Anomalous Collector

Chapter 653: Membership frenzy

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What happened at the headquarters base of the Cleansing Association quickly spread around the world after the cleanup meeting.

Not only those Awakened criminal organizations and the official exception handling agencies of various countries, the news also spread rapidly in the normal online world.

After all, although the Cleaning Association is considered an illegal organization in Central State and several major countries, in most countries, it has already cleaned itself up and become a legal organization.

Of course, this "legitimate" name is not exactly the same, some are under the banner of scientific research, some are emerging religions, and some are directly in the form of companies.

In short, the acceptance of the Cleaning Association among ordinary people is far higher than expected.

Even the purification meeting of the Cleansing Association, the conflict between the patriarch Gide and the collector of the head of the Twelve Knights, have long been rumored on the Internet.

Some admirers of the Cleaning Association and netizens who have a good impression of the Cleaning Association have also created cartoon images for the Twelve Knights, and even wrote novels and cartoons about the collector's legend.

On social networking sites, various voluntary organizations such as "collector fan clubs" are emerging in an endless stream. If you don't know about the brutality and brutality of collectors, it is estimated that illegitimate harassment will happen.

It is precisely because of this that when the news of the collector becoming the envoy and the patriarch came out, it immediately set off the emotions of many people.

Regarding what happened at the headquarters base of the Cleaning Association, all the high-level cadres within the Cleaning Association were very secretive.

It is only said that the incarnation of the lord of the abyss came, and the collector was selected to be the envoy. The chief patriarch Gide, several patriarchs, and hundreds of attendants entered the abyss under the guidance of the lord of the abyss. The shrine of the Lord was given a priesthood, and the collector of the gods took over the position of the patriarch.

However, these words obviously have other meanings to those outside.

The incarnation of the Lord of the Abyss is obviously nonsense, and it is nonsense that the former Patriarch Gide was brought into the Temple of the Lord of the Abyss.

The meaning could not be more obvious. The collector won this power struggle, completely wiped out the Patriarch and his forces, and completely controlled the entire cleaning association.

It's that simple.

It is also understandable that the Cleansing Association spread the news that the Lord of the Abyss came incarnate and that the Patriarch Gide was brought into the temple.

After all, this is a tragic infighting at the highest level of the entire cleaning association, and the scene must be embarrassing. For the unity of the entire cleaning association, the news should be softened.

What the various Awakened criminal organizations and official exception handling agencies care about most is what the collector, a fanatical madman, wants to do after taking control of the entire cleaning association.

For a time, many organizations have raised their level of vigilance against the cleaning association to prevent the collector, a lunatic, from leading the cleaning association to launch any crazy attacks.

At the same time, major organizations began to desperately collect information on mysterious collectors, and worked hard to analyze data on collectors' personalities and combat effectiveness.

The current cleaning association is an extremely unstable existence for major organizations, and no one wants to hit the muzzle of collectors at this time.

Who knows what this lunatic wants to do?

This is a person far more dangerous than Patriarch Gide!

Different from the top leaders of major organizations, what was discussed heatedly among various organizations and ordinary people was a welfare plan that was rumored to come from within the cleaning association.

It is said that this is a welfare plan proposed by the new patriarch collector of the Cleaning Association, and it is simply a heavenly welfare!

No, not even in heaven is so considerate.

Who knew that after entering heaven, the angels would not solve the school district housing? But the cleaning association solved it!

And there is also the benefit of the Dream Chasing Fund, which is simply a fantasy!

It made the hearts of many members of the Awakened criminal organization hot, especially some ordinary members and peripheral members.

I called an acquaintance of the cleaning association that night.

After repeatedly confirming that this welfare policy is true, many grassroots personnel of other organizations began to move around, figuring out how to secretly join the cleaning association.

As for the general public, there is no such concern.

It coincides with the global economic crisis caused by the abnormal disaster, and it is precisely when the unemployment rate is soaring, especially many fresh graduates, who are unemployed immediately after graduation. At this time, I heard that there is an organization with high welfare such as the Cleaning Association, and it is like a swarm. , the threshold of the branch in many places of the cleaning association will be broken.

For a time, in some small countries, the phenomenon of "cleaning association membership frenzy" was even triggered.

At the same time, a large-scale abnormal infection broke out in the United States of New Land, and a large number of so-called ghost possessions appeared. The chaotic scene, it is said that the Xinlu Soul Requisition Bureau suffered great losses.

This major event immediately overshadowed the power struggle of the Cleaning Association.

Many keen people have discovered that the whole world has entered a stage of unusually frequent occurrences of events, and perhaps similar things will continue to emerge in the future...

Zhao Yifeng is very happy today.

Originally, the Central State Anomaly Bureau could still receive images of the purification meeting at the headquarters of the Cleaning Association, but the super electromagnetic interference that appeared later made these images disappear completely, and no one knew what happened inside.

Fortunately, the news finally came.

Just now, he got the information about the headquarters base of the Cleaning Association through his relationship in Xinlu, and learned that the collector's top patriarch was in complete control of the entire Cleaning Association.

The top of the collector was already in his expectations before, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

And since the collector has become the patriarch and controls the cleaning association, the importance of the Six-Ear Project has also increased again.

The importance of Li Fan, the cuckoo, has once again been highlighted.

It can be said that Li Fan has completely penetrated into the core layer of the Cleaning Association and has become a pivotal existence within the Cleaning Association!

After all, according to the news from Li Fan before, he has completely become the confidant of the collector.

This is of great significance for the future work of the Central State Anomaly Bureau against the Cleaning Association.

He couldn't wait to report this news to Guzawa, the director of the General Bureau.

Zhao Yifeng had called Director Gu before and said that he had work to report. Unexpectedly, Director Gu's secretary informed Director Gu that he was going to the Research Department for inspection today, and asked to meet directly at the experimental base of the Research Department.

It was a coincidence that Zhao Yifeng was going to the experimental base to participate in the Nuwa project.

At this time, he entered the experimental base of the Research Department with ease and walked towards the depths of the base.

The Nuwa project has been tested more than a dozen times, and the one he matched the most is a stone tablet, which is said to be related to the legendary Emperor Donghua.

Zhao Yifeng has indeed felt that his mental strength has been greatly enhanced in the past few days, and even his body has become much stronger. Even if he has some dreams of immortals and ghosts at night, he did not take it to heart.

As long as you can increase your combat power.

Others will be discussed later.

In this chaotic world, who knows how long he can live?

Soon, Zhao Yifeng had come to the connection cabin of the Nuwa project laboratory deep in the base, pushed open the door, and saw a familiar figure sitting there with his back to him.

Zhao Yifeng was stunned for a moment, then greeted with a smile:

"Lao Gong, UU reading, you are here too? Did you hear any news? Hahaha, the implementation of the six-ear plan is now more smooth, tsk tsk, I really didn't expect to become a collector so quickly Patriarch, in charge of the entire cleaning association... That kid is about to... Lao Gong!?"

While talking, Zhao Yifeng came to Gong Yijun, but suddenly his eyes widened and he noticed something was wrong.

At this time, Gong Yijun's eyes were tightly closed, his teeth were clenched, his face was covered with a mass of black air, his face was pale, and his forehead was full of sweat, which was obviously abnormal!

The moment Zhao Yifeng just shouted out, Gong Yijun suddenly opened his eyes. These eyes were blood red, and they were full of jokes and killing intent, completely different from his originally kind personality.

"What's wrong with you, Lao Gong? The situation is not right!" Zhao Yifeng asked worriedly, his face sank.

As soon as the voice fell, a ripple of spiritual power suddenly dissipated, and the phantoms of the palace and the army appeared in the surrounding void, which was the ability of one person to form an army!

In the next instant, these mental power phantoms showed a crazy look and rushed towards Zhao Yifeng!


(Good night everyone~~~ Ask for a monthly ticket~~~)