cursing fiercely, the crystal fragments of fear shot over, ignoring all of someone's defenses, and directly submerged between his eyebrows.

In the dark void, even if the lonely Valkyrie saw an abnormality, he could only continue to fight. The ghost knows what will happen if more dark nightmares attach to Mei Jiexiao's body.

As for Mei, his limbs were loosened and he floated in the void, his body twitching from time to time.

Dormammu looked at Mei Mumu quietly, with a teasing expression on his face. He didn't think about Mei Mumu at all, he just quietly waited for this tiny human being that made him angry, hated, and once helpless to be swallowed up by fear.


[Eye of Agamotto] flashes green light in the void, and when the time is it executes a fixed program, and so on.

The artifact of 'Open Eyes' was filled with the green radiance that Dormammu feared.

If Mei is still conscious, he will definitely know that the charging of the Time Stone has been completed.

As an Infinity Stone, there are many more mysteries. For example, someone can only use it to enter the only time line at this stage, and for example, if you miss a certain time node, you can never go back...

Time 2013, "Iron Man 3"!

Tony is a big shit, a man who never stops. Especially before he went to Afghanistan to be kidnapped, he was one of the biggest waves on earth.

For example, on December 31, 1999, at the welcome party in Bern, Switzerland, Tony hooked up with a girl named Maya Hansen.

There are only coquettish things on the outside, and Tony has too many shots. Maya this girl is different, she is a botanist, biologist.

Her beautiful appearance and witty conversation deeply attracted the big satyr Tony. In fact, after Tony saw her, his legs could barely move, his mind was full of hormones, and he just wanted to have an in-depth communication with others at a negative distance.

That's when he bumped into a jittery, shawl-long, ill-dressed guy who claimed to be his ardent fan.

"Tony, my name is Aldridge Killian! I want to talk to you and work closely together."

Well, Tony has seen such a guy before, especially when his lower body dominates his sanity, he just wants to get rid of this sand sculpture quickly.

When this guy followed Tony up the elevator and was a little entangled, Tony told him: "Give me five minutes, I'll get rid of these coquettish girls, you go to the rooftop and wait for me."


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