Anti-Sky Game System

v2 Chapter 2689: 2951 Rhapsody, completely omega!

Chapter 2689, 2951, the violent piano, completely omega!

It's just that things have reached such a point, not to mention that there is an omega-class piano in front of him, even if Lin Tianyao comes, he won't go back easily!

He roared and used his potential to the extreme. The stadium standing under him broke apart in the air, and then the broken metal strips were further split!

And Qin just looked at this scene coldly, and did not stop.

The metal bar splits into smaller metal blocks, but the metal blocks split again. In this way, in the end, I can only see there is a layer of gray and cloud-like things around the front of Magneto, but it disappears. Those huge metal blocks.

Although many people have long been accustomed to the power and magic of the mutants, they still couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.

Magneto can control the metal without being fake, but now, he can control the state of the metal into an atom? !

This is terrible! And anyone with a little common sense knows what a huge number of iron atoms are in the earth!

How many substances in this world contain iron atoms? How many metal objects have humans built since entering the Iron Age? It is no exaggeration to say that the current city is the steel forest.

The Magneto is the **** in the steel forest. He was able to strengthen his ability to control metals to this point...

If Magneto continues to be so strong, will the whole earth become his plaything one day?

A few people have begun to think about this problem, and even those who have not yet realized how important this problem is, are staring at the scene on the TV in a daze. Although the camera has been cut off, there are still real-time images from the satellite that will happen before the White House to the first moment of the world.

This is the information age. Everything Magneto and Qin did will be instantly transmitted to all parts of the world.

The wall made of black and gray metal atoms blocked Magneto. He flew in the air. At this moment, he was full of confidence.

The earth continued to tremble, and the White House was completely gone. Even if mankind wins, after this war, the old White House in the United States cannot continue to exist. The war at the top level of the mutants has completely destroyed this place.

Magneto felt an unprecedented power. At this moment, he felt extremely powerful. He clenched his fist, and then loosened it.

He waved toward the opposite piano, and the metal atoms, like the soldiers who had received the order, rushed towards the other party crazy.

Qin can indeed control matter, but it is clear that she can not control the matter in atomic state. Now, although Magneto is not an Omega-class mutant, he has exerted the power of controlling metal to the extreme.

Facing the molecular state, which shields the sky from attacking, Qin, what is the solution?

A smile appeared on the face of Magneto. But, seeing this scene, Qin suddenly smiled.

And her smile is so cold, completely different from the old piano!

"Just, is it only this degree?" Magneto suddenly heard it, and there was a voice echoing in his mind. That voice was the voice of a young woman, but it was not as gentle as the old piano.

In her voice, there is unimaginable coldness and cruelty!

Magneto also froze. He clearly wore a helmet, because he knew in advance Professor X's attitude towards this matter, and in order to prevent his old friends from ruining his plan this time, he was very painstaking. But why, obviously, with the helmet and the sound of the piano still invading his mind?

He suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, and then, Magneto's complexion quickly became ugly. It's just that the next scene will make his face even more ugly.

The endless metal atomic storm should have entered the body of Qin effortlessly, and then Qin let him slaughter. This is the vision of Magneto, but the reality is not so!

Qin just waved his hands, and those metal atoms were stuck in mid-air. No matter how Magneto urged them, the metal atoms would not move at all.

He could not help but grow his mouth in surprise. Although it said that such a thing has happened once before, last time, Qin used the power of the earth to imprison those metal blocks. Although he could not control those metal blocks, he was still able to establish connections with those metal blocks in his mind.

Only this time, he felt that his connection with those metal atoms was gradually being cut off. An unimaginably powerful spiritual force, with an irresistible will, gradually moved his thoughts from those metal blocks. Driven out from above.

how can that be! ?

For Magneto, the ability to control metals is his strong root, and now, Qin, has simply erased his strongest ability so simply?

Regardless of whether Magneto believes or not, the reality is already like this. Although there was no war, Qin's demonstrated ability had made Magneto feel a little desperate.

If there is a war between the two, even if he is the last to lose, then it is better than the current situation. Because, there was a war, at least it shows that he is not a role that the other party can easily handle, but now, even if he has no chance of any counterattack, he is completely suppressed by the other party.

This shows what? This shows that the other party's ability has fully surpassed himself. No matter in that respect, even if it is the metal control that he is best at, the other party is far above himself!

"Do you think that the kind of apocalypse who relies on taking the power of others is really all about Omega-class mutants?"

He heard that nightmarish voice again! ....