Anti-Sky Game System

v1 Chapter 603: 605 Linked Trap

Chapter 603 605 Chained Trap

As Shira was about to leave, Osnet suddenly reached out and grabbed him.

"Is there anything else?"

Shira's mood improved slightly, seeing his father look like this, a trace of impatience flashed on his face.

The flesh on Osnet's face twitched and said to him, "Tonight, a big event happened at the Imperial Capital Prison, do you know?"

Sila froze for a moment, squinting and said: "It's just that the Revolutionary Army came to prison, this kind of thing is not uncommon, what are you paying attention to?"

"Revolutionary Army?" Osnet sneered. "If the Revolutionary Army, they have the ability to kill all the guards, and then they can escape easily? I got the news from the spy and made these, just Is a person!"

After hearing Osnet's description, Shira's mouth opened slightly, and the tone was low: "You mean, the night raid is staring at the Imperial Capital Prison?"

"Not only that!" Osnet said: "The spy has been monitoring from a distance afterwards. The member of the night attack was discovered by Esdes. After the two men fought, they still let the man escape!"

"This is impossible!"

Shira yelled, "Even if it is a night attacker, it is absolutely impossible to escape from Esdes. Even the traitor Najetta, there is absolutely no such opportunity!"

Osnet held out his meaty index finger and shook it gently in front of Shira: "I know this too. It's not that simple. There must be a relationship between Estes and that person! , After playing against the man, Estes immediately reported to the Royal Palace."

Shira's pupil shrank and an unbelievable expression said: "Father, you must have misunderstood something. Estes' position is very clear. He can never collude with the people who attacked at night!"

As he said, his eyebrows twisted, and the tone of his mouth was vagrant: "Father, wouldn't you be willing to give me Estes? You can't get it, you want to kill her?"

This sentence, as long as it is a smart person, will be buried in the psychology, and will not be said in person. Sheila said that it clearly pushed Osnet's position to the cliff.

But he wasn't alert yet, but instead increased his tone: "I will not allow you to move Estes. If you dare to move her, I will kill you now!"

"Chongguan is angry as a face? For a woman, you actually talked to me like you?"

Osnet was also angry, and he slapped directly on Shira's face.

In just a moment, Osnet calmed down. He hurriedly grabbed Shira’s shoulder and said softly: "Son, since I promised to give you Estes, I won’t regret it! I seized an excellent opportunity. If I get it right, I can upset Ides and Bude together! I did all this for you! I am old and I am too weak to be an emperor. Wait for me After completely grasping the real power, I abolished the emperor and let you do it!"

The city of Shira is naturally not as deep as Osnet. After being slapped, although he was annoyed in his heart, but explained by Osnet, the anger in his heart not only disappeared, but a little joy!

Seeing that his son was not angry, Osnet secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He said: "This matter is only known to us now. But in the long run, we can't hide it. After all, Bud's eyes and ears in the DPRK are not comparable. I am less! You are going to kill the kid who attacked at night, only the dead can hide secrets forever!"

Shira nodded heavily, in order to be the emperor, for Estes, he must agree.

But then he was in trouble again, he stared at Osnet’s eyes and said: "Father, although my emperor can transmit, it is not suitable for searching targets! How can I find the kid who attacked at night?"

"This is simple!" Osnette snapped his fingers and said with a light face: "They are now hiding in the underground base of the revolutionary army south of the imperial capital. Those revolutionary troops always have soft eggs!"

Osnet prides himself, and his method is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He only eats barbecue. The entire imperial city, most of the data points of the Revolutionary Army, were put in the eyeliner by him!

Shira didn't hesitate, he said to Osnet: "Father, it's not too late. I'll go now. If the two guys find out that the clues ran ahead of time. But they're busy!"

"You don't have to worry so much, there is enough time for you to set up the teleportation array! If I guess well, that person has already taken my poison!"

There was a cold smile on Osnet's face. It seems that Lin Tianyao has been caught and bound in front of him at this moment!


In the revolutionary army stronghold, Lin Tianyao was a little puzzled. Judging from the cracks in the trouser pockets, this is not a natural crack at all, but caused by a sharp weapon!

If there is a hand picker, this is absolutely impossible. With his strength, pickpockets will be discovered without approaching.

Therefore, there is only one chance for this rift to occur, that is, when playing against Esdes!

If you think about it in this situation, the business card may have fallen into the hands of Estes!

With such a thought, Lin Tianyao can't calm down. If Estes knew that he was going to the blind date conference, he would definitely be prepared to stand by and wait!

This idea was just a flash. Now that the two have seen each other, it is meaningless. Even if Lin Tianyao took the lead in the blind date meeting and met Estes himself, everything became a cloud.

"Brother Tianyao, my stomach hurts!"

Chelsea frowned suddenly, her expression on her face was painful, her hands were tightly covering her abdomen, and the cold sweat on her forehead was like rain!

"what happened?"

Lin Tianyao was also frightened by her intrigue. Chelsea had a fever before, but now he has taken the medicine. It should be okay! Moreover, fever will not hurt your stomach?

Chelsea shook his head, trembling and reached out, pointing to the porcelain bowl containing the medicine placed on the bedside: "That medicine is poisonous!"...