Anti-Sky Game System

v2 Chapter 2698: Little girl calling for love at the cent

Chapter 2698 2960 Little girl calling for love in the center of the world (Part 1)

Not to mention, according to satellite monitoring, the current in the North Pacific Ocean is now turbulent with the movement of the sea floor, further triggering a tsunami. According to the results calculated by the data model, this time the impact of the tsunami on the east coast of China will be The power of the Indonesian tsunami was three to five times that year.

If the numbers do not explain the problem, then it is directly said that the entire Chinese coastline is within the range of 300 kilometers inwards from the wave impact range, which may be more intuitive.

The distant tsunami is approaching, and the only barrier has become shaky under the attack of alien warships.

Chinese officials have not tried to find ways, such as urgently mobilizing the battleships and fighters of the East China Sea formation to try to launch an attack on the alien battleship, but the results are all returned without success. No matter what kind of attack, it can't act on the alien warship at all. The outer layer of the computer-encoded energy mask blocks everything.

This is not a Hollywood blockbuster, nor a movie, nor is it a story that one or two superheroes can reverse the destiny of the entire world. This is reality. No one could rush into the control layer of an alien battleship with a nuclear bomb as in the American blockbuster "Independence Day", and then detonated the control layer, successfully defeating the opponent. This kind of thing only exists in people's illusions. In reality, no one can do it.

Seeing hope again, but facing despair again. At this time, Lin Tianyao has not been able to return.

In fact, if nothing unexpected happens, by the time Lin Tianyao comes back, the earth should be all in ruins. There may be humans or mutants who survived, but the total number of people who survived will not exceed 10,000.

Although it is said that technology has created the civilization achievements of modern mankind, if the number base of a race is reduced to such a point in a short time. So even if this race is not extinct, it will inevitably be accompanied by the degradation of civilization.

Maintaining everything in modern society, electricity, network communications, necessary transportation, food and safety will become ghosts. The most optimistic estimate is that humanity will degenerate into the agricultural era. All activities of modern civilization except agriculture will disappear.

By that time, development is no longer the biggest problem of human beings, survival is. As the population deteriorates, a series of problems will follow. Human civilization may open the door to destruction from then on. And this is the most optimistic estimate.

The civilization of the earth has been discovered. Even if the emperor of the universe does not shoot, if his men do, then human beings will still be dead! ? After that, it will repeat the fate of the same fate and be eliminated. Even if there are survivors, they will forget the glorious achievements of the past and regress to a time of ignorance. Immediately after, it was the appearance of the Sphinxes, and then, it was a repeated fate waiting for harvest.

Will things happening on other planets be repeated on Earth? In other words, do human beings on earth have a chance to escape this fate? Although there is still a silver lining in people's hearts, waiting for Lin Tianyao's return, everyone knows how slim the silver lining is.

Civilization is on the verge of destruction. And senior Chinese leaders are meeting. It was just that the meeting had just begun. A man pushed a man in a wheelchair and came in, and behind him, several people quickly entered.

"Variants!?" The guards responded quickly, and they took out their weapons one after another. While protecting the leader with their bodies, they stared at the mutants.

"Hey, guys, take it easy, I brought these people here and worked hard, but it wasn't for doing this kind of thing with you!" A middle-aged man stood up and then he put his hand in Into his own pocket.

The guards looked at him nervously, but he blew a whistle, and then people saw that a complex badge appeared in his hand.

"I think you should look at this. Although we have lost control of the world, I believe that we can cooperate in some places, such as aerospace technology and alien research materials."

He threw the badge to a guard, who carefully checked it and made sure it was not a bomb before handing it over.

Leaders don't directly touch this thing, they just glance at it, they recognize it, and they understand the meaning of it.

Just forty-eight hours ago, having this thing means you are at the top of the world's power. It's just that things are unpredictable. As this person said, they have lost control of the world.

"So, what are you doing here?" a leader asked.

"Things have come to this point, what do you say we came for? It is stated in advance that not all mutants like this disaster. In fact, it can be said that most mutants do not like this disaster, This disaster took away human civilization and at the same time pushed the racial heritage of the mutants to the edge of the cliff. We are here to seek opportunities for cooperation."

It is naturally not the man who said this before, but the man sitting in the wheelchair. His voice seemed to have a magical power, which made people feel convinced when he heard this sentence.

"Opportunity for cooperation?" A leader chewed the word, and doubts flashed in all human eyes.

At this point, humanity will be extinct. What cooperation do you say?

"It's very simple. You help me find someone, and find that person. The world we are familiar with, there is still the possibility of retaining the last trace of vitality. Otherwise, the world collapses and we go to destruction together."

The man in the wheelchair spoke, and time was running short...