Ancient Foodie Survival Guide

Chapter 23

Xie Xun got up late again. I slept soundly last night and it was really difficult to get up in the morning.

He washed and dressed in a hurry, unsuspectingly, his memory suddenly awakened, and all the drips from last night poured into his mind.

He was still wearing his robe in a hurry, but suddenly his whole body was certain, as if he had been tapped in the acupuncture points, his sleeves were still in his hands, and his figure froze.

Seeing that he was frozen, Zhimo was confused, and hurriedly stepped forward to remind him: "Master, it's going to be late for value-"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xie Xun's unusual appearance.

The fair face was stained with a gorgeous blush, his face was hot, and even his eyes were misted by the heat.

His black eyes were bright and hydrated, his brows were frowning, and the expression on his face was unpredictable, and finally turned to annoyance and shame.


Zhimo called him again, Xie Xun regained his senses, his face was hot, and he became even more flustered, and his clothes were disheveled and rushed out.

"Master, Yupei!"

"Master, the belt is not fastened yet."

"Master, neckline! Neckline!"

Xie Xie rushed with his head stuffed in front, and the two young men rushed behind him. Suddenly he saw his body shape and ran to the side extremely sensitively-and then got into the bushes.

Zhiyan and Zhimo were dumbfounded, suspecting that they were still dreaming. This is their unchanging master! How is it possible to do things like drilling through the bushes!

When they looked in the direction where Xie Xun was avoiding, they saw Jiao Li Mingyan's third wife coming here.

Seeing the two dumbfounded in place, Jiang Shuyao was inevitably confused and asked, "Where is your master?"

The two did not know how to answer for a while.

Zhimo's brain was slightly blunt, and he subconsciously raised his hand and pointed towards the pile of trees.

Zhiyan held him down and smiled stiffly: "If you go back to Madam, the master is already worth it."

Jiang Shuyao tilted his head: "Really? Why didn't I see him? I thought he was not up." She murmured, "I also told him to bring food."

Xie Xun couldn't hear the conversation here. Seeing that Jiang Shuyao was tripped by them, he hurried to the Moon Cave Gate, planning to take this opportunity to slip away.

Zhimo and Zhiyan saw that Xie Xun was about to pass the Moon Cave Gate, when Jiang Shuyao happened to turn around after speaking, and immediately caught him.

"Xie Xun!" Jiang Shuyao stopped him and walked towards him with the lunch box.

Xie Xun was stiff, turned around helplessly, trying to pretend to be a chance encounter.

"Where are you from? Why didn't I see you just now?" Jiang Shuyao asked smoothly.

Xie Xun didn't know how to lie, his scalp was numb, and he secretly vowed that he would never drink more alcohol again.

Fortunately, Jiang Shuyao didn't care about this issue with him, and instead said, "Last night..."

Xie Xie was most afraid of her mentioning this, and quickly stopped the topic: "I was abrupt about what happened last night, you forgot about it." Thinking of following her gluttonously, she acted like a coquettish and asked her to cook for herself. Value, I feel ashamed.

Jiang Shuyao was taken aback when he heard the words, covering his mouth and laughing: "What is abrupt?" How does this matter have to do with the abrupt.

Zhiyan's eyes widened when he heard this, last night? Abrupt? Thinking of the Lord coming back drunk last night...

He bit the tip of his tongue abruptly, and the Lord lost his innocence!

What's going on, is it the grandfather's chaos after drinking or the wife taking advantage of others?

He was thinking wildly, and forgot to come forward and relieve Xie Xun.

Xie Xun was even more embarrassed by Jiang Shuyao's smile, and his face was bleeding.

Jiang Shuyao put a smile away and stuffed the lunch box into his hand: "It was late last night, and I didn't have time to prepare. I just made something this morning. If you are hungry, you can eat anytime. It's just cold. The lunch box is not insulated, I am still trying to improve it." She said that she was a little proud of her eyes, and her eyebrows were very bright. "It is estimated that a new lunch box can be made tonight, and you can bring hot dishes and hot meals tomorrow. ."

Xie Xun was holding the handle of the lunch box in his hand, only feeling hot, and the blue veins on the back of his hand were looming, afraid that he could not hold it without force, and he was afraid that the handle would be broken by too much force.

He didn't expect Jiang Shuyao to be so caring, and he was a little surprised. Seeing her full-fledged look, she turned into a panic again. She didn't dare to look closely and couldn't say anything, so she could only say dryly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jiang Shuyao laughed again, "You said that you can't go wrong with your account."

Xie Xun's face burned again, desperately scolding himself to be calmer, why is this! What a shame!

He wanted to escape, but his feet were firmly stuck to the ground, unable to move.

In this scene, I can see that Yan is in a hurry, but it can't be delayed, it's too late!

Xie Xun was still there, and said straightly: "Thanks for your hard work."

"will not."

"I will use it all up."

"Well, it doesn't have to be, it's too much to support."

"...Oh, yes, yes, yes."

Zhiyan couldn't stand it anymore: "Master! It's too late to get value!" Where did the graceful and undisturbed master go?

Xie Xun was startled, looked up at the sky, and said to Jiang Shuyao: "I'm leaving now!"

Before he finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry, halfway through, and couldn't help but look back at her.

Seeing her standing on the spot looking at him, she quickly turned around and continued to run away, her robe corners flying, her hair swaying, her figure disappearing into the brightening morning light.

Zhiyan was a little bit emotional when he saw this scene.

He has restrained himself and returned his rituals since he was a child, and he has been so old and prudent at a young age. He doesn't like things or sorrows himself. He looks like a teenager today.

Xie Xun stepped on the spot and rushed to the duty room, put the lunch box aside and started to work.

He is erudite and talented, he studied under the prime minister, and he has travelled to study. Everyone is led by him, and he will consult with him if he encounters difficulties.

Colleague Guan Ying came over with a ledger, put it on Xie Xun's desk, and asked, "Bo Yuan, see if there is any weirdness in this place. Li Fu and I have been staring at it for a few days. Finally-what's wrong with you? ?"

Xie Xun returned to his senses with a calm and calm expression on his face. When Guan Ying thought he wanted to answer his doubts with confidence, Xie Xun said, "What did you just say?"


There were a few heads poked out around, Xie Boyuan also had a trance.

Guan Ying said his conjecture first, feeling uneasy: "But something happened to the construction of the dam?"

Someone probed: "Or the lack of dry food in the north has not been resolved?"

"No, it should be that group of thieves are making trouble again."

"Or did you not hold back over there?"

"How is it possible? It should be..."

Xie Xun reluctantly pushed away their heads and coughed, "No, I didn't eat breakfast, and I was a little hungry."


Someone was about to withdraw his head to look at the excitement. Lin Cheng jumped out from nowhere and hit Xie Xun's shoulder with a punch: "Who are you cheating? Who doesn't know you Xie Boyuan, even if you don't eat or drink for three days and three nights, you won't With this trance-like appearance, just say, what happened?"

"I didn't lie to you, I'm really hungry." Xie Xie was speechless, pushing away Lin Cheng's body that came close.

Lin Cheng thought of the appearance of Xie Xun's "pour his sorrow with wine" last night, and felt a pain in his heart.

He quickly ran back to his desk and brought the pastry to Xie Xun's desk: "Eat some pastry mat to cushion your stomach."

Xie Xun had long been tired of the cakes in the Donggong room, and thanked Lin Cheng for his kindness.

He straightened his neckline, lifted his chin slightly, and said in a calm tone: "I brought food from home."

Lin Cheng and Xie Xun Da have been playing together since they wore open crotch pants. They know Xie Xun very well. Looking from the left to the right, I always think his tone is weird?

He didn't think much about it, and said, "I didn't expect you to bring pastries. It just so happened that I was also hungry. Take it out and give me a few pieces."

Xie Xun ignored his last sentence and corrected: "It's not a pastry."

"Not pastries? The food is not tasty when it is cold, and I haven't tried to bring food."

Xie Xun was also curious about what Jiang Shuyao brought for him. He got up, picked up the lunch box from behind and put it on the table.

Everyone was listening to the excitement here with their ears on their ears. Seeing his movements, all their eyes fell on his lunch box.

Xie Xun's mood was quite subtle for a moment.

He turned his mind quickly, with a natural expression, and sat down calmly: "There is nothing new, you guys hurry up on the matter at hand."

Most of the people were coaxed by him, and a few remained at his desk staring at him.

Xie Xun was too embarrassed to rush people, a little nervous, and opened the lid of the lunch box in his hand.

The top layer of the lunch box is neatly lined with a layer of seaweed rice. Each column has a different style, including assorted seaweed rice, egg yolk pork shredded seaweed rice, sweet corn pork floss seaweed rice and crab fillet seaweed rice.

At first glance, yellow, green, white, and purple are mixed with bright colors. The rice **** are small and round, exquisite and novel, and people can't help but wonder their taste.

"This is rice? Can it be done like this, will the warm one taste good?"

"Look at what's on the lower floor?"

Xie Xun placed his hand on the lower floor and paused for a moment, holding his daily coffin face: "Are you free, don't you go back to work?"

It's a pity that no one eats his set. If they used to be fooled, they might have been fooled away, but how can they go away seeing these novel foods today.

"Hurry up and let us have a look."

Xie Xun couldn't, so he could only open the lower level in front of them.

A porcelain bowl was filled with crystal clear jelly, topped with sauce and spicy oil, sprinkled with chopped green onion, red and green, and a faintly spicy and sour flavor wafted out when opened.

There is also a small bamboo basket filled with salt and pepper small crispy pork, the skin is crispy, the color is golden, cut into finger-thin strips, the surface is sprinkled with a thin layer of pepper powder, and two green bay leaves are placed in the middle, the aroma is overflowing , There is a light oily smell of fried food, but there is no greasy smell.

"I haven't seen these foods yet, what are they made of?"

"Is it all right to eat this fried food? I'm hungry when I smell it. Do you have many chopsticks? Give me a pair."

"Wait later, I'll order the meal. Go to the dining room and ask for some vegetarian soup. I want to come with these dishes."

Xie Xun lowered his eyes, with a warm and indifferent appearance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Chengsheng sighed with emotion: "The last time I met you in the morning, I was greedy for the pancakes in your hands. I didn't expect that there are newer and more delicious foods now. Where did you find the chef at your house?"

The silent Xie Xun suddenly raised his head, his thick eyelashes gleamed with shreds of bright light in his black eyes, and he said, "It wasn't the cook."

The people who were discussing on twitter were taken aback: "That's it?"

Xie Xun said: "It's mine...cough, husband, madam." It seems to be the first time to say this word. I am not used to it. I am afraid that this lingering and intimate address will make my face shame and be laughed at.

Lin stereotyped that he was still the virtue of a cold face, but when he took a closer look, he saw that his mouth was pursed lightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the eyebrows were stained with a shy smile.


Why did he see the shadow of his family's silly cat who loves to bask in the sun and raises his beard when he is happy?