Anomalous Collector

Chapter 307: Campus talk

Ruan Van was a little bit troubled at this time.

After all, Teacher Li just helped them cover up a major safety accident, so it stands to reason that he should be taken to relax now.

If you have any work, you shouldn't let Teacher Li go again.

And based on his previous feelings, he feels that this teacher Li is rather nerdy and doesn't like to go out.

It is estimated that people do not like to go to this kind of exercises.

Exorcism exercises?

With a smile on his face, Li Fan said kindly:

"No problem, now I am also a member of the Royal Exorcism Bureau. Naturally, I have to participate in this kind of exercise, but Director Ruan, don't forget what you promised me just now..."

Having said this, Li Fan lowered his voice, showing a smile of LSP, and whispered to Ruan Wen:

"What kind of match restaurant, I must go tonight, why don't you have to bring me a box of matches..."

Now it seems that it is difficult to rely on Gou Daoren and other investigators to make mistakes, and you still have to go to battle yourself.

The past few days have been a bit too conservative. What kind of match restaurant, such a sinful place, can only be cleaned up in person...

When Ruan Wen heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded:

"No problem, Teacher Li, don't worry, it's all trivial, it's all on me."

At the same time, he gave Li Fan a knowing look.

In my heart, I was slightly proud.

This teacher Li had always looked so upright a few days ago, but he couldn't hold it so soon.

I wanted to come because I received the money today and felt that I was already on the boat, so I felt relieved to him.

What is it for? What is it for? What is the purpose of doing this job?

Ruan Wen had already thought about where he would take Mr. Li to relax next.

This teacher Li has been pretending for so long, it is estimated that he is more crazy to relax than anyone, and he must be completely relaxed.

In this way, what happened last night can be completely suppressed.

Just thinking about it, I heard the roar of the engine outside, followed by the footsteps of leather boots on the ground.

A young man wearing sunglasses and a black jacket, with the Sheriff's badge of the Royal Exorcism Bureau Investigation Department on his chest, strode in.

As soon as he walked into the hall, the man yelled:

"The exorcism exercise is about to begin, and the anatomy office will set off immediately. This exercise is extremely important and must be attended by all members!"

Ruan Wen frowned, led everyone to greet him, and said with a displeased expression:

"Didn't the headquarters call to inform? We are going now, why are we urging again?"

In any case, he is also a division chief, and his face is blank when urged by the man who is obviously a young police officer.

The visitor took off his sunglasses and said loudly:

"For this exercise, the support department will also be equipped with an awakened person to respond. I have been assigned to the anatomy department, Director Ruan, let's go, oh, and this teacher Li from Xia Guo's abnormal bureau."

Only then did Li Fan discover that the visitor turned out to be Paitun from the Investigation Department, the Awakened Police Officer of the Royal Exorcism Bureau who went to the airport to greet them.

But at this time, Paitun didn't have the politeness at all, but looked very arrogant.

Ruan Wen said with a smile and said:

"Sergeant Paitun, Teacher Li is a guest of Xia Guo's anomaly, so I'll save you face."

No way, the status of the awakened in the Royal Exorcism is too high.

Even if he was the chief of the anatomy department, he wouldn't dare to say anything to Paitun, the awakened one in the Royal Exorcism Bureau, and he would have to be kind to persuade him if he was slapped in the face.

After all, in the Royal Exorcism Bureau, as long as it is an awakened person, he can immediately become a sheriff, and he has the power to cut first and then play.

He is just a sergeant, and his status is not as good as others, so he can only be more polite.

Hearing what Ruan Wen said, Paitun snorted, looked at Li Fan and said:

"Mr. Li, you are just an ordinary person? You, Director Gou, the leader of the support team of the Xia Guo Anomaly Bureau, have all gone to the exercise site. I hope you can also cooperate. I am now good friends with your Director Gou. Don't make mistakes."

With that said, he turned around and got on an official car.

Ruan Van quickly calmed Li Fan and said:

"Teacher Li, don’t be angry. This Paitun has always been so arrogant and domineering. Who makes people the Awakener? And he is also Director Renwei’s confidant. Hearing what he said, it seems that he still has a good relationship with your Director Gou. , We don’t have the same knowledge as him."

Ruan Wen also heard a lot about the prestige of Director Goufa Kegou in the past few days, knowing that this is the only awakened person in the support team of the Xia Guo Anomaly Bureau.

Gou Fake is also extremely powerful, and he is now a guest of several bureau chiefs, and Mr. Li in front of him cannot afford to offend him.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said:

"It doesn't matter. Sheriff Paitun is also for work. Let's go now."

Since the man behind the scenes had been aiming at him all the time, it would be useless for him to hide in the Royal Exorcism.

Instead, they have to show up more and try to get the man behind the scenes to start more, find out the other party's flaws, and break them in one fell swoop.

Seeing that Li Fan was not angry, Ruan Wen could not help but sigh in his heart that Teacher Li is really a good person to get along with.

Then, with the police officers present at the scene such as Min Dong and Su Cha, quickly boarded the official car and set off for Manchester City University.

At the same time, I did not forget to let the subordinates who were on vacation at home and transferred to other jobs to return as soon as possible and go to Manchester University to participate in exorcism exercises.

By the time the autopsy team arrived at Manchester City University, there were already a large number of Royal Exorcist police cars parked on campus throughout Manchester City University.

Manchester University is regarded as a prestigious university in Siam. It has a huge area and is full of greenery. The modern atmosphere of new teaching buildings is blown across the face. Obviously, the teachers are extremely strong.

It is said that the Siamese royal family has set up several generous scholarships at Manchester University, and there are even related personnel often attending various ceremonies at Manchester University.

At the same time, many of the students who graduated from Manchester University went directly to the top, including the military, government, multinational companies, etc., and even many people from the Royal Siam Exorcism Bureau were also graduates of Manchester University.

At this time, the students in the school had been notified of the exorcism exercise. Many students were lying on the windows of the teaching building, looking down at the police car of the Royal Exorcism Bureau, with excited smiles and discussions.

Something like campus talk is exactly the favorite tune of the students. After appearing in this world very frequently now, it is possible to have direct close contact with the Royal Exorcism Bureau, which can boast of a lifetime of talks.

There are even more weird personalities. Students who like these gods and ghosts hang around by the police car from time to time, hoping to win the favor of a certain leader. What if they are directly admitted?

After all, they still look for work after graduating from college.

In addition to some students with excellent academic performance, there are also many related households. It is not easy for ordinary students to obtain good job opportunities.

Now in this world, even if you have entered a large company, how can you enter the Royal Exorcism style?

Under the great publicity of Siamese high-level officials and the media, the current Siam Royal Exorcism Bureau is a sweet pastry in the eyes of most people. Valley

Entering the Royal Exorcism Bureau, you can get a promotion and raise your salary, marry Bai Fumei and embark on the pinnacle of life.

That social status can only be compared with the Jin Yiwei of Xia Guoming and the KGB of the former Soviet Union.

Immediately after the team from the Anatomy Department arrived at Manchester City University, people from the exorcism bureau headquarters and school staff came to contact them, and took the people from the Anatomy Department to a relatively remote teaching building and arranged them in In an empty classroom on the sixth floor.

As a logistics support department, this exorcism exercise itself is not the home of the anatomy office, and its role is even more marginal.

So their task is also very simple, that is, to protect the safety of dozens of students in the large classroom next to them during the exercise.

The real venues are in the two main teaching buildings of Manchester University.

According to the exercise plan distributed, when the exercise officially started, there was a major abnormal infection incident on the main teaching building, and then the main force of the investigation department broke in to rescue the students and fought the abnormality at the same time.

As for the support department of their Anatomy Department, they are responsible for calming down the emotions of the students here, so as not to panic and trample.

It stands to reason that if an exercise is to be held, the support department should also wait outside and come in after the exercise starts. However, the command department is afraid that it will make mistakes when it is busy, and the scene will be too chaotic. When the TV station reports, the picture is not good, so let it first. The support departments have all come in.

Everyone knows that a small part of this so-called exercise is for the security of the upcoming Baodeshan Temple celebration, and most of it is for the Siamese people, high-level officials, and the royal family.

Mainly for good-looking.

Therefore, a group of people only wore the simplest protective masks and close-fitting protective combat suits even for their protective equipment. The heavy protective suits used in abnormal infection incidents were not brought over at all.

After all, the simple protective combat suit is much more handsome than the bulky and bloated heavy protective suit.

It is a kind of cool with a high-tech sense.

It's called an exercise, but it's actually acting.

After settling down here, Paitun didn't say hello to Ruan Van, and the team that went to the investigation department joined together.

Ruan Wen didn't worry about it. The uncle was better off. The police officers in the anatomy department were also uncomfortable here.

Seeing that Paitun was far away, Ruan Wen lit a cigarette and took a sip, looking at Paitun's back, and whispered:

"What! Relying on the awakened person to be arrogant like this, a face of arrogance in front of us, like a dog in front of the high-level, he is willing to let him lick the **** of the three chiefs."

Li Fan asked:

"Director Ruan, should we make a cordon? Everyone rotates or something."

Ruan Van laughed, waved his hand and said:

"Don't be so troublesome, Teacher Li, just acting, all we have to do is pretend to work."

Li Fan smiled similarly, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm familiar with this."

The police officers of the anatomy department also laughed at this time, and the atmosphere seemed a lot more cheerful. Sucha and the others drew out a few sets of poker on the spot, and they were about to play cards on the desk.

As he was talking, the door of the classroom opposite was pushed open, and a gentle-looking male teacher with glasses walked in, looked at the police officers in the anatomy department in front of him with some excitement, and said:

"Are you all police officers from the Royal Exorcist? Introduce yourself. I am a teacher from Manchester University. My name is Abin. I am a big fan of the Royal Exorcist!"

Speaking, stretched out his hands to a group of police officers in front of him, wanting to shake them all.

With a smile of excitement and admiration on his face, it looked like a fan of idols.

The police officers in the anatomy department were obviously lacking in interest when facing the civilian, and they barely managed to deal with it, the expressions on their faces were a little unnatural.

Just an ordinary civilian, and their status is too far apart.

Abing didn't seem to notice this, but still looked excited and said:

"The world is too dangerous now. Thanks to the sacrifices of our exorcist police officers, we ordinary people can live in peace. Thank you so much."

As he said, he bowed to everyone on the spot.

Li Fan surrendered to the side, while the police officers of the Exorcism Bureau had an expression of "it should be so", accepting it calmly, and didn't pay much attention to Abing.

Li Fan narrowed his eyes, smiled slightly, and said:

"Mr. Abing, are the students still in class?"

Abin said quickly:

"I arranged a quiz, and everyone is answering the questions... Listen to your accent, police officer, isn't it a Siamese?"

Ruan Wen smiled, pointed at Li Fan and said:

"This is Teacher Li from the Xia State Investigation Bureau, our distinguished guest."

Abin said quickly:

"It turned out to be a police officer from the Xia State Bureau of Investigation. It is a good meeting, a good meeting! Alas, we used to have many tourists from Xia country in Siam. This is not the case now that there are frequent abnormal incidents, and there are a lot less international tourists, which affects the local area of ​​Siam. The economy of China is still strong, and Xia Guo is still strong, and it seems that it hasn't been affected much."

Several people chatted with each other, the bell rang after class, and a group of young students rushed out from the opposite classroom, looking curiously at the door.

Looking at the police officers of the Exorcism Bureau wearing abnormal mental radiation protective clothing, they all showed curious and enviable eyes.

Ruan Wen raised his eyes and saw a few beautiful girls, immediately smiled and waved:

"Come Seeing that Mr. Abin is also in there, a group of students "huh" ran in, and asked the people with respect.

"Police officer, you are the officers of the Royal Exorcism Bureau? Too majestic!"

"This suit is the legendary anomalous radiation protective suit, right? Wow, so stylish!"

"Do you often encounter such terrible abnormal cases?"

"Excuse me, police officer, are you all awakened?"

A beautiful girl with long hair asked Li Fan excitedly at this time:

"By the way, police officer, I want to ask, are all those campus stories true? For example, death songs, corpse brokers, ghost eyes movies, etc. I really want to know!"

Li Fan asked:

"What death song? What is the corpse agent? I've seen the movie about Li Ghost."

The girl quickly explained:

"It's the school **** at Manchester University. A girl who was gang-raped by her classmates who learned to sing would sing in the empty classroom of the school at night. People who heard the singing would commit suicide. It is also called death song..."

"The corpse broker means that there is a black market for students selling organs in this school. Later, the incident was revealed. The mastermind was beaten to death by everyone and turned into a ghost wandering. As long as he meets him somewhere in the school building at night, he will kill himself. By trading some of his organs to him, a wish can be realized..."

"The ghost eye movie is about a senior who likes to make secret videos. Because she filmed a certain boss woman, she got her eyes gouged out and hung to death in the basement. Then there was a projection in a room at midnight in the school. The movie on the wall will be fascinated by anyone who watches it, and finally his eyes are dug out by ghosts..."


(Too busy today, only four thousand words left, look back and find time to make up for it, good night everyone~~~)