Anti-Sky Game System

v12 Chapter 1190: Body surgery

Most of the foreign monks in the monk team were awake at this moment and looked at Lin Tianyao with a ruthless look.

These "dismembered monsters" that come and go, always appear out of thin air at midnight, tearing the victims into pieces, and then leaving with their lost body parts in satisfaction.

If these dismembered monsters are unsuccessful, they will stay in place and refuse to leave.

However, the dismembered monster that failed that night will continue to appear the next night. As long as a dismembered monster gets the organs it has lost, the other dismembered monsters will leave together!

So the best way is to satisfy them and stop them from harassing.

The monk team is located in a special area similar to a rune formation, which can effectively resist dismembered monsters and prevent them from easily approaching!

However, in other parts of the mountains, there is no such rune array. It can be said that dismembering monsters is not fortified.

Under normal circumstances, it is not terrible to be less powerful than the lord to dismember monsters, these alien monks can easily kill them!

However, the problem is that these dismembered monsters cannot be killed at all. Even if they are minced into minced meat, they will suddenly jump out of the corner. This is really strange.

In the long run, monks of other races have known these habits of dismembering monsters, and have begun to satisfy these dismembering monsters with the lives of stowaways, so they can rest assured!

This time I encountered an accident on the road and had to choose a temporary camp to house the dismembered monster. At this time, Lin Tianyao and others had been treated as a "sacrificial offering" to install the dismembered monster!

Due to the hallucinogenic effect of fog, apart from Lin Tianyao, illegal immigrants have not discovered the crisis.

However, it is clear that, apart from Lin Tianyao, there are others who are very cautious about the monk team. This is a silent young swordsman.

As Lin Tianyao was preparing to conspire against these ruthless foreign monks, the young swordsman opened his eyes screaming loudly with the sword in his hand. Suddenly, several dismembered monsters flashed beside him.

The sword light flashed over, and the body of the dismembered monster immediately split in two and fell in all directions.

The screaming sounded at the same time, but a stowaway was caught by the dismembered monster and torn in an instant!

These stowaways stood in a dangerous place in the mountains and did not sleep well, so even if they were affected by the fog, they were still quickly awakened by screams.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw a group of fierce monsters crouching around them, reaching for their bodies.

Unexpectedly, the stowaway did not hesitate to avoid and take up arms to fight the dismembered monster.

There were two more screams, but the two stowaways did not return, and the dismembered monster tore into powder. Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the place immediately.


A stowaway roared, waving a knife, and chopped it to the dismembered monster tearing his thigh, splitting it in half.

But before he received the knife and came back to stop it, he felt a pain in his neck, and then his entire head was pulled down abruptly, fiddled twice by a dismembered monster and placed on his bare neck. He saw the fresh headless mummy, looked around, and saw a strange smile on her face.

Giggle, I have a head, see if I am pretty?

After saying this, the thin, disorganized monster with an uncoordinated head kept making laughter, swaying to the distance, and disappeared in an instant!

For other dismembered monsters, they obtained the remains of their limbs and feet and assembled them on their withered bodies. They made a harsh laugh with satisfaction. They rocked their bodies in a twisted and twisted manner and soon disappeared into the fog.

The rest of the stowaways got rid of the dismembered monsters around them. When they saw the body of the dismembered monster suddenly disappear to the ground, they were shocked. Then another group of dismembered monsters burst out of the fog.

Looking at their shape and appearance, they are obviously the dismembered monsters just killed!

Several stowaways saw the monk's team surrounded by dismembered monsters, but did not see the monster in front, and concluded that the monk's team had unknown means to resist the attack of the dismembered monster!

"Where are we hiding, or we will die!"

A stowaway roared, cut down two dismembered monsters, and rushed directly to the location of the monk team.

The remaining stowaways followed without hesitation, one faster than the other.

But before the crowd approached, the monks suddenly pulled their bows and arrows, raised their javelins, and aimed at the illegal immigrants who rushed over. Anyone who dares to get close to here, I will kill him!

The twin star lords in the monk's team sullenly said, "As long as you can survive tonight, I will take you across the mountains. If you are killed by a dismembered monster, you can only be blamed for your bad life!"

Don't worry, as long as you persist until dawn, these dismembered monsters will retreat and will never kill you!

The stowaways were very angry when they heard these words, but in the face of those cold arrows and war knives, they could only smash their evil spirits and fight against the rushing corpse split monsters.

Fortunately, compared to the attack between Thira and Chabidis, at least they don't have to worry about a dismembered monster behind them. Although monks of other races are more mean and sinister than dismembering monsters, they will not be attacked by black hands for the time being.

Only when they tried their best to kill the dismembered monster, and saw the body disappear on the ground, then a group of identical dismembered monsters appeared, and his face became extremely ugly.

These monsters cannot be killed, but their physical strength is limited. According to the development of this situation, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be killed by the dismembered monsters because they are exhausted!

He looked back at the position behind him, and looked at the indifferent eyes of monks of other races. All these illegal immigrants felt cold in his heart.

"Damn monster, I have a fight with you!"

The stowaway roared, and the monk's skills were displayed and turned into bears. He rushed out of the fence to dismember the monster and into the mist.

At this time, he does not care whether there is danger in the fog, or whether it will cause energy "sao" "chaos" after the showman skills are displayed!

Both sides are dead, it is better to fight, maybe there will be a chance!

Two stowaways who knew each other also seemed determined. They looked at each other while turning around, aiming at the direction where the monks showed their skills.

"Damn, are you crazy?"