An Illustrated Guidebook to Other Races

Chapter 92

After the long grotesque drowsiness, the emptiness that had been lingering in the ears was gradually replaced by the noise of noisy children.

"The little monster came out again to steal something!"

"Kill him! Beat him to death!"

"Don't hit him with fruits, you have to use stones, Dad said, this little monster has very thick skin!"

Hearing these vicious and immature children's words, you can't help but frown, and slowly open your eyes. What you see in your field of vision is a group of half-aged children in coarse linen and they are blocking a thin figure in a corner. Inside, picked up the stone on the ground and slammed it at the child.

The thin figure shrank tightly, and there seemed to be something hidden in his arms.

Because he keeps his head down, you can't see his face clearly. You can only see a messy red hair with dirty knots and a layer of red skin that is different from ordinary people under the ragged clothes.

You are no stranger to this child.

Because the first time you met the Dragon Man, he was in this messy and embarrassed appearance, but at this time, he looked a little more immature and younger than when you first met.

His exposed skin was covered with old and new scars, including burns and bruises, as well as bruises from the beating of sticks and blunt objects. It seems that some of the marks were newly caused, and some of them have been long gone.

The children who besieged him, seeing his forehead bleed by the stone they threw, not only did not stop their hands, but became more excited.

But the thin figure seemed to be used to it, waiting for them to leave without saying a word.

You walked over and grabbed the wrist of one of the children who was about to throw a stone.

"Who told you to do this?" You seldom get colder, and your tone is unusually harsh.

When several bully children looked up and saw an adult coming, they changed their previous arrogance, looked at each other timidly, and muttered quietly: "We are just teaching the little monster who steals things, why are you doing this? So fierce?"

"Yes, Mom and Dad have said that he is a monster, but he will eat people when he grows up!"

"Are you also in a group with this little monster?"

Looking at the natural look and dissatisfied indignation on the faces of these immature children, you suddenly feel that the ideas their parents instilled in these children are too terrifying and irresponsible.

"It's wrong for you to do this, he is not a little monster, he is just like you, both..."

Before you finished speaking, you were knocked back by the thin figure that suddenly ran into you two steps and almost fell.

The child who was caught by your wrist also took the opportunity to break free, made a grimace at you with the other children and ran away.

You sighed helplessly, silently watching the young dragon people run in a secluded direction, and soon there was no shadow.

It's just that before he ran away, he seemed to stare at you fiercely, as if complaining about your nosy.

Sure enough, Lal's awkward character was developed since childhood.

You walked into the village and found that the village looks quite prosperous and prosperous. Every household is made of stone houses made of grey slabs instead of simple sheds made of common dry grass and bamboo. The ground in the village is also very clean. , Also specially paved a trail with stone bricks.

This configuration is not unusual in the city, but it is very rare in rural villages. It is usually a trampled dirt road. When it rains, it is full of muddy puddles, which makes walking very inconvenient.

The face of your outsider attracted the attention of many villagers, but they all thought you were just a passing traveler, and a few villagers passing by you greeted you kindly.

It turns out that this village is the place where the dragon people were born and raised when they were young?

Just thinking of the warning and entrustment of the devil youth to you, you dare not delay any more time, and want to chase in the direction where the dragon man fled before.

When this thought flashes through your mind, the scene in front of you suddenly changes.

The village suddenly became a dilapidated thatched hut, with a few holes in the roof. There was only a simple wooden bed in the house. The ground was damp and dark, and it exuded a kind of mixed musty and inexplicable fishy smell. Disgusting smell.

The simple wooden bed creaked, and the two white flowers on the bed were intertwined, women's gasping and moaning weakly, and men's croaking and heavy growling one after another.

Your eyes widened in astonishment, and you quickly wanted to find a place to hide, only to find that the two of them were acting as if they couldn't see you at all.

Embarrassing, you were about to go out, but found that the little dragon man you were looking for was walking towards the house.

"Lal, don't come in!" You said in a panic.

The little dragon man stepped half-foot into the threshold as if he hadn't heard you at all. After seeing the picture in the house, he was stunned. It seemed that it was not the first time he saw this kind of thing. After leaving, squatted silently at the door and waited for things to be done inside.

After a while, accompanied by the man's low growl, the man walked out neatly.

When he saw the little dragonman squatting at the door, the man frowned in disgust, as if he was extremely uncomfortable raising his leg and kicking him.

"It's bad luck!"

After leaving this sentence, the man left.

The little dragon slowly straightened his body, tightly holding the stolen food in his arms, and turned and walked into the house.

He walked to the woman covered with a shabby blanket and bruised on her bare shoulders and arms, and handed her the food in his arms.

Although the hostess’s cheeks were a little thin and pale, she could still see that she was a beautiful beauty. She glanced at the food that Xiaolongren handed her, and asked in a languid voice: "Are you going to steal something again?"

The Xiaolongren's body suddenly froze, and his head lowered.

The woman reached out and took two of the dozen copper coins that the man had thrown on the head of the bed and handed them to Lal. "Return the things and then buy them with money. If my sister is still alive, she will never want to see you. Become a thief in the future."

Xiaolongren pursed his lips and refused to take it, his golden eyes were full of stubbornness.

The woman almost broke down and cried to him: "What do you want? My sister has been killed by you, and I was also abandoned by your family. I have to be reduced to the present and can only live by selling/selling my body. , If you steal things like this again, we will be driven away by others sooner or later!"

"I... didn't steal it!" Little Lal raised his head abruptly, staring straight at the woman, "The man said... he beat me and didn't fight back... just give me food!"

After speaking, he fished up his sleeves, revealing his scarred hands.

The woman was stunned.

The little dragon man threw the food into her arms, then turned and ran over.

Upon seeing this, you quickly followed out.

Xiaolongren ran all the way to a small river, sat down on the rocks on the bank of the river sullenly, staring at his reflection in the water.

Then he raised his hand and lifted his forehead, revealing the scars he had just been stoned by the children.

At this time, Xiaolongren's face showed some forbearance and grievance.

Why does he look different from others?

Why do they hate themselves so much?

Why do those people call themselves little monsters?

The young dragon was very puzzled.

But no one told him the answer.

Those people were unwilling to talk to him, and they would only throw stones at him when they saw him, or greet him with their fists and feet.

The only ‘family’ who can communicate also don’t like to contact him. Every time I see him, he always shows a complex expression of resisting disgust.

But he still wanted to be close to that woman, because she was the only human being willing to treat him as an adult.

However, when he was beaten by other people just now, the woman who helped him talk.

The look in his eyes was strange.

He couldn't help but wanted to approach her.

But if he did this, he would definitely be beaten again.

Xiaolongren hugged his knees with his arms, thinking dullly.

On the top of his head, there was a very gentle touch suddenly.

There was a warm stream of breeze spreading in the place that was touched, and the pain in the body also miraculously stopped the pain.

Xiaolongren was startled, and immediately raised his head, his stunned golden eyes met your eyes.

"Does it still hurt?" You stroked the tips of his hair, bending the soft temperature of the corners of his lips.

Xiaolongren looked at your face close at hand, so scared that he couldn't even speak. After a long pause, he suddenly yelled.

"What do you... want to do?!"

Seeing that he almost fell into the river in fright, you quickly reached out and hugged him and hugged him from the rock.

The Xiaolongren in his arms seemed to be made of bones, and the real people panicked a little.

Being held by you like this, the whole body of the little dragon stiffened.

"You... let go, let me go..."

Probably he had never been hugged like this before, his tense tongue tied straight, but he didn't dare to struggle.

"Let go of your words, you must run away right away, right?" You said affirmatively.

"Who, who is going to run! Let go of me!" Xiaolongren roared in anger.

The first time you saw Larut's bluffing appearance, you couldn't help but smile, "Okay, then I let go, you can't run away."

However, as soon as you let go, the little dragon man couldn't wait to rush out, and was grabbed by your wrist again because of your quick eyes.

After staring at you bitterly for a moment, he suddenly felt like something was ringing. He looked at you with bright eyes and asked: "What did you do to me just now? Why didn't I feel any pain?"

Children's curiosity is relatively strong. In such a rural village where the traces of magicians are extremely rare, they will naturally feel very excited and curious to see the magical effects with their own eyes.

"This is magic." You deliberately seduce him. "If you don't run away, I will show you, OK?"

Xiaolongren struggled hesitantly for a while, and then slowly nodded.

If you let go of your hand again this time, the little dragonman finally has no intention of running away.

You also fulfilled your promise and cast a series of fancy and impractical elementary magic tricks in front of him, so that this little dragon man who had never seen the world was taken aback for a while.

His eyes were full of envy and amazement, as well as reluctant hesitation and loss.

"What's the matter?" You asked caringly.

"I...will I see you again in the future?" He whispered with a twisted expression.

You froze for a moment, then laughed blankly.

"Of course, I promise we will meet again."

You smiled and took his hand, and then hooked his tail finger with your tail finger. In the little dragon man’s puzzled expression, you smiled gently and said to him: "This is my promise to you in the future. I will meet you, and you will become my very important family."

"...Family?" Xiaolongren dumbly repeated.

"Yes, family members are irreplaceable, very important and cherished to me."

The Xiaolongren stared at your tender black eyes in a daze, his eyes gradually reddening.

At this time, the fire light not far away suddenly disturbed the warm and harmonious atmosphere between you.

Xiaolongren looked at the direction of the fire, his pupils suddenly tightened, and rushed towards the firelight without hesitation.

When he hurried back, he found that the woman in the house was grabbed by her hair and dragged outside. Someone did not know who lit a fire in the hut. The raging fire was burning wantonly, and the twisted flame shape was on the pupils of Xiaolongren. Swaying.

"My lord priest, the woman in this house is an evil heretic/religious/disciple. She also raises a red-skinned half-blood devil. Please get rid of her as soon as possible!"