An Illustrated Guidebook to Other Races

Chapter 40

You were scolded severely by Shalena poking her forehead.

After she finished scolding, you held the poked red forehead, looked at her carefully and asked, "Sister, are you deflated?"

Then you handed her a bottle of water and a handkerchief, "Drink some water and wipe off the sweat and rest."

Shalena choked in her throat, almost mad at you.

You opened your eyes somewhat vaguely but innocently, as if you didn't understand why Shalena made such a big fire.

In the end, Shalena, who was still out of anger, stretched out her hand to pinch your face, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Listen, you are not allowed to do this dangerous thing anymore. My sister's body is much stronger than you. Nothing will happen if you bump into it. Just your thin arms and legs, if you are smashed by a crazy horse, I won't be able to fight back."

You were a little touched by Shalena’s concern for you, and then very seriously affirmed: “Sister, it’s impossible for a horse to break people apart. Under normal circumstances, once people are hit by a horse, they will only... …"

Shalena rubbed your face expressionlessly and deformed it, and there was numbness in her eyes.

"Mayi, although you are stupid, as your sister, I will not despise you." The bright and hearty female swordsman patted your head earnestly, and sighed after saying this. Go to the caravan that is negotiating ahead.

You, who was suddenly disgusted by Shalena, blinked your eyes in confusion.

At this moment, when Lal Out, who was carrying the scattered containers of supplies that had been hit by the crazy horse out of control, passed in front of you, he coldly dropped a word of'fool' at you, you are true Feeling hurt inside.

"...I'm not stupid."

You muttered a bit unwillingly.

Because of this sudden accident, several carriages in your convoy were also affected. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Only two cars were overturned. The materials and equipment in the carriage fell to the ground, and there was a servant. The members of the Corps suffered minor injuries, and there was no other loss.

The caravan on the opposite side will suffer a lot of losses. Nearly half of the carriage and the iron cage fixed to the car lie crookedly on the ground. The slaves inside cannot move freely because their hands and feet are chained, and they are squeezed. When they fell together, the few slaves at the bottom were smashed with blood, but no one dared to cry out, but curled up in the cage and made a weak and forbearing whimper.

Watching this scene, you feel that your chest is tightly pinched by a hand and you can't breathe.

"Hey, there are more than a dozen slaves who have suffered physical injuries of varying degrees, and a few have broken faces. They will definitely be slaughtered if sold to the nobles."

"It's not a big cost to get a priest to treat them. It seems that you can only sell these dozen or so slaves to the mine for coolies."

"It's troublesome now. I also hope to make more money after the trip and go back and buy some gifts for my daughter."

"With the stingy character of that guy from Barnes, he will definitely count this loss on our heads. It would be great if he didn't lose money. I want to start something."

You heard the deliberately low discussion sighs from the people accompanying the convoy on the opposite side.

In this world, trade/sale/slavery/liability has actually become a legal business chain. There are slave merchants in almost every country. As long as the nobles have demand, this business chain cannot be broken and engage in this line of work. In fact, most of them are ordinary people who are forced to live. From the perspective of others, they will only think that these helpers and abusers are really hateful, but from their perspective, they only have to compromise to live.

These people also have wives and children, and have their own families and responsibilities.

But you still can’t agree with this cruel trade and sale. Although the sub-orc slaves are not humans, they have wisdom and a complete social system no less than humans, but slave merchants treat them as livestock and sell them. Very cruel and excessive.

These sub-orc slaves were born in cages in the slave market, and survived on lack of nutrition or abandoned food. Once they became ill or disabled, they would be dealt with cheaply. Some of them looked good, slaves Traders will be specially selected, hired to train/teach them to become qualified servants, and then sold to the rich and nobles, and those who are strong are sold as coolies. Since the price of suborc slaves is far more cost-effective than other slaves, In recent years, there have been many slave merchants who specialize in raising and selling sub-orcs.

If there is a need, there will be a market. If we really want to eliminate this cruel business, we still have to solve it from the source. Otherwise, even if it is explicitly prohibited by national laws, the unsightly places will continue to appear.

Just as the two sighed, you slowly walked towards them.

"I am a pastor, if you don't mind, I can treat them."

Hearing your voice, the two of them were suddenly startled. After seeing your face, both of them froze for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Are you a priest?"

The man's expression is a bit nervous and timid. Although you are not wearing the priest's medal issued by the Holy See, for ordinary people, the position of the priest is already very detached. Few people are stupid enough to offend a priest.

"Well, take me over."

You nodded indifferently, and did not show a too friendly and affectionate attitude towards these two people.

"Yes, but we don't have so much money..." The expressions of the two were hesitant.

"You don't need to pay. I'm currently practicing the proficiency of healing techniques. These wounded slaves can just let me practice hands."

You raised your chin, with a slightly unhappy tone: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Seeing your indifferent and arrogant appearance, the weird hesitant expressions on the faces of the two of them faded, rubbing their hands to please you, and leading you forward.

After you approached, these slaves saw that you did not show a happy expression, but shrank into the cage in fear, as if they were afraid of being punished and whipped.

You are not surprised. Some of these slaves raised in the slave market have never left this cage since they were born. Most of them don’t even speak. Even if they are released, the slaves who have long lost the ability to support themselves may be Starving to death, I don’t know how to find food.

In their lives, there are only cold iron cages, whips that bring pain and rotten food that smells bad.

You sighed sadly, did not talk to the slaves, separated the cage, used healing techniques to heal the wounded, and left.

After treating the last wounded, you who were about to get up and leave, suddenly heard a very faint and tender voice of thanks.

"Thanks, thank you... big sister..."

The sound is so soft that you can almost ignore it, but you still hear it a bit.

You turn your head and look, and you see a little orc girl with a rat-man appearance hiding in the arms of her parents, quietly poking out half of her head and looking at you cowardly.

You pursed her lips and smiled softly.

But her parents are still staring at you very vigilantly, worrying that you will be cruel to their children like everyone else.

The slaves' fear of humanity's deep-rooted concepts can never be completely changed by your temporary goodwill. No matter how gentle and friendly you are, to them, you are still a human being.

So you didn't make any extra moves. When you originally planned to return to the convoy, you suddenly smelled a very strong stench.

It's like some kind of rotting flesh and blood mixed with the smell of solidified blood, it is very irritating and unpleasant, making the stomach roll and nausea.

Your gaze fell involuntarily on a nearby carriage that was completely shrouded in black cloth.

No, to be precise, it should be a section of a snake-like tail hanging from the corner of a carriage.

Most of the skin and flesh of this little half-snake tail were gone, only the pale tailbone still hung with minced skin and flesh, and a few corpse worms were still wriggling on the tailbone, which was quite shocking at first glance.

But you can feel that inside this carriage, there is still a weak breath of life.

Seeing you suddenly look at the carriage covered by the black cloth, the other two's expressions changed drastically, and they eagerly said: "My lord, thank you very much for your generosity and kindness. There are no more injuries. We are now Shall I send you back?"

From the expressions of the two of you, it is not difficult to tell that this carriage may contain an extremely rare and rare slave species, and it may have been seriously injured, but obviously this caravan does not want outsiders to know, if you insist on watching It is likely to cause trouble for my sister.

So you didn't explore the secrets of this slave caravan anymore, and went straight back to your own caravan.

After you went back, you immediately saw Shalena's refreshed expression and the previously arrogant businessman's heartache-like complexion like a concubine. It seemed that Shalena had killed each other severely.

You couldn't help but curled your lips and smiled, but a panicked voice suddenly came over.

"Miss May, my young master seems to be ill, please come and have a look as soon as possible!"

You were stunned, and did not hesitate, you followed and called your servant to the vehicle where the young master of the Marquis Mansion was riding.

As soon as the opening curtain is lifted, you can see Alec, who is lying on the soft cushion with pale lips and dark blue lips, staring eyes and panting desperately. His handsome face is distorted by the unbearable pain, and looks quite tragic terror.

"Pull off the pillow under his head and let him lie down without moving."

After observing Alec's symptoms, you immediately gave the order.

A close maid in the carriage quickly obeyed you and did it.

You took out a bottle of pre-prepared medicine from the small pocket you carried and gave it to the maid for him to drink, while you lifted up your sleeves, folded your hands on the lower third of the boy’s breastbone, and pressed hard. Press down.

"Miss May? You, what are you doing?"

The maid was frightened by your behavior, and quickly reached out to stop you.

"Master will be suffocated by you, you can't..."

"Shut up, sit back, and I will be responsible if something goes wrong."

It's rare for you to sternly scolded.

The maid froze when you were so scolded by you. The expression on her face was struggling, as if she wanted to stop you and was afraid that she would do unnecessary things.

You ignored her, but repeated your previous behavior. After pressing the other's chest dozens of times, Alec's pale face finally recovered slowly, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

"...Mee, sister?"

The blond-brown-haired boy looks at you pale, and with this copy, he has an extremely beautiful and handsome face, giving people the feeling of a sickly and slender boy.

"Since Master Alec has recovered, I will leave first." You said coldly, and at the same time stood up without hesitation to get out of the car.

"Wait, Sister Mey, don't leave, I'm still uncomfortable."

Alec grabbed your arm and groaned coquettishly.

"Let go." You frowned subconsciously when touched by his hand.

The maid was also quite dissatisfied: "Miss May, even if you are the pastor of the Holy See, you can't do this to the young master...ah!"

The maid who hadn't finished speaking was suddenly hit on her forehead by a candlestick, and blood flowed down her white face. She covered her face in horror and looked at the young master with a gloomy expression tremblingly.

"Who told you to talk to Sister May with this attitude? Believe it or not, I pulled your tongue out." Alec looked at the maid coldly, like a bug that could be pinched to death.

"Sorry young master, I don't dare anymore, please let me go." The maid pleaded bitterly, shaking her body.

Watching this scene, you only feel chills in your heart.

This pampered young master of the Marquis Mansion has no mercy for those who are inferior to him. Even the maid who spoke to protect him is just a servant who can be killed by him. It's special to you because you didn't feel fresh because you didn't bow to him and try to please him like others.

You know very well that once he waits for his freshness period to pass, his attitude towards you will suddenly change, and then he will not be so patient with you.

You are really tired of dealing with this kind of willful and arrogant young master. If you knew that the employer of this task was him, you would try to persuade Shalena to give up.

Fortunately, there was a voice of Shalena calling you from outside, and you quickly found an excuse to get out of the car.

Before the sun set, your convoy arrived in a nearby town. The chief manager of Anderson’s family went out of his wallet and went to a hotel in the town. As the only priest in the group, you were also assigned to On the second floor, an empty, clean and airy room.

He continued to treat more than a dozen slaves and added a young master who was in trouble. If you feel a little tired, you just want to go to bed and rest as soon as possible after washing.

Suddenly there were several knocks at the door.

You thought it was your sister who was talking to you, so you went to the door and opened the door.

"Sister, what do you do..."

After seeing the tall figure standing in the doorway wearing a hood, your pupils shrank in an instant, and you subconsciously wanted to close the door.

However, the opponent pressed his leg against the crack of the door first.

For fear that the loudness will attract others, you lowered your voice and asked angrily: "What do you want to do?"

"The rent in the hotel next door is too expensive."

From under the hood, the nightfallen elf's slightly hoarse low voice came, his eyes staring at you calmly, without shame or embarrassment on his expression.

"Your room is good, I want to borrow it for one night."
