Anomalous Collector

Chapter 203: 1 everything is too quiet

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Sun Yutian and Gao Hu went out to prepare the car. Yang Gan walked around the archive quickly, and then came back and said to the two of them:

"There are really few files in recent months, almost none..."

The three of them looked at each other, and they were all puzzled.

Could it be that the "three pre-plans" that sounds so bureaucratic and stereotyped are really so effective?

Abnormal events only need to strengthen prevention and treatment, can they come down?

Zhang Jian looked out the door, lowered his voice and said to the two of them:

"Director Ma Yingcai of the Northeast Bureau has a nickname called Tiewei, because his ability to wake up is related to the digestive system, so there will never be any gastrointestinal problems."

Hearing this, Li Fan and Yang Guan understood that Sun Yutian had absolutely lied just now.

But why did he lie like this?

Just thinking about it, Sun Yutian already shouted outside.

The three of them walked out quickly without revealing the slightest abnormality.

In the official car outside, Gao Hu disappeared, and only Sun Yutian was left.

"The high team happens to have something, so I'll go ahead and let me take you there by myself. The three leaders don't feel negligent." Sun Yutian said with a grin.

Li Fan waved his hand and smiled:

"Then how can it be enough to trouble you and Team Gao, but Team Sun, is this sleeping sickness really so urgent? This kind of thing itself is a slow-onset chronic disease. I don't think we should relax first. What you just said about the Ukrainian Ocean Horse from the north..."

Sun Yutian smiled and said:

"This is not in a hurry, we will definitely arrange for Chief Li when we come back, but the report of this abnormal sleeping sickness is still a bit serious. We'd better go over and take a look now."

Hearing what Sun Yutian said, Li Fan couldn't help sighing, with a disappointed look on his face, and said:

"Well, work first."

He opened the door of the co-pilot and sat directly in the co-pilot's seat.

He really wants to grind foreign workers to play and have fun, anyway, this sleeping sickness will soon be resolved at the source, so what is the effort to do.

It's better to eat hot pot and sing songs and wait for the sleeping sickness to be resolved by yourself, and then people like yourself immediately go home.

As for Sun Yutian Gaohu and Ge Weimin in the Northeast Bureau, he really didn't care what they were doing.

Anyway, I turned around and killed them.

Just want to fish quietly.

Zhang Jian and Yang Guan looked at each other behind them, and they all understood that Director Li was testing Sun Yutian.

Since Sun Yutian behaved so anxiously, obviously there is still a problem behind this!

At this time, Sun Yutian started the vehicle and glanced at Li Fan who was sitting in the co-pilot. He already classified Li Fan as a straw bag in his heart.

Although he received jade gifts and the like from the other party, Chief Li was obviously an official oil seed who only knew how to meet up and down, and he didn't have any real material.

And it's still a color blank.

What is really worth noting is the two awakened people in the back seat.

Especially that Zhang Jian, although he doesn't speak very much, he always has a sharp edge in every sentence, so he must be careful to deal with it.

At this time, Sun Yutian suddenly noticed that Li Fan was holding a short stick wrapped tightly with cloth in his hand. He couldn't help but smile and said:

"Chief Li, why are you still holding a small stick? It looks so... so unique. What is it for? Is it for beating the back?"

This thing looks like an itch.

Li Fan sternly said:

"Chu Sun, don't underestimate this thing. This is my weapon. Its full name is Ruitian Miedi, a big sword that will kill the mushroom cloud. It's equivalent to a portable nuclear bomb. It's very powerful."

With that, he opened the cloth strip and pulled out the bronze dagger inside.

Seeing this bronze dagger that looked similar to a handicraft, and then listening to the weird name Li Fan said, Sun Yutian was taken aback first, and then he laughed:

"Chu Li, you are so humorous, hahahaha, you laughed so hard at me..."

Li Fan shook his head and sighed:

"I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe it, Captain Sun."

Sun Yutian laughed more happily.

Zhang Jian and Yang Guan in the back seat shook their heads, and they couldn't help but laugh.

They had heard Li Fan talk about this bronze sword before on their way here, and knew that it was just a handicraft used to show off, and they admired Li Fan's humor very much.

Obviously, Li Fan did this to let Sun Yutian relax his vigilance, so as to make more words.

After the black commercial vehicle got out of the gate of the Northeast Bureau, it sprinted for a while. I didn't know how many red lights it ran along the way, and it almost caused a traffic accident.

Sun Yutian drove very happily. He drove up to 150 in the urban area all the way, showing extraordinary driving skills.

With yesterday's experience, today Li Fan and others are no surprise.

After leaving the city soon, Sun Yutian drove the three of them all the way north. He had a light meal in the service area at noon and refueled. By the afternoon, he had already driven into a mountain col.

The expressway was replaced by an ordinary asphalt road, which later became potholes and very dilapidated, and in the end it became a dirt road directly.

There is a mountain col in the front, and a mountain village can be seen from a distance.

"Team Sun, why did we go to the village outside? Sleep sickness is in this place?" After talking about it all the way, Li Fan asked, looking at the village not far ahead.

They drove this way, it can be said that this is a very remote place where the birds do not shit.

According to the map, if you go further, you will be part of Xing'an Mountains.

Zhang Jian and Yang Guan behind were also alert, waiting for Sun Yutian's answer.

Sun Yutian nodded and said:

"Yes, the news I got is here, Fengmen Village. After all, our Northeast Bureau is in charge of the abnormal events in the entire Northeast. It is impossible to always wander around in Harbin. To be honest, the villages in the deep mountains and old forests here are comparable to the evil gates in the big cities. There are too many children."

There is already a potholes in the village road ahead, and there is still snow that has just melted, and it is muddy.

Several sturdy trees fell across the only way into the village, sealing the village to death.

There are also a few cars parked next to them, which seem to be the official cars of the Anomaly Bureau.

The car was completely stopped.

Li Fan opened the door and got out of the car, carried the bronze dagger in a plastic bag that said "Guangming Supermarket Great Bargain", lit a cigarette, took a sip, sprayed out a light blue smoke, and looked towards The village in front of you.

It is just entering the winter, and there is still a lot of land at the entrance of the village, but it has been covered by the remaining snow.

You can faintly see the dry stalks of some crops, and there are still piles of corn stalks in many fields, and occasionally one or two graves can be seen.

It snowed early in the northeast, and now the sky is starting to overcast. I don’t know if it will snow.

The Fengmen Village in the front mountain col was quiet at this time, and a few people could vaguely be seen walking around.

Sun Yutian also got out of the car at this time, looked at the road conditions and laughed:

"The car can't move, so I can only go inside on two legs. The policeman is in the village, and the local branch colleagues have arrived early."

Having said that, he made a request, and acted beforehand.

The three of Li Fan looked at each other and walked behind Sun Yutian towards Fengmen Village in front of them.

The Fengmen Village in front of me looks like an ordinary small mountain village. A large road runs through the whole village from the north to the south. The houses are just like houses, and the slogan "Three good children will be born, let's take care of them together" is painted on the wall.

There are farming motorcycles, tractors, cars, etc. parked on the road. It doesn't look like a poor village.

Just looking at it, Li Fan felt that this village had an indescribable weirdness.

As an antique dealer in his previous life, when he first started his business, he did not go to the countryside to collect goods and shovel land.

Moreover, I have been to the villages in the northeast as well.

Most of these villages have simple folk customs and live and work in peace and contentment. You can feel the warmth and popularity when you enter the village.

Yes, popularity!

If there is any difference from the Fengmen Village in front of you, the biggest difference is that Fengmen Village is too quiet and not popular!

It's already afternoon, and it stands to reason that we should start preparing dinner, there should be some smoke long ago.

And since they came here, there was no barking of dogs in Fengmen Village.

In the village, you can't even see a free-range running chicken.

As for the roads in the village, there is no old man and woman sitting at the door chatting.

It is said that the afternoon is a lively time for the old people in the village to come out to bask in the sun.

It's so quiet here!

Soon they have come to the entrance of the village, ready to enter the village.

Yang Gan glanced at a pond at the entrance of the village, and whispered to Li Fan and Zhang Jian:

"The fish are dead."

Turning around, there was a piece of fish floating in the pond with white flowers, and they had already turned their stomachs upside down.

After entering the village, Sun Yutian's complexion also appeared more solemn, occasionally looking around, UU reading www. seems to be looking for someone.

The silence in the village was suffocating. Li Fan walked straight to the door of the nearest house, raised his hand and knocked on the door, but he didn't expect that the door was not closed at all and was pushed open.

He walked into the small courtyard, pushed the door slightly, and opened it again, shouting in his mouth:

"My fellow, hello, we are from the police, and we will do an investigation."

In the next moment, he couldn't help but stare.

There are food on the table in the living room, and the TV is still on. It is a snowflake. Two adults and one child, a family of three are lying on the sofa with their eyes closed.

Li Fan stepped forward, stretched out his hand and sniffed, feeling a hint of airflow.

Fell asleep!

Seeing this, I should have fallen asleep while eating and watching TV.

He immediately shook the host's host several times, and at the same time patted the opponent's back lightly, and shouted:

"Brother, wake up, wake up! Your wife has checked your phone!"

The other party didn't respond at all, still falling asleep.

And you can clearly see that his eyelids are shaking quickly!

Li Fan stretched out his hand and opened the opponent's eyelids, and saw that his eyes were constantly turning at this time, and he was obviously dreaming.

Not only the hostess, the hostess and their children are also constantly rolling their eyes at this time, in long dreams.

I can't wake up at all.

When Li Fan frowned, they saw Yang Guan and Zhang Jian rushing in eagerly and asked Li Fan:

"Brother Xiao Li, how is it? Is this also asleep?"

Looking at the sofa, Yang Guan had already understood in an instant.

Zhang Jian said:

"Just now, pole and I checked the surrounding five houses, the villagers were all asleep, and they were..."

The three of them looked at each other and said in unison:

"Slumber Sickness Type 3 Severe!"