Anomalous Collector

Chapter 55: Headhunter Fan

   In the bedroom, Li Fan was lying on the comfortable and soft bed, with his eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling.

   I can't sleep at a billion points.

   Although the body went through a high-intensity battle, it was very sour and exhausted.

   But after a huge amount of spiritual baptism, now it can be said to be very energetic.

   But the mood is still very relaxed.

   After all, he had killed the guy who had been together for a while, and the revenge for the promotion of the section chief was completely reported.

   In the future, Kuncheng should completely stop, and occasionally there will be an abnormal infection, and the awakened person of the abnormal situation may be solved in a few minutes.

   I can continue to live a life of three to five in the afternoon.

   When I go to work, I play games, drink coffee, chat with my colleagues, and lie on the sofa like a dead fish.

   When not going to work, I went home and took out the funds of the cleaning association to buy and buy.

   If the family asks, they say that this is part of the latent plan, in order to paralyze the enemy.

   After tonight's battle, they dare not have any objections.

   Anyway, it's just a bad show, and it's natural to play.

   When everyone in the enterprising cleaning association can't stand it anymore, it is estimated that they will leave him.

   became a lonely family by then, completely disappointed the headquarters of the cleaning association, took the right of him as a shepherd, and didn't bother to care about him.

The president of the   Cleaning Association does not have to worry about collectors who are highly skilled in the art.

   The Anatomy Department of the Anomaly Bureau has gained a gregarious section chief, and the Clean Association has lost an unstable factor in the balance of power.

   Li Fan gained the freedom to lie down safely.

   Everyone is happy.

  Really, I am a little in love with the anatomy now. Everyone is a talented person. They speak nicely. I really like it here.

   As for the eight poems, Li Fan has decided not to use his power as much as possible in the future.

   The other party is really too strong compared to himself. After all, he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. At present, he is so well-behaved because of his reputation as a prisoner.

   In case his Stockholm syndrome is gradually healed and he discovers Li Fan’s true strength, it would be too dangerous...

   "Boom..." There was a soft sound.

   Li Fan followed the voice and saw a dozen large suitcases placed in the corner.

   The small suitcase at the front is the "simple combat set" that my mother brought to the underground palace.

   There are ten heads inside.

   These things are indeed a problem.

   What happened tonight is likely to have made everyone in the Cleaning Association suspicious.

   Especially when Horley pointed out the fact that the collector was dead, he didn't use these heads to fight afterwards.

   After all, these people in the Cleaning Association are human spirits. If something similar happens again over time, I don’t know what moths will come out.

   And it’s not good to put so many heads in the bedroom.

   In case someday colleagues from the abnormal bureau came to play at home, they discovered these things by chance.

   His plan of eating and waiting for death in government agencies completely went bankrupt.

   have to deal with it all at once.

   Thinking of this, Li Fan, who was totally sleepy, got up and walked to the suitcases and gently opened a few suitcases.

  The smell of bacon came to your face.

   Rows of shriveled heads immediately appeared in front of them.

   There are males and females, yellow, red, black and white. They are basically in the age group of 30 to 60 years old, when they are young and powerful.

  Some faces have gorgeous tattoos.

   Most of them seem to have the breath of the so-called high-ranking person between the eyebrows.

   Among these heads, there are abnormal mental radiations, and I don't know how the collectors did it.

   Several of the skulls with eyes sewn on, the shriveled eyes occasionally trembled, as if trying to open them.

  Occasionally, a few heads shrank slightly or squirmed. That's how the sound was made in the box just now.

   But other than that, it's just an ordinary head.

   After experiencing the anatomy, Li Fan was already immune to these heads, so he picked up one and took a closer look.

   Each head's ear is pinned with a head's identity information label, which Li Fan has already seen before.

   Although they are shriveled heads, each one still has about 10 mental power, just like ordinary people.

   When I first met, Li Fan still felt that these heads might still be alive and didn't dare to touch them, but now he understood that these heads are actually mental energy storage devices that have been specially processed.

   had no consciousness long ago, only a specific spiritual radiation field remained.

   also only former collectors know how to use it.

   For Li Fan, these things are more like decorations or works of art.

   As a former antique dealer, Li Fan still knows about headhunting.

   The earliest human head trade originated in the tropical rain forests of South America, the Indian Shivaro people of South America.

   The Shivaro people have a special culture. They have a grand memorial every year. This memorial is to worship with the shrunken heads of adult men. Before the memorial ceremony, they would hunt the heads of adult men from the opposing tribe.

   After hunting, separate the skull, fat and skin with tools such as hammers and saws, and then repeatedly fill the skull with hot stones and sand until the deceased’s skull is compressed into the size of a fist.

   shrunken head, a local specialty.

   They believed that the skull had a soul before it was alive. When the soul in the skull is consumed during the sacrifice, it will become an empty shell, and the shrunken skull will be discarded at this time.

   The original shrunken head was just an ordinary local culture of the Shivaro, but when this matter spread to Europeans, it began to change.

   "Mysterious trophies of the barbarian warriors in the tropical rain forest", "the heads of the dead that imprison the ghosts of vengeance", these gimmicks have made Europeans buy it very much. They are too exotic and too special for collection.

   In the late 19th century, the head trade reached its heyday. In the 20th century, after repeated competition between supply and demand, even a gun could be exchanged for heads. Some people in Panama even took orders to produce heads in batches, each costing US$25.

   The huge market demand and profits even led to the involvement of Maori people with headhunting customs in the Pacific region, and began to produce a large number of head crafts to satisfy the desire of European masters.

  Sydney Customs has also established a special import item title: "Bake heads."

   Later, the Maori chief will pull out his slaves for European customers to choose. European masters will choose a slave with the right face like a commodity, and then finalize a facial tattoo plan with the chief.

   Give slaves a forced facial tattoo, then cut off their heads, pickle, dry, and finally deliver to European customers.

   The ultimate market demand is actually to make customers pretend.

   quickly passed the history of the headhunting trade in his head, and Li Fan had already made a decision.

   With these big boxes of heads in front of them, there is only one best destination, that is, prison!

   was thrown into the jail, and no one could find it. I was not afraid of the abnormal situation, and I would not face the embarrassing situation of not using human head weapons.

   Want to understand this, Li Fan moved all the boxes to the bathroom door.

   Then the key pattern on the palm of his right hand glowed slightly, opening the bathroom door in the suite, and there was an unknown darkness in front of him.

   Li Fan casually threw all the suitcases in, and then walked in by himself.

   "嚓......" The windproof lighter once again lit up with a slight red illuminating the room in front of you.

   This time he seemed to appear in the same place as a study in the town prison.

   There is a black wooden table and a row of empty bookshelves, covered with dust.

   is not an ordinary cell.

   What made his eyes even brighter was that there was a half-burned white candle on the wooden table.

  He hasn't been to this place yet!

   Li Fan immediately stepped forward and lit the candle that was as white and tender as human skin with a red lighter.

   Brighter than a lighter, a lot of candlelight illuminates the entire room, revealing a sofa, a coffee table in the corner, and an empty vase on the bookshelf.

   There is a rusty pen, an ink bottle, and a piece of paper on the desk.

   Li Fan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but he didn't expect to find other things in the jail.

   stepped forward and sat down at the desk. Suddenly, a hoarse and dull voice came from the darkness:

"What is this place?"

   "Who is talking? It's so dark, how can it be so dark..."

   "Am I killed? Who? Who is talking?"

   "This is in hell? Is this hell?"

   "I am the President of Heidi Kingdom! Let me go! I will give you money, and I will give you all!"

   "Let me go! Swear in the name of the Life Science Foundation, you will be punished!"


   The noisy sound rang out in the dimly lit room. Li Fan stood up abruptly, walked to a large suitcase, and opened the suitcase.

   A box full of shriveled heads is staring at him.

   The eyes of the heads were full of fear.

   "Devil! It's a demon in hell!"