Anti-Sky Game System

v13 Chapter 19: Simulation training

The survivor who had just experienced the sea explosion suddenly changed his face, and Qi Qi looked up at the water ahead.

I saw a large flying object on the sea surface, "shooting" the bright silver light, rushing towards their position.

"Damn the Dragon City, really want to be ashamed, even this one?"

A tribal leader jumped violently and turned to the people around him, shouting, "All of you, cheer up. The attack on Shenglong City will come again soon!"

In fact, he does not need to remind that all survivors at sea have mastered their weapons. His eyes were fixed on the silver light that was getting closer.

But in a blink of an eye, the dazzling silver light roared over their heads.

No one greeted them, these marine tribes raised their weapons one by one and threw them into the airborne aircraft.

Only some people were surprised, because according to the final situation, the plane Yunfei reached the top of their heads, supposedly they should directly burst. However, so far, the aircraft has not moved. Even if they were hit by a weapon, they just fell into the sea. The imaginary explosion did not occur.

"Damn, what is this?

A tribe man was full of doubts, picked up a plane that landed on a garbage ship, and looked at it curiously.

As a result, he found a small transparent square on the plane with strange numbers beating on it.

Looking at this constantly beating figure, he didn't know why he suddenly panicked.

At this time, the number of jumps suddenly stopped.

The broken plane suddenly made a loud noise, and countless steel **** squirted from the inside, covering the surrounding garbage ships and survivors at sea.

As the plane exploded, other planes floating on the water also made a series of huge noises after being knocked down by survivors at sea. Fragments of steel **** scattered around.

Obviously, this time the Holy Dragon City had a serious eye and set a delay detonation device, which made the tribal coalition caught off guard and suffered a heavy blow again. I don’t know how many people were injured and killed in this wave of attacks!

Realizing this, the commanders and tribal leaders of the tribal alliance troops were very annoyed.

This feeling of being fooled is really unbearable.

"Damn, damn, **** bastard!"

The coalition commander did not change his face. After seeing the injured and dead tribe members, he could no longer restrain his anger. He sat up directly from the chair and gave a low roar.

Through my orders, don't worry about casualties, go at full speed!

He has seen that in the Holy Dragon City, this is to lose the momentum document of the Horde Alliance for a few minutes before the official war, so during the battle, the opponent's odds will increase greatly.

But for the Hydra who dreamed of leaving the water world, as long as they can escape the cage, what are the casualties in front of them?

At full speed, not long ago, a huge shadow suddenly appeared at the intersection of the sea and the sky in the distance. It was already waiting for the Dragon Saint Dragon City Legion!

After seeing the target appear, the foreign race at sea gave a deafening roar in its mouth, speeding up the driving speed again, like an arrow "shot" from the string and rushing towards the Three Dragon City Legion.

However, when they approached, they finally saw the enemy's battleship, but couldn't help but gasp.

The other side of the ship is so huge that the giant battleship of the Hydra tribe is like a small sampan.

Most importantly, these battleships are obviously made of metal!

For the water world, metal is a very precious asset and a symbol of identity and status.

Even among these marine tribes, the monks who can possess metal weapons and armor are only a small part. Almost 90% of tribal warriors and monks use equipment made of various materials, which is obviously inferior to metal equipment in terms of lethality and protection.

It's not that they don't want to use it, but that metal is too scarce.

But in front of the Saint Dragon City fleet, all of its battleships are made of metal, and this alone will make sea survivors envious of the anomalies.

Originally, they also had a little doubt about Shenlong City from outside the water world, but after seeing these metal warships, that doubt immediately vanished.

In the water world, there is absolutely no way to get so much metal, so the Hydra tribe is not lying, they are from outside the water world!

Realizing this, the eyes of all survivors at sea lit up, and my heart suddenly became hot.

"Rush up and kill them all!

We must win this battle so that we can escape the prison of this water world!

A loud voice resounded through the sky. It was the commander of the Horde Alliance who was in charge of the Alliance forces. At this moment his gaze flashed, and the sword in his hand had been pulled out, pointing in the direction of the Shenlong City fleet.


The response to him was the deafening roar of countless survivors at sea. They were like a group of excited lunatics, clutching all positions of the junk warship tightly, waving their weapons and making hysterical roars.

If viewed from the air, the Horde Alliance forces are now like an endless group of ants, running towards the beast lying on the ground.

At this moment, in the direction of the Holy Dragon City Legion, Baishui suddenly appeared and quickly rushed towards the position of the Horde Alliance.

"No, the enemy launched another attack!"

A tribal leader looked at the rapidly approaching water waves and the shadow of rapid advance underwater, and immediately looked anxiously at the nearby coalition commander shouting.

"We have to rush over and they will naturally attack. This is normal!"

The coalition commander did not speak, but a Hydra tribe monk next to him made a sound. He looked at the tribal leader with an anxious expression and said in a cold voice.

"Now our weapons have no advantage, so the best way is to get close to them so that we can defeat the machine!"

The people of the Hydra tribe glanced at the frightened garbage warships that were constantly avoiding attacks and sneered: "Since there is war, casualties are inevitable, but what if only the Shenlong City is defeated, and only a few people die?"


When the tribal leader heard the words, he suddenly glared and looked at the monks of the Hydra tribe angrily. He just wanted to say something, but he was hugged by other tribal leaders next to him.

He struggled a few times, and finally sighed helplessly, turning his head with an unwilling look.

The monk of the Hydra tribe said, sneering contemptuously, looking up at the direction of the Saint Dragon City fleet, with a trace of fiery in his eyes. It was at this time that the White Line had rushed to the Horde Alliance camp, and then made a huge noise. ..