Anti-Sky Game System

v12 Chapter 818: Eagle catching a chick

Gu Lixing shook his head and smiled gently. "Master Lin Tianyao is hone his soul level."

"And, you really see that the painful color on Lin Tianyao's face is slowing."

"From the beginning of the cold breath, until later, just bite your teeth, and then pass, now, although the face is painful, but did not even hear a sigh."

"This proves that Mr. Lin Tianyao is raising the level of Soul Teacher very quickly."

"Very fast?" A flash of surprise flashed on Sunzi Huowu's face.

"As far as I know, the training of soul mentors is very difficult."

"This thief rushed to the muzzle. Can he increase it very quickly?"

"that is not."

"Yes." Gu Tianxing nodded. "The understanding of Lin Tianyao's son is terrible."

"Fascinating four words deserve it."

"On the subject of understanding and enlightenment, I have never seen such a horrible warrior."

The grandson's fire dance wrinkled. "Is this fascinating, will it be expelled from the two universities? Not the old guys are blind."

"But don't forget." Sun Tzu's fire dance time and time again, "I didn't expect this thief to be very powerful."

Gu Lixing looked at Gongsun Fire Dance and smiled. .

time has passed.

Lin Tianyao is still using this soul beast to upgrade his soul level.

In two days, it will be delivered instantly.

Lin Tianyao's soul teacher is constantly improving from temper and emotion; the soul beast also consciously slowly increases the power of the soul.

Gu Shixing is chatting most of the time.

Grandson Fire Dance, except for the beginning of different colors; most of the time, they look at the star of mercy.

"Unfortunately star, is there really no way to cure you completely?" Sun Tzu's tone of fire dance is a little low.

Gu Tianxing smiled and said, "Yes, but."

"Is there?" Gongsun's fire dance is beautiful.

Gu Shixing smiled and said nothing.

Not far away, the soul power in the air slammed and suddenly stopped.

Lin Tianyao woke up from the enlightenment and said, "I didn't guess. It's been two days now."

Yes, guess.

Soul teacher and soul beast experience each other, many times they will fall into the state of enlightenment.

Of course, when you realize your enlightenment, you will automatically protect your body without worrying about danger.

However, in these states, the passage of time is not very sensitive.

"Well, it's been two days." Gu Tianxing nodded.

Lin Tianyao looked at the sky. At this time, it had entered the night, and the moon was already round.

"In the fifteenth month, it's time to see what happened." Lin Tianyao said to himself.

In front of Lin Tianyao, the soul beast snored with a deep panic and fear.

Lin Tianyao nodded indifferently. "Relax, I will let you go."

There was a big hand and a wave, stars and swords were all around, they disappeared.

Soul beast, when he felt ashamed, he quickly escaped.

However, some breathing has disappeared without a trace.

Lin Tianyao shook his head and didn't care.

Even if he was killed, the holy emperor was useless.

At best, there was a monster in Neidan, and a bottle of monster's blood disappeared.

His practice, whether it is swallowing herbs or cultivating the Shura War; there are many things to be cultivated and the blood of the beast.

A bottle is also good.

Lin Tianyao converged on his soul and looked at the sky and the moon seriously.

Next, it is time to look at this magical danger.

However, as a result, he did not notice that the star of mercy next to him suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something.

At this time, the dangerous illusion had arrived at night.

The vision on the dangerous land does not allow Lin Tianyao to wait for a long time.

Just a few minutes later, in a dangerous fantasy, the world of heaven and earth began to run away.

"Come." Lin Tianyao looked awkward and took his surroundings seriously.

A ray of light suddenly fluttered in the air.

But a moment later, the whole world was shrouded in fantasy.

The whole illusion is dangerous, it is like a dream. It's gorgeous.

It was almost the moment when Gongsun Huowu's voice fell.

In a dangerous illusion, violence again.

Violent departure is an invisible force.

"Soul Power?" Lin Tianyao's face changed.

In his opinion, the soul of this stock passed by in a hurry, almost instantly filled with fantasy.

In addition, the runaway soul is still growing and growing.

But for a while, Lin Tianyao changed his face.

"How is it possible, a good heart."

Now, the soul power between heaven and earth is full, and even Lin Tianyao's perception begins to tremble.

In any case, it will definitely reach the level above martial arts.

This situation suddenly reminded him of the forbidden ground of golden light and the forbidden ground of stars.

The soul of these violent movements is like the golden storm and star storm he encountered.

Sure enough, but for a few seconds, out of control, self-sufficient storm soul.

The entire dangerous illusion suddenly became rampant.

"Not good." Gu Lixing was shocked first, and then his face changed.

"I remember, the record on the file."

"In the same year, the first housekeeper of Leiguang Tower fell into magical danger in the 15th round and then died."

"It is reported that when the magical light is on the fifteenth month of the month, it must be breathless, and the spirit beast is boiling.

"What? Didn't you say it early?" Lin Tianyao looked worried.

Gu Li's face is the color of his face. "Many years ago, I reviewed this document. Some details have not been thought of for the time being."

"Forget it, leave first." Lin Tianyao interrupted, grabbing Gu Shixing with one hand, and Gongsun Huowu with one hand, and then flew away quickly.

The magical power that erupted at this time was far beyond his imagination.

When you are in the Golden Light Pit, entering it is no less than a sense of oppression.

In addition, the possibly boiling soul beast should be an animal tide.

General animal tide, Lin Tianyao is not afraid.

But if the beast of the soul beast has a soul storm gathered by a soul storm, it will be very troublesome.

For now, I will send two people to leave.

After that, if possible, he would come back alone to find out what happened.

The three people left.


In the illusion of illusion, these fragments screamed and rang.

"Damn it, it's been fifteen months. There is no reminder on the Magic Star side?"

"Each time fifteen months ago, the Magic Star will send a signal to make me wait for the fantasy to fall back soon."

"Asshole, these guys will benefit, kill us this time."
