Anomalous Collector

Chapter 627: Can I borrow a heart 1 for use?


The cadres of the Cleaning Association all understand that the private army that the Montenegrin Guards, as the Patriarch, has been secretly building over the years, can be said to be the most elite army in the entire Cleaning Association.

There are only a thousand people in the entire Montenegrin Guard, but each of them is equipped with abnormal technology equipment developed by the headquarters. Even ordinary people can compete with ordinary awakened people.

And those Awakened warriors in the Montenegrin Guards, needless to say.

It is said that Sand, the leader of the Montenegrin Guards, is even powerful enough to rank among the Twelve Knights!

The cadres of the cleaning association have long been like a mirror in their hearts, and they understand that the Montenegrin Guards, as the direct line of the Patriarch, will inevitably be regarded as a trump card, and will be put in the final battle with collectors.

Normally, the Purification Legion should be consumed first, and after the collectors and the Purification Legion are exhausted, the Montenegrin Guards will come forward as a new force.

And now that the Purification Legion has been secretly resolved by collectors, the Montenegrin Guards will definitely appear in advance.

Sure enough, with the order of the Patriarch, the Montenegrin Guards who had been lurking on the side appeared instantly.

I saw the soldiers of the Montenegrin Guards, all wearing black combat uniforms. This special combat uniform has a black patch on the front and back, as well as a streamlined combat helmet, obviously to block abnormal mental radiation. .

And the weapons in their hands were refitted automatic rifles with huge battery-like magazines, gorgeous patterns, and various spell circuits.

It's like a futuristic gun from a science fiction novel.

And behind these Guard soldiers, there is also a strange metal column-like device that emits strong abnormal mental radiation.

Just looking at it, you can feel the powerful combat power of the Montenegrin Guards.

A bearded man wearing a battle armor and holding an odd long knife stood proudly. It was Sand, the leader of the Montenegrin Guards.

What he held in his hand was the Mayan civilization war sword from the archaeological excavation of the headquarters of the Cleaning Association.

It is said that this sword was used by a former priest who cut off the heads of countless sacrifices to sacrifice to the great Feathered Serpent.

When this sword was unearthed, it was shrouded in terrifying abnormal mental radiation and infiltrated. The Headquarters of the Cleaning Association paid the price of dozens of researchers to tame this sword.

And now, after the transformation of abnormal technology, the power of this sword is amazing.

Sand, who masters this sword, is said to be very likely to become one of the next twelve knights.

Seeing this elite force, everyone couldn't help but admire the strength of the Montenegrin Guards, which was enough to destroy even a small country!

Li Fan is also very pleased, what a strong army!

That's right.

I also have reason to surrender now, and I can pretend to be defeated by this army.

It's just... The formation they are posing seems a little weird, and the direction of the weapons in their hands seems to be a bit wrong... Could it be that the weapons created by these anomalous technologies are used differently?

Li Fan had discovered the abnormality of the Montenegrin Guards at the first time, but he really didn't want to believe it, and tried to find a reason for the other party in his heart.

Before waiting for the other party to speak, Li Fan already said loudly:

"What a strong army! It has already made me feel intimidated!"

Everyone present looked strange, and then saw the Patriarch squinting at the dark muzzles around him and the soldiers of the Montenegrin Guards who surrounded him. There were surprises, disappointments, and a trace of senselessness in their expressions, Dan. Tandily said:

"Sand, when did you join the collectors? The guards I built by myself have completely betrayed me. It's really chilling... I treat you well."

Hearing this, several officers of the Montenegrin Guards could not help but bow their heads in shame, but the guns in their hands were still firmly aimed at the Patriarch on the throne.

Many soldiers of the Montenegrin Guards pointed their guns at the cadres of the patriarch's line, causing a commotion.

They had already seen something wrong before. After all, the weapons used by the Montenegrin Guards, no matter how much they used abnormal technology, would never have the possibility of firing their guns backwards.

But now, the words of the Patriarch have confirmed this.

The Montenegrin Guards have completely rebelled and fell to the side of the collectors!

Many people also suddenly realized at this time. No wonder the collectors seem to be so arrogant, so Da Lala brought only three people to the headquarters base. It turns out that the back-up has been secretly arranged!

So many people in this hall, I don't know how many are secret sons arranged by collectors?

At the same time, the head of the Montenegrin Guards, Bearded Sander, smiled and saluted the Patriarch, saying:

"Your Majesty the Patriarch, I'm really sorry. There is an old saying in the East that good birds choose wood for habitation. Brothers themselves are not ordinary people. Naturally, they should choose a bright master, that is, a great collector!"

Saying that, he gave a deep salute to the collector beside him, showing respect.

The other soldiers of the Montenegrin Guards present also saluted the collector.

Their eyes were filled with gratitude.

Collectors, you give too much.

So much that they are really embarrassed to refuse.

Moreover, although the Patriarch also invested a huge amount of resources in them, these resources were used for their body modification experiments, not for them.

The difference in this is huge.

Not to mention, many of the researchers at the headquarters are the disciples and grandchildren of Dr. Gluttony, and even the transformation methods are left by Dr. Gluttony, so there is a lot of room for manipulation in this process.

At this moment, Netherworld and Blood Pearl, who were standing behind the collector, looked at each other, and both showed a smug smile.

During this period of time, to be precise, from the time the collector became the pastor of the pastoral area in the southwest of Zhongzhou to the present, they have spent a lot of money on the headquarters.

Under the long-term silver bullet offensive, quantitative changes naturally lead to qualitative changes.

Although the Patriarch has a high prestige and has accumulated power for a long time, and he has indeed devoted his efforts to the Montenegrin Guards, the brothers of these Guards are also human beings. What they want is not constant strengthening, but a rich family. Weng's enjoyment is like lavish drinking.

Otherwise, what is life for? Is it to be a sword in the palm of the Patriarch?

Hearing the conversation between the Patriarch and Sander, Li Fan closed his eyes in pain.

The most worrying scene happened.

This Sander, and the entire Montenegrin Guard, were all bought!

This is outrageous and unprofessional!

You should be loyal to the Patriarch and be loyal soldiers! What kind of thing is it to suddenly turn allegiance to me! ?

Li Fan quickly spoke to the Patriarch and comforted him:

"His Majesty the Patriarch, please rest assured, I put the Association as the most important thing, the Lord of the Abyss, and I have no second thoughts! This time is a complete misunderstanding. As long as the Patriarch agrees to my resignation, everything will be fine. All good to say!"

Then he made a gesture to everyone in the Montenegrin Guards and said:

"Put down all the guns! Put them down! How can you put the muzzle at the patriarch? It's just outrageous!"

Being so pretentious, acting and standing, instantly made everyone present horrified, and they had a further understanding of the insidiousness of collectors.

What made the Patriarch agree to his resignation? UU reading obviously meant to force the Patriarch to abdicate on the spot.

Does the Patriarch really have no other way?

Everyone's mood was fluctuating, and they were confused for a while, and they didn't know what to do.

The patriarch was still neither happy nor sad at this time, looked at the people present with no expression, and asked several patriarchs and knights present:

"What do you think, gentlemen? You have also become collectors' eagle dogs?"

Hearing this, among the patriarchs present, Patriarch Adrian of Western Europa came out and scolded the collector righteously:

"Collector, you wolf ambition, if you want to be the chief patriarch, you have to pass me first!"

At the same time, the beggar among the Twelve Knights also stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand to the collector and said:

"Brother collector, can I use your heart?"


(Good night everyone~~~)