Anomalous Collector

Chapter 516: The dead bear doll of the whole staff

Latest website: Li Fan flipped his limbs and continued to crawl forward on the cave wall.

Due to the power of decay, there was no sound in his movements, and even the places touched by his limbs showed the appearance of ashes and withering.

It seems that this cave wall is not an ordinary smooth rock wall, but some kind of biological tissue.

This scene also made Li Fan frown slightly, and his heart was vigilant.

Soon he was above the rustling voice.

Looking in the darkness where five fingers could not be seen, the power of the rotten abyss lord poured out, and at this moment, a bear doll was sitting paralyzed on the ground.

There is also a card stapled to the back of the little bear with the name "Life Science Foundation Thiago Pete" written on it.

Obviously, this is one of the little bear dolls that Li Fan released from the prison.

Originally, Li Fan had injected enough mental power into these little bear dolls to allow them to move freely for a long time, but he didn't know why this would only be here, and it seemed like he was alone.

I saw the little bear doll in front of me sobbing silently at this time, raised a pair of bear claws to hug his round head, and said with a naive expression:

"Woooo, who the **** am I? I...Am I really a bear? It's just...just why is the bear's body made of cotton?"

"Pain, I'm so confused... Where did I come from? Mom, I'm looking for mom..."

"It's so dark... woo woo... Xiong Xiong is afraid of the dark..."

Li Fan instantly understood what happened to this product.

After entering this passage, this little bear doll named Pete was affected by the power of confusion in the passage, and completely fell into it, even forgetting his identity and purpose.

If Li Fan didn't find him, it is estimated that this little bear doll would cry here until the mental power in his body was completely exhausted, and he would become a rotten member of this devil's cave.

This magic cave, and the rg group behind it, have something...

While thinking about it, Li Fan quietly fell from the top of the cave wall and landed in front of the little bear doll. At the same time, he turned on the flashlight.

The light of the flashlight instantly illuminated the surrounding area, and the little bear doll Pete suddenly saw a monster like a skeleton appearing in front of him. He couldn't help raising his claws to cover his mouth, and let out a shrill scream:

"Ah--a ghost--"

Then he stepped back suddenly, curled up against the wall of the cave and prayed to Li Fan:

"Please don't kill Xiong Xiong, Xiong Xiong is very good..."

Thinking of the head of a burly man inside this thing, Li Fan couldn't help rolling his eyes, and his mental power instantly enveloped the little bear doll in front of him, expelling the strange, confused power in his body.

At this time, the little bear doll was babbling non-stop:

"Bears are very cute. Bears can help you warm... Master!?"

The confusion in his body dissipated, and his voice suddenly changed from a shrill clip sound to that of a rough big man. Thinking of what happened just now, the whole bear suddenly became bad, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to take out his head and slap it. Buried in the pit.

"Master, Pete... Pete is ineffective, please punish the master!"

Pete bears, knelt on the ground on the spot, lowered his head, and looked frustrated.

He never thought that one day he would die as a bear doll club, and in front of the lord of the prison!

So embarrassing!

He is the director of Western Europa of the Life Science Foundation, and he really regards himself as a cute little bear, and he even said that clip sound is cute!

His soul is dead!

The Lord of Suppression in front of him seemed to have seen through his mind, and said lightly:

"The enemy is too insidious. It's not your fault. Get up and follow me. Your life doesn't belong to you. It's not your turn to die for such a cheap thing."

Hearing this, Pete Bear's whole body trembled, and then he recovered.

Yes, what is the social death or the social death? He is already dead now, and there is no social circle, and there is no social death.

Moreover, in the squatting prison, death is not a terrible punishment at all.

What's more, there should be other prison-suppressing heads in confusion ahead.

Now follow the master, and you will be able to witness the moment of the other party's death!

After realizing this, Pete, who had already lost his mind, immediately cheered up and followed behind the master. At the same time, he did not forget to take the initiative to ask for the master's flashlight, holding the flashlight with both claws and waving his short legs to move forward quickly.

Sure enough, not long after walking forward, he immediately saw a little bear doll sitting on the ground crying, with the words "Babylonian Warlock Ned" written on his back.

When he felt the light beam of the flashlight and saw Li Fan walking, Ned Bear screamed in horror, knelt on the ground with his claws on his head, and cried out loudly, "Don't eat me".

Pete was instantly excited, the smile on his face was hard to hide, and the whole person almost jumped up happily.

Everyone's death is the real death.

Li Fan lifted his eyelids and his mental power spread out, which has helped Ned to dispel the confusion in his body and make him completely awake.

Seeing the Prison Master and Pete Bear in front of him, and thinking of his terrifying performance just now, Ned couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, after all, he was a person who died once. The storms and waves came, and he quickly adjusted his mentality, ready to witness the death of others with Pete.

Li Fan walked all the way through the tunnel at this time, only to realize that the bears with human heads that were released just now were all attracted to the tunnel.

Obviously, the strange power of confusion is irresistible by these little bear dolls alone.

And after they walked into this tunnel, they would be continuously polluted by this confusing power, until they finally lost their self-awareness. Gu Liao

They have lost themselves.

Li Fan walked all the way, his spiritual power dissipated, and he woke up the little bear dolls he encountered.

Every newly awake human-headed bear has gone through a process from the death of a society to waiting for the death of others.

In a short while, Li Fan was already surrounded by hundreds of bear dolls.

All the human-headed bears from the prison were rescued and awakened by their masters and returned to normal.

Originally, they thought that this experience of coming to reality was a precious parole, but at this time they felt that only by the side of the prison master, the master's side, was truly safe.

In my heart, I have a little more recognition and pride for my identity as a prisoner.

Li Fan's speed is not slow. At this time, he has traveled a long distance in the tunnel, but he still does not see the exit of the tunnel.

Vaguely, he has discovered some strange places.

Although this tunnel seems to be going straight forward, after walking in this tunnel in the dark for a long time, people will lose their sense of direction and the feeling of moving forward.

And this weird tunnel under my feet is gradually moving, like... a huge intestine!

Suddenly, the flashlight in Pete's hand, who was walking at the front, flickered a few times, and then instantly lost its light, and the entire tunnel became dark.

This is blackness that can't reach five fingers, can't see anything, there is no light source.

The crowd of little bears could not help but exclaimed, but then they all quieted down.

After all, they were following the owner now, and with so many bears present, there was nothing to be afraid of.

The more this is the case, the more it is necessary to leave a good impression on the owner.

Li Fan took out the prison lighter and said:

"Go on."

Then, with a "cha" sound, the flames burst out.

The blood-red fire light immediately illuminated the entire tunnel, but all the bears present suddenly discovered that there were densely packed people in the tunnel that was originally empty except for them!

Expressionless people, dressed in various clothes, of various races, line up on both sides of this passage, all looking at Li Fan and these little bears with human heads!

Seeing these ghostly people, Li Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

finally come.

And the more than 100 human-headed bears present looked at these sudden figures, showing curious expressions.

After experiencing everything in the prison, and the Lord of the prison is by his side, they have nothing to be afraid of.

Right now, I just want to behave well in front of my master.

At this moment, a strange energy fluctuation came, and the flame of the prison lighter in Li Fan's hand jumped immediately, as if it would go out at any time.

It's just that although the flame kept dancing and seemed to be extinguished at any time, it kept burning.

Seeing that the flame of the lighter did not go out, the strange energy fluctuation appeared again, and there was a flat wind in the tunnel, trying to blow the fire extinguisher.

Unexpectedly, the prison lighter seemed to be aroused by arrogance, and the flame soared, and it turned into a torch!

Li Fan then pointed to a man in the ghostly crowd on both sides of the passage and said:

"Drag him here."

A group of little bear dolls immediately let out a howl like a beast, rushed towards the ghostly beings, and dragged out one of the men wearing glasses and overalls in a blink of an eye.


Li Fan said lightly.

With an order, more than 100 bear dolls immediately began to pounce on the man with glasses.

At this time, everyone has discovered that the other party is not a living person, nor a corpse, but a spiritual body.

The mental body of the man with glasses was still expressionless at first, like a dead person, but after being beaten for a few seconds, his expression began to change, he flattened his mouth, and began to cry and beg for mercy:

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! I was wrong! Please stop fighting!"

His expression was more vivid than before. UU reading

"You **** act like a ghost to scare people, aren't you!?"

"I told you to pretend! Wasn't it expressionless and crazy just now?"

"If you are tough to the end, I respect you for being a man. The more you beg for mercy, the Sajia will beat you up!"

"The spiritual body also has peaches? Monkeys steal peaches!"

The screams and beatings echoed in the tunnel, and more than a hundred little bear dolls were crowded together. of other figures.

Li Fan squinted his eyes with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the densely packed figures.

These figures couldn't help but shrank back...

