Anomalous Collector

Chapter 384: Distributed abnormal infection source -

Hearing the words of the girl in front of him, Fujiwara, who was in charge, frowned and said:

"Asuka, you are too embarrassed to talk about R&D work, don't you know how many times your R&D projects have failed?"

"When the organization first recruited you into the R&D department, it was because you had just returned from studying in Xinlu, you have a double doctorate degree in biology, and you were taught by a Nobel Prize winner in medicine, so the organization held you very much. High expectations!"

"But what about you? Think about how much project funds the organization has invested in you all the time? After the abnormal infection source you made has been released, which time has it achieved results? Every time it is a failure! A large-scale abnormal infection has not been caused! "

"If it was the Age of Empires, you would have to go to a military court for doing this, and you would have been pulled out and shot!"

Asuka's face flushed red, and she struggled to argue:

"My research project has achieved the goal of large-scale abnormal infection every time, and it has infected hundreds or even more than a thousand people! It's just... It's just that the evaluation center of the Japanese branch does not recognize the infection effect. Thinking this is the Japanese branch is too pedantic to understand the true beauty of infection..."

Hearing this, Fujiwara sneered and said:

"The beauty of infection? What is the grand strategy of the Japanese branch of our Cleaning Association? It is to create a group of abnormal infections to make the public feel distrustful of the Hall of Magic, and then seek help from our Cleaning Association, and is eventually defeated by the Lord of the Abyss. Shocked and influenced by the divine power of the abyss, you have become a believer in the Lord of the Abyss, which one of your infection projects has achieved this?"

Saying that, Fujiwara pointed at an advertising airship balloon in the sky, and continued:

"It happened that the new project you made a few days ago was there. Originally, I didn't have any hope. Based on the principle of waste utilization, I applied to Mr. Takasaki, the president of the Japanese branch. It is in this block. We can see the effect!"

Asuka looked at the advertising balloon that was flying far away, her eyes like water flashed with excitement, and said:

" this the Haiyun virus I developed?"

The two girls who danced with Asuka next to them both showed unknowing expressions and asked Asuka in a low voice:

"Xiangjiang, will this be dangerous? After all, we are also in this block..."

One of them has quickly pulled out a mask and put it on his face.

Without waiting for Asuka to say anything, Fujiwara on the side said coldly:

"Dangerous? You look at her too highly, just wait and see."

At this time, many members of the cleaning association under the stage also heard the conversation between the two, and all looked at the airship flying over the block with anticipation.

Another man who was obviously his deputy bowed to Fujiwara and said anxiously:

"Mr. Fujiwara, in 12 minutes, the Vichy Temple Organization delegation will arrive. To observe the infection effect on the spot, will it affect our protests?"

Fujiwara snorted coldly and said:

"It doesn't matter, it is estimated that we will see the effect in five minutes."

Asuka argues:

"Less than a minute! The abnormal infection source I developed takes only a few seconds to spread on a large scale!"

While speaking, the airship finally reached the top of the block not far away.

The slogan posted on it turned out to be a campaign slogan from a certain party. Obviously, the Cleaning Association is completely familiar with this kind of action and can easily leave its relationship with it.

The next moment, a device under the airship opened, and the huge package suddenly fell!

Everyone present in the Cleaning Association subconsciously shrank their heads, thinking it was a giant bomb.

Just the next moment, the huge package exploded in mid-air, and a huge amount of pink heart-shaped pieces of paper spurted out from the inside, like a pink snow, falling from the sky!

At the same time, an abnormal mental radiation also attached to these pink heart-shaped pieces of paper and spread toward this block. .

The members of the cleaning association present showed their shocked eyes, and at the same time cast a respectful look at Asuka.

As members of the Cleansing Association, because they have been prepared for a long time, they can also vaguely see the spread of abnormal mental radiation through the flying of these pieces of paper, and also vaguely take shape, which shows the scope of this abnormal mental infection. wide.

Many people have even foreseen a **** and cruel scene that is bound to happen next.

On the ground, office workers, housewives, students, policemen, etc., who are in a hurry, can't help but look up in the air, full of curiosity.

When these heart-shaped pieces of paper fell, many people reached out and grabbed the heart-shaped pieces of paper.

Everyone in the cleaning association looked at it intently, and saw that an office worker salesman with a briefcase first came into contact with the first heart-shaped pink piece of paper.

The moment he touched the piece of paper, the office worker's whole body trembled suddenly, the pupils in both eyes were instantly enlarged, and his eyes were wrong.

As if electrocuted!

Come, come, terrifying abnormal mental infection!

Everyone in the cleaning association on the side looked solemn, and a few women closed their eyes in reluctance.

The next moment, I saw the office worker tremble all over, and then suddenly stood up straight, exuding a faint melancholy breath all over his body, and raised the briefcase in his hand high, as if he was waving a feather fan, chanting leisurely. recited:

"Spring will return in a hurry, the birds sing and people cry!"

Then he stood leisurely, and two lines of clear tears flowed from his eyes, like a poet who was left behind.

Seeing this scene, Fujiwara was shocked and said:

"This is... is this a haiku?"

Then I saw a housewife who had just been touched by a heart-shaped pink piece of paper. She also trembled, her face became melancholy and deep, holding the pink heart-shaped piece of paper in her hand, looking into the distance, and chanting leisurely:

"Three days without seeing the square, the world is full of cherry blossoms..."

At the same time, she stood in the same place, her eyes filled with tears, as if she was a young girl who reunited with her lover after a long absence.

At the same time, in the entire block, passers-by who came into contact with the pink heart-shaped pieces of paper all trembled as if they were electrocuted, then stood up straight, and began to recite haiku like a melancholy or passionate poet. :

"The shadow of the emerald bird, rolling up the stream."

"The octopus is in the clay pot, still intoxicated with the dream of yellow beams, the summer night is full of moon-"

"Moonlight in the valley, UU reading and the fireflies are all like wandering."

"Rose blooms everywhere, I think it's like the road to my hometown back then..."

"A handful of vegetables and a piece of coal, this is my spring."


Seeing those infected who suddenly turned into poets, standing in the street and reciting haiku, on the stage of the Cleaning Association, Asuka covered her mouth with her fists, bit her fingers excitedly, and said with a blushing face:

"Shame, shame! They are all socially dead! When the effect of the abnormal infection subsides and they wake up completely, they will definitely want to cut themselves off! From a personality point of view, they are already dead!"

"Anyone who is infected will recite haiku in public no matter what the circumstances are. For a society like Sang Guo, which is perverted, twisted, indifferent and ruthless, and pays attention to shame, social death is the death of the personality and the death of the soul. This is my latest abnormal infection project, a distributed abnormal infection source called Haiyun!"

"Hee hee, why am I so bad!"