Anomalous Collector

Chapter 746: finale (final)

Abyss, evil moon.


Above a burning and ruined evil moon, only three-quarters of the original size was left at this time, and there were deep canyons everywhere. What was originally filled on the evil moon has disappeared.


On the towering and rugged cliff, in the palace with the power of charm, looking at the appearance of the evil moon, the Lord of Charm showed a startled expression.


The Lord of the One has left the Evil Moon!


What exactly does he want to do?


Suddenly, the Lord of Charm suddenly sensed that many of the powerful auras originally hidden in this abyss had disappeared without a trace at this time.


She understands that these breaths all belong to powerful Supreme Lords, and now that the breath disappears, it means that these Supreme Lords have left the abyss!


Obviously. The Supreme Lords are planning a conspiracy, and it may even be aimed at the Lord of Prison Suppression!


Must report to the master immediately!


The Lord of Charm was thinking about it, when suddenly, a blazing light and violent vibrations came at the same time, and the torrent of energy fluctuations shocked her.


She looked up quickly, and saw that in the abyss, among the barriers made up of countless eyes in the center of the death stars, the space there suddenly broke a huge hole.


Immediately afterwards, a violent flame of light pierced into the abyss like a sharp sword, and then directly pierced into the center of the extreme abyss!


Immediately, countless eyes above the sky were damaged and shattered*, and the rest left endless tears of sorrow and blood, and all the faces that formed the ground above the Death Star let out shrill cries.


As if the end had come!


The scorching and sharp flame light, moving forward, pierced into the extreme abyss like a broken bamboo, like a bridge of light connecting the extreme abyss.


Jiyuan, which was shaking as if it was breathing, suddenly stopped its tremors at this time, and the roaring sound from the wind in Jiyuan suddenly stopped at this time, as if it had never sounded.


In the next instant, colorful ripples flashed in the entire Jiyuan, converging from the edge to the center, and then reaching the beam of light. Like a living creature, it went upstream along the beam of light, rushing towards the huge void in the void, rushing out. The space wormhole between the abyss and reality, whizzing away!


Although it was only a glance. However, the Lord of Charm could feel the violent coercion released from the colorful ripples, which made her tremble.


Just like a mortal who saw the indescribable and indescribable ruler of the abyss, the whole person's spirit must be completely frantic!


The Lord of Charm only felt that all the bones in his body had been taken away, and he slumped to the ground, looking at the hole on the sky like a giant eye, and the fire of luck penetrating it, and his heart was shrouded in shock and fear. , instantly felt his own insignificance.


It was the endless fear of facing the unknown, which made her feel as if she had become a speck of insignificant dust.


At the same time, in the real power cage of Xinlu, Li Fan, who was blessed by the power of the old **** and the Supreme Lord, radiated a dazzling white light from his eyes, and the whole person was suspended. The power prisoner who originally imprisoned him The cage also collapsed and disintegrated at this time, and the chains of divine power were broken inch by inch.


Under the shocked gazes of the surrounding people and gods, a colorful ripple suddenly fell along the air column of flames above his head and fell directly into his body. …. .

