Anti-Sky Game System

v2 Chapter 1928: 2186 strong Jun Yun heaven)

Chapter 1928 2186 strong Jun Yun heaven)

"It's me, how, not me, how? This person, you can't move." That person's voice was not high, but Lin Tianyao was shocked.

It was still that strong, that the clouds were light and windy, and it seemed like a big thing, and it was not worth mentioning in general in front of him.

The person who appeared later did not have the earth-shattering momentum. At first glance, the person who did not know the details would certainly think that it was an ordinary person.

It's just that how can ordinary people appear in the river of time and space across time and space?

Lin Tianyao clearly saw the person's appearance. Although he was relieved in his heart, he also burst out with a complex feeling.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, when things are coming, I still need this person to help myself and solve problems.

And after saying that, the man did not look at Lin Tianyao at all, but walked step by step, stepping firmly towards this side.

His expression was very calm, and the look in that creature's eyes was also very peaceful.

But that's it, the look of that creature has changed.

"Daoyou, you're over. This thing has a cause and effect with me. If you intervene, you will also contaminate the cause and effect of the mountain. By then, it will fall here, but it's not good."

And the tone of the creature became solemn. No longer like facing Lin Tianyao, the clouds are light and windy.

The creatures of that level seem to not eat the fireworks in the world, and look beyond the world, but in fact, they are most proud of their hearts. Now, he calls that person by Taoism, which is enough to prove that that person and him are the same level of beings.

"For that matter, you changed the luck of a world. What do you say about your cause and effect? ​​In this whole world, hundreds of millions of souls, who should you seek to count their cause and effect?"

The man who appeared later said this while walking, but not a moment later, he came to Lin Tianyao's side.

At such a short distance, won't both sides feel strange? Lin Tianyao just thought about it, and suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and then he was surprised to find that he had left the original place and reached the other end of the long river of time.

Before, he was in the middle of time, and so was the creature. But now, that creature has reached one end, but Lin Tianyao has reached the other end.

Needless to say, Lin Tianyao also knew who had used the means to take him to the bank of the long river of time.

The vast world, hundreds of millions of souls, are all competing in the long river of time. Occasionally there are generations who are able to leap above the water of the long river and see a corner of the future or past. It is already a rare thing. But now, Lin Tianyao was cast by that creature and jumped out of time. How difficult is this? At least Lin Tianyao has never heard of it, and there are still people who can do such things.

However, for masters of that level, the five elements jumped out are no longer causal, and it is natural to think about it. Everything, just because of their strength, has escaped the shackles of the Tao and reached a new level.

They are all people who have already created their own ways. How can others keep them?

At this moment, Lin Tianyao was standing behind the creature, and the two powerful men faced each other across the river. Although there was no killing spirit, they made people feel uneasy. Only time is long, and as before, it has flowed from the source before the ages to hundreds of millions of years.

"In this way, you must have shot? Jun Yuntian?" The strong man across the river looked at Gu Jingwu wave, but the words contained a chilling meaning.

Wasn’t that the one who appeared later, Jun Yuntian? Lin Tianyao did not expect that he would appear here at this time.

Thinking of the cause and effect between the two people, and the words Jun Yuntian said to him when they met each other. In his mind, there was still a mist.

Jun Yuntian, what the **** are you doing? And why is he repeatedly appearing in his mission world?

All these are questions that Lin Tianyao has in mind. But he couldn't say it. Now, although Jun Yuntian has shot, he is still not sure whether he can leave here alive.

Crossing the river of time, chasing yourself, and still dispatching the Dao body, it is enough to show how much importance the creature attaches to itself. Listening to his words, although he called Jun Yuntian a Dao brother, he did not see any compromise.

Their kind of strong men of the same level, who is not the one who overwhelms an era and is proud of the world? Such masters are undoubtedly proud. How can they change their hearts because of other people's words?

If they are not so confident, they will not have today's cultivation. And the reason why they have practiced like this today is because of their Dao heart and determination.

"I have all come here. You said, can I still let you take him away? You and I both know what kind of things he is going to do in the future, and what is the cause and effect with you?"

Jun Yuntian's voice was not high at the moment, but what he said was shocking!

In the future, who will do what? When Lin Tianyao heard this, he was immediately ignorant.

I am not necessarily able to leave alive now. Why, listening to the meaning of Jun Yuntian, do I still have to do an earth-shattering big thing in the future?

It is such a big thing that Jun Yuntian can say such a powerful person...

The creatures across the river heard Jun Yuntian's words, and his face suddenly rose slightly.

"I know, it's just, what does that matter to me!? The world is ruined and the world is broken, I just need to be here to guard the people I should guard, it's enough! What are you doing today? I must take this person away today!"

That creature suddenly spoke like this! ....