Anomalous Collector

Chapter 432: For me, please Nanako make sacrifices

After leaving the secret passage, Li Fan was a little hungry after spending so long in the entire spell base.

At the moment, I went directly to the 24-hour restaurant in the magic base, ordered a late-night snack, and took a look at it.

Because of his status as the honorary director of the Sangguo Magic Hall, he has his own private room and exclusive chef team in the restaurant, which can be said to be very enjoyable.

Li Fan simply let it go and had a quick meal.

But after eating, I found that I ate too much, and I couldn't drink an extra cup of milk tea.

At the moment, she wiped her mouth with satisfaction, took the last cup of milk tea, and strolled back to her room.

Along the way, the entire Toyama Volcano incantation base was quiet. .

However, Li Fan knew very well that under this quiet surface, undercurrents were already surging.

In the shadows, I don't know how many people are doing various explorations and searches.

When Li Fan went to the seal to investigate just now, he even encountered Yang Gan and Niu Dagang on the road, who were well camouflaged.

The two also discovered Li Fan, but they tried to hide themselves from Li Fan. In their view, this is also for Li Fan's safety.

Obviously this is the order of Gong Yijun.

Li Fan strolled all the way back to the room, and saw Nanako Hashimoto still asleep on the sofa in the living room.

Yamamoto Matsu immediately released his mental power and instantly released the Sleeping Curse.

Hearing Li Fan's footsteps, Hashimoto Nanako's closed eyes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened.

When she found herself falling asleep on the sofa, she couldn't help being startled, her body trembled, and she quickly looked up around.

I saw Li Fan holding a cup of milk tea and standing in front of her with a smile.

"Wake up? You were so tired just now that you fell asleep watching TV. I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I went to have a late night snack."

Li Fan said, looked at the milk tea left in his hand, and threw it to Hashimoto Nanako:

"Here, I brought you a cup of bubble tea. I didn't expect that the restaurant in the magic base would even serve bubble tea."

Nanako Hashimoto trembled, and subconsciously took the milk tea and held it in her hands, saying:

"Thank you...thank you..."

It goes on to explain:

"Bubble milk tea spread from Zhongzhou to Sangguo, and it is very popular in the East. Even many social organizations make money by opening milk tea shops. I...I also like bubble tea..."

Li Fan nodded and smiled:

"Very good, drink it if you like..."

Just as he was about to say a few more words, he suddenly felt the prison key tattoo on the palm of his right hand suddenly heat up. There are visitors in the town prison!

He immediately turned around and returned to his bedroom, closed the door, and said:

"A little tired, let's rest first."

At the moment when the door was closed, Li Fan's expression instantly became solemn, and he went straight to the bathroom of the suite.

The familiar musty smell came from the prison, and Li Fan immediately stepped in...

Seeing that Li Fan went straight back to the house to rest, Hashimoto Nanako touched the still warm bubble tea in her hands, not knowing what to do for a while.

Looking up at the time, she suddenly realized that it was time to connect with Tanimura.

Thinking of her boyfriend Tanimura Masao, Hashimoto Nanako couldn't help feeling warm in her heart. Then she quickly cleaned up and quietly left the room, trying not to disturb Li Fan in the back room.

With the familiarity with the magic base, Hashimoto Nako quickly came to an office building.

At this time, most of the staff in the Hall of Magic had rested, and there were not many people in the building at all.

Hashimoto Nanako went all the way to the third floor of the building, entered an office, and then entered an empty conference room nearby through the inner side door.

Here, a figure in the dark has been waiting for a long time.

Hearing the footsteps of Nanako Hashimoto, the other party hurried over and turned on a wall lamp next to her.


Hashimoto Nanako only felt that the grievances she suffered today were worth it, and she was going to hug Masao Tanimura.

Unexpectedly, Masao Tanimura took a step back and avoided Hashimoto Nanako's arms. A trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes, but he said a little stiffly:

"Nanako, the great cause is imminent. Now is not the time for love between sons and daughters. Your mission is very important. If you are seen to be affectionate with me, everything will be in vain... What's the matter, have you obtained any important information?"

Hashimoto Nanako's eyes showed disappointment, but she still said obediently:

"I'm a little rude, and I forgot the rules of conduct you told me before... I tried my best to approach this Li Fan, but he doesn't seem to be interested in me... He went to a meeting in the afternoon, and I rummaged through all his belongings in the room. , did not find any information worthy of attention..."

Hearing Hashimoto Nanako's words, Tanimura Masao's eyes showed a trace of relief, and after hearing that Hashimoto Nanako had not obtained any information, he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

He gritted his teeth and said sternly to Hashimoto Nanako:

"Zhongzhou people are gentlemen who like to pretend to be virtuous, and the Zhongzhou Anomaly Bureau should have some relevant regulations, so this requires Nanako to take the initiative, as long as you can find out the situation of the Zhongzhou Anomaly Bureau and the Cleaning Association, and get important information , everything is worth it! For the great cause, for me!"

As if afraid that Nanako Hashimoto would not understand, Masao Tanimura emphasized his tone again and said:


Hashimoto Nanako instantly understood what her boyfriend meant, and she couldn't help trembling, and her heart instantly became cold. Immediately after, she suppressed the sadness in her heart and said:

"I...get it! Please rest assured, Inspector Tanimura, for the great cause, I will definitely complete the task, even if I pay...everything!"

Tanimura Masao immediately felt relieved, and in order to comfort Nanako Hashimoto, he couldn't help but reach out and pat her on the shoulder, saying:

"Nanako, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts. In the great cause, there are always sacrifices. When the great cause is achieved, the gods of Gaotianyuan come, and we also obtain the grace of God. The day I become the emperor of Zhongzhou, I will definitely make you a concubine and let You are always happy..."

But at this time, Hashimoto Nanako took a step back slightly, avoiding Masao Tanimura's hand, and said:

"For the great cause, Inspector Tanimura should not do some too intimate actions. If people find out, it will be bad, and it will affect the mission."

Tanimura Masao couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart, just looking at the other party's poignant face, he finally softened and said:

"Nanako, it's the best you can understand... Go ahead."

Hashimoto Nanako nodded, turned silently and left.

Looking at the back of Nanako Hashimoto leaving, Tanimura Masao had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he was glad that Nanako Hashimoto had not been ravaged by that Li Fan, and on the other hand, he felt humiliated by what Hashimoto Nanako was going to do later.

Standing in the shadow of the wall lamp, Tanimura Masao was stunned for a while.

Hashimoto Nanako bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes, and returned to Li Fan's room. Standing in the living room, she stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

Originally thought that tonight would be a good time to get together with her boyfriend Tanimura, but I didn't expect the other party to regard the so-called great cause and task as the most important thing.

Even gave her the order of "sacrifice".

Hashimoto Nanako stood for a moment, biting his lips out of the teeth, and finally made up his mind and began to undress.

She took off her coats one by one, and she made up a dress for herself. She looked at herself in the mirror, pure and beautiful. I felt pity for herself. She tried her best to smile, then took a deep breath and walked to Li Fan's bedroom in the back room. At the door, there was a knock on the door.

no respond.

Fell asleep?

Hashimoto Nanako cleared his throat and said in a somewhat charming voice;

"Li... Director Li... I... I can't sleep... Excuse me... Can you sleep with me?"

After saying these words, her face was red and hot, and she felt contempt and disgust for herself in her heart, and she had an urge to give up on herself.

What she didn't expect was that, whether she knocked on the door or called the door, Li Fan in the bedroom didn't move at all, and he didn't open the door for her at all.

Hashimoto Nanako took a deep breath, raised the volume, and shouted in a more charming voice:

"Director Li, I... please give me a chance... I will definitely serve you well... This... This is what I should... as my exclusive secretary... should do..."

Her Zhongzhou language itself has a Sang Guo accent, which sounds very soft and waxy, and is even more charming at this time.

It stands to reason that she had already knocked on the door hard, and with this shout, Li Fan, who was sleeping inside, could definitely hear it.

What made Hashimoto Nanako unbelievable was that the bedroom door was still locked, and Li Fan, who was sleeping inside, did not respond at all.

Hashimoto Nanako's heart trembled, and she instantly understood that the other party was not reserved, but didn't want to do it, and didn't want to open the door for her at all.

In order to avoid mutual embarrassment, Director Li was pretending to be asleep to cover it up.

It seems that the bureaucrat of the Central State Anomaly Bureau is not as serious as Tanimura said. He... seems to be a real gentleman...

Thinking of this, Hashimoto Nanako was suddenly enveloped in a sense of shame, and bowed her head in shame for her frivolity.

Then she didn't say anything anymore, picked up the dress that had been thrown on the floor, hugged it in her arms, returned to the sofa and sat down, her whole body huddled.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the bubble tea on the table, and quickly held it in his hands, as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

Still warm.

I inserted the tube into it, took a small sip, felt the sweetness and softness of the pearl on the tip of my tongue, and tears flowed down...

What are you doing... are you framing a good guy...

In the prison, the pale ghost wearing the crown of black fire returned again.

The moment he set foot in the prison, Li Fan instantly felt an endless sense of power.

The prison-suppressing seal in the palm of his left hand became scorching hot, and the prison-suppressing power poured into his body, making him instantly as if transformed into the entire prison-suppression, seeing every corner of the jail-suppression, every particle of dust.

A group of human heads in the prison study room whispered in secret, or recited something.

The little bear dolls patrol this area as jailers, but they dare not touch the prison area at all.

In the cells of the prison area, a group of supreme rulers and abyss lords stayed in their cells honestly, only chatting occasionally and daring not to complain at all.

In the purgatory below, the tortured prisoners are still suffering terrible punishments over and over again. Li Fan turned his attention to the outside of the prison.

Outside the 100-meter-high bronze giant gate, on the black stone steps, a maddeningly beautiful girl, wearing only a veil, was standing there with her bare feet, waiting for the lord of the prison. Summoned.

It was she who knocked on the door of the prison just now.

Borrowing the power of the prison, Li Fan could see clearly at this time that although the girl's shape remained humanoid, the core of it was a vortex-like thing that was constantly flickering with light and shadow, changing its shape.


The pale ghost wearing the crown of black fire showed a crazy smile.

The power of the prison was launched, and with the terrifying energy fluctuations, the throne of bones and lava had appeared in the front hall of the prison.

The Lord of Prison Suppression appeared on the throne of bones and lava, holding his cheek with one hand, looking at the girl outside the door, with a playful smile, and said:

"Come in."