Anomalous Collector

Chapter 510: All killed

"Shh! I said don't engage in formalism, don't engage in formalism, do you think the master is not happy?"

As the temporary leader, the Bassong bear whispered angrily, and then took the lead and got out of the door.

Seeing that the owner was angry, a group of bear puppets dared not speak out against Bassong, the instigator, and immediately rushed out of the door to get into the armored car.

They had received news from Bassong before, saying that the master had agreed to give each of them a chance to return to the real world.

Everyone gets the body of a teddy bear.

After getting this news, the heads in these prisons were all mad with joy, and they stammered and sang a group of bear dolls from the Advent Party, begging them to get out of their bodies.

Fortunately, the owner had actually stocked up a lot of bear dolls before. After some manipulations, every head in the jailhouse study got a new bear doll body, and once again gained the right to move freely.

It's just that after all the heads were replaced, the master didn't come to summon them after waiting for a long time.

In the end, under the leadership of the Adventist Quotations Study Group, everyone learned a popular thank-you dance in Zhongzhou, and prepared to dance a good dance when the master returned to the prison again to express his gratitude to the master for his re-creation.

But now it seems that the owner doesn't seem to be very interested in this dance...

Hundreds of little bear dolls rushed into the armored vehicle in a chaotic manner at this time, directly stuffing the whole compartment.

At this time, they also discovered the local heads of Turkey, such as Sam, Hassan, and Zaha, who had obtained human bodies, and couldn't help but envy them.

Gou Daoren, who was sitting in the co-pilot, saw these rambunctious little bear dolls in front of him, and when he thought of the shriveled heads in their bodies, he couldn't help feeling a chill.

Li Fan released his mental power at this time, opened the front and rear doors at the same time, and said in a low voice:

"Let's all go out, and be careful not to let people find out that your mission is very simple, which is what I said before, save... and kill."

A group of bear dolls immediately rolled directly from the front door to the ground, and then quickly disappeared into the dark shadows.

In just a short while, hundreds of little bear dolls have left the armored vehicle and ran around in the dark.

At this time, the cars in the convoy turned on their lights in a fan-shaped arrangement, and the shadow behind the convoy was dark instead. In addition, the movements of these little bear dolls were very slight, there was no sound at all, and the debris on the ground was blocked, and there was no time at all. Others found.

The human-headed bears who came from the prison are extremely cold and have no heat at all. At this time, even thermal imaging cannot see their shadows.

The convoy moved forward for a while, and the skeletons everywhere were terrifying.

Yang Gan Fanghao and some other awakened investigators turned on the headlights on the protective clothing at this time, got out of the car directly, and groped forward with the gun and the armored car.

Gao Yunlei looked at the darkness around him and the wreckage dimly illuminated by lights in the distance, and said in a low voice:

"Haozi, do you think this place won't be haunted? This special girl is too scary... The pirates are doing so much now? Crazy..."

Before Fang Hao could answer, Tang Ming waved his hand and said:

Love you all night under the rain, overflowing like rain

"Don't worry, Lei Zi, if something is going to come out, you just turn him into an alcoholic, and you won't kill him if you drink it... What the **** is that! What has passed!?"

Tang Ming's whole body trembled, and he looked towards the front.

Gao Yunlei was agitated and said:

"What the hell? Old Tang, don't scare me..."

Tang Ming carefully looked at a piece of wreckage not far in front of the left, and said:

"Just now I seem to see... I saw a child run past... No, it doesn't seem to be a child, it's a little bear... Just run away, there are still a bunch of staples on your body, so **** scary... There's a bus here!"

Tang Ming shouted and immediately attracted the attention of the entire rescue team.

Gu Su

The crowd gathered around and walked forward, and saw a bus half-buried in the ground a dozen meters in front of the left.

The bus was rusted all over, and "Mushroom City Bus 17" was written on the rear window.

The windows of the car have been severely damaged, and the light shines in, and there are still shadows of many people inside, which makes the scalp numb.

This is a Mushroom City bus!

Li Fan also got out of the car at this time and came here.

After breaking open the bus door, Fang Hao and the others walked in carefully.

I saw that the seats of the bus were full of dry skeletons, men and women, old and young, and even women with babies.

Judging by the models of their clothing and buses, they are all from many years ago.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and instantly understood that this was the bus that entered the entire cave by mistake during the White Mist Incident in Mushroom City!

The person in the car was already dead that year.

I don't know if he died of starvation, or he lost his life the moment he entered the devil's cave.

Soon, several "reports" sounded in front, and several investigators exploring this area also made discoveries.

They found a body in a first-generation hazmat suit.

This is a mummified corpse, which has been dead for a long time, wearing an old abnormal mental radiation protection suit, and a vague expression on his face can be seen.

There is also a work permit:

Gao Lin, the third team of the first team of the investigation department of the Southwest Bureau of the Anomaly Bureau

The faces of everyone instantly became solemn, and they immediately accelerated their search in this area.

Soon, more corpses were found, all wearing the original abnormal radiation protection suits, and some had wounds on their bodies.

On most of the remains, the work permit of the Anomaly Bureau can be found.

They are all former Southwest Bureau investigators, members of the first and second teams!

These people, UU reading have been dead for a long time!

Not only that, in addition to the remains of these senior investigators, everyone also found the remains of many local people in Mushroom City nearby.

Thanks to the environment in the magic cave, most of the remains are still intact, but some of the corpses have been highly decomposed and only skeletons and clothing are left.

Yang Gan carefully checked the collected documents. After checking them one by one, he said to Li Fan with a solemn expression:

"Brother Li, you can't be wrong, these are the investigators who disappeared back then... It's just that several Awakened captains and detachment leaders are not there... Maybe they haven't dug up yet..."

Hearing this, all the investigators present felt a cool air rushing from their backs.

If all those who had strayed into the fog, including the masses, died, Zhao Yifeng's wife and daughter would obviously not be spared.

They are all dead, so why did Zhao Yifeng come here to save him! ?

~(Good night everyone~~~)