Anomalous Collector

Chapter 511: Mr. Collector, welcome

In the hall full of technology, a group of researchers in white coats looked at the panic-stricken Zhongzhou people on the screen, and all cheered.

"Hahaha, these Zhongzhou people are still shocked by the wreckage position, and they are now lost!"

"Let's just say, when the equipment department wanted to make all the dead Zhongzhou people into corpse specimens, I always expressed my approval and support."

"Oh, oh, look, look at the expressions on the faces of those young investigators, tsk tsk tsk, it's really heartbreaking, hahahaha, it's so cool to watch!"

"Now they suddenly find that their rescue plan is a waste, a piece of shit, I don't know what the mood is? Just thinking about this, I'm about to have an intracranial orgasm."

"Fortunately, there are still these wrecks. Otherwise, the plagiarized human origin story will be seen at a glance. Even if they can be wiped out in the end, it seems that our company's level is a bit low."

Having said that, many people turned to look at Fade Chen, who was wearing glasses next to him.

Fade Chen wiped the sweat on his forehead at this time, and said nervously:

"This... it's just the same! It's the same! It's normal for this kind of situation in artistic creation... It is precisely because of my previous script that they were shocked by the first wave, and then they were confused after seeing the corpse. !"

There was a hint of mockery and sarcasm in everyone's eyes, and a female supervisor said with a smile:

"Not bad, Chen, your creativity can overlap with a movie that has been released for many years. It has to be said that it is a miracle... The high salary given to you by the company is used by you to watch the movie?"

Chen Fei quickly retorted:

"Do you know what art is? is accidental and is art?"

Suddenly, a blank look appeared in his eyes, and then he muttered to himself:

"Why am I talking about art...I...what am I doing?"

Behind him, there were light footsteps at this time. Those colleagues who were looking at him at this time looked over Fade Chen's shoulders and looked behind him. head.

"I... Who am I?" Fade Chen continued to murmur, then suddenly raised his hands, looked at his own hands, and made a weird "woohoo" sound in his mouth.

It seems that at this moment he forgot the language, forgot his identity, and fell into complete confusion!

Immediately afterwards, Fade Chen's body and flesh began to melt like a candle, and the facial features were glued together, as if it had become a mass of shapeless flesh and blood.

The whole person's body made a beast-like sound of "woo woo", and it gradually shrank and collapsed.

When the footsteps came completely behind him, he had turned into a monster like a burnt wreck, and could only twist and wriggle on the ground!

A man wearing a royal blue suit, a blood-red tie, and a pair of leather shoes, with his head shrouded in white mist, stood beside him.

The man's head only looked like a cloud of white mist. At this time, a voice came out of the white mist and said to the researchers present:

"Everyone, you must work hard and be your true self. We RG Group don't need fake employees. Have you forgotten what our corporate culture is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of researchers immediately shouted in unison:

"True! True self, the only true God! Please rest assured, Director Hunt!"

There was a flash of fear in everyone's eyes at this time.

Standing in front of them was the director of the branch they were in, Hunter, the demigod director of the group.

Even though their plan is still proceeding smoothly as scheduled, Fade Chen, who did not perform well, was still punished.

Everyone started to work hard at this time.

Hunter looked at the picture on the screen and nodded slightly. The white mist covering his head actually drew a smile.

Beside him, Fade Chen had shrunk into a dog-sized monster, like a deformed monster dog, spinning on the ground.

There was still a smile in the white mist on Hunter's head. He didn't even look at him when he raised his feet, and his hard leather shoes stepped on Fade Chen, who was beside him.

Hearing a "poof", it was as if a tomato was crushed, and Fade Chen's head, who had turned into a monster, was instantly shattered, and his body lay on the ground with only the last nerve reflex twitching.

Hunter's misty smile was still smiling at this time, and he raised his foot again and stepped on Fade Chen's remaining corpse.

His strength is great, and every time he steps down, he stomps the corpse into mud, until it is completely flattened and spread evenly on the ground.

Then Hunter adjusted his tie, and the misty smile deepened.

In the hall, the researchers in white coats were all pale and working hard. Even if they didn't have a job, they were trying to adjust various data so that they would not be noticed by the Hunter director.

An assistant walked quickly and whispered in Hunter's ear:

"Director Hunter, several business managers have gone to capture collectors without authorization. Do you want to lower their performance to C?"

The foggy smiling face that enveloped Hunter dissipated into ordinary fog, and a urn-like voice came from the fog, saying:

"Everyone is motivated to work and should be rewarded. In this way, after they catch the collectors and successfully return, arrange for them to undergo the latest AC test transformation, which is the new project with a survival rate of only 30%."

The assistant on the side quickly said:

"Yes!" Gu Huan

At the same time, it was quickly recorded in the notebook in hand.

Hunter then came to a large chair that belonged to Chen Fei and sat down in front of the big screen, looked at the screen and said:

"Next, I'm going to take a good look at the gladiatorial fights between mortals... Collector, what's so special about you? Did you also capture a god?"

Everyone was dead, and Zhao Yifeng's rescue operation didn't work at all.

What the **** is he doing?

Is Zhao Yifeng crazy?

In other words, Zhao Yifeng himself has been controlled by the things in this devil's cave, so he brought the sword of light Zhang Chanlin and the others to die, causing his own destruction?

When it was discovered that those who entered the devil's lair had long since died, all the investigators felt chills down their spines, and various thoughts flashed through their minds instantly.

"Could it be... Could it be that Bureau Zhao died in the operation more than ten years ago, and what we have been seeing is actually Bureau Zhao evolved from monsters in the Devil's Nest?" Song Liang murmured.

Li Fan came over and gave him a shudder on the spot, saying:

"What are you thinking about? This monster in the devil's cave is proficient in bureaucratic formalism, and can write that kind of eight-part speech by the director? What kind of monster is that?"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads and instantly denied the idea.

Yes, no matter how powerful that monster is, can he understand the set of things in the system that can only be understood but not spoken? Totally impossible!

Hearing what Li Ju said, the hearts of everyone present could not help but feel a lot more stable.

At the very least, Zhao Yifeng is not a monster.

Li Fan looked at the wreckage in front of him and said:

"Besides, when Lao Zhao broke through the fog, how could he know whether other people were dead or alive? He is not a clairvoyant... Don't think about it, first place the bodies of the dead compatriots and colleagues!"

These words dispelled the originally panicked atmosphere in the team.

The monk Putuo, who was going to recite the scriptures to stabilize the military heart, nodded and expressed his admiration for Li Fan's handling ability.

Xiaojun on the side also nodded slightly, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

A group of investigators began to collect and sort out the remains at the scene.

The more they organize, the more anger in their eyes.

Most of these corpses had broken bones, and they seemed to have been severely abused during their lifetime, resulting in tragic deaths.

Especially the corpses of those senior investigators, each of which can be said to be riddled with holes, and there are countless shattered wounds on the bones.

Suddenly, Tang Ming saw a somewhat damaged skeleton in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a "Huh", and then handed it to Li Fan and said:

"Ju Li, this corpse's cranial cavity also has that weird honeycomb-like lesion!"

Li Fan took it over and took a closer look, and saw that the skull cavity was also densely packed with proliferating bones, like a honeycomb.

Everyone continued to excavate and organize, and soon found that this honeycomb-like lesion appeared in the brains of all the corpses!

As an investigator of the Central State Anomaly Bureau, everyone quickly discovered the problem at this time.

This is more like a viral spread, or rather, a biological experiment!

Thinking of the RG group behind all this, the confusion in everyone's heart was completely dispelled, replaced by anger and hatred for the mastermind behind the scenes!

This is the hatred of compatriots being mutilated!

Just as everyone was preparing to continue cleaning up, the sound of small footsteps suddenly came from the darkness ahead.

Several armored vehicles immediately turned their heads and used spotlights to shine forward.

I saw that in the darkness, three figures were walking in their direction!

The three were wearing black suits and wearing red, black, and blue ties in turn. All of them were white people.

They walked lightly, with arrogance written on their faces, looking at the people in the Central State Anomaly Bureau in front of them, their eyes were full of killing intent.

"You are from the RG Group!?" The investigators raised their guns to aim, or encouraged their mental energy to release their abilities at any time.

In this dark devil's cave, these strangers in suits and ties suddenly appeared, obviously enemies and not friends!

The three of them seemed to have not seen the investigators in front of them. The black tie in the middle gave Li Fan a narrow smile and said loudly:

"Mr. Collector, please don't take offense."