Anti-Sky Game System

v2 Chapter 2734: 2996 Charles' decision

Chapter 2734 2996 Charles' Decision

"Are you kidding me? Are they all messed up?!"

Lansell looked at Charles in disbelief. He felt that either he had auditioned himself, or that Charles was crazy.

Is he telling a story to himself? What a parallel world, what future time and space, what another Charles!

Magneto thinks that the Nibelungen thing is enough to make his head big. Why, this wave is not flat, and it's coming again? !

Charles looked at Lancher, who was suspicious of himself, and his reaction was within his expectations. To be honest, if he hadn't really experienced this, he couldn't believe it.

Only, this is the fact. He has figured out a way to prove it. The last time the plane crashed, all of his powerful guards died, and he survived alone.

The same is the fourth-level mutants, those people should have a greater chance of surviving than they are. And he is already a bad old man. The plane fell into powder, but this bad old man was only slightly injured...

What a joke? ! Are you really making a movie? Even if you have an undead body, you may not be able to survive in that situation.

Therefore, Charles believed what the man said, and only then could he explain the two memories.

"Lanchel, calm down. I don't need to lie to you. Think about the last plane crash. Are you surprised that I survived? And, even Nibelung exists, parallel world exists. , What is it?"

Charles looked at the languid Lansheer opposite and said calmly.

Lansell was startled, but he still could not accept Charles's statement.

"Why are you telling me this?" He suddenly asked what he thought, looking at Charles in confusion.

Shouldn’t he be deeply buried in his heart? How can he speak to himself? !

"Lanchel, you know. I don't like to use things that others have used. I don't like to compete for other people's things. I don't belong to this world. I want to leave this world and go back to the world I belong to. . I say this to you just to make you understand."

Charles looked at Lanscher, and the latter was completely messed up.

"Wait, even if what you said is true. You came from another world..." Lansell thought for a while and then said:

"But you are still Charles! Everything here should have belonged to you!"

"Our name is also called Charles. It's just that I'm not him after all. Moreover, my world also needs me to return." Charles looked at Lansell, he felt that his decision was not wrong, Lansher was indeed a worthwhile A trusted friend, even if he says these things himself, his first reaction is not fear, but for his own sake.

Although a person's life is long, how many such friends can meet? !

"Are you crazy? Are you really going to leave this world?! Oh my god, I'm not dreaming!" Lansell looked at Charles incredulously. He didn't know the situation of that world, so he didn't know it. The world is on the verge of collapse. And all Charles has to do is return to that world.

It doesn't matter whether the world is heading for destruction or an unknown future. He has to go back. Even if it is to bet on his own life.

Charles said nothing, but the look, but told Lansell that he had made a decision.

"Hey, Charles, listen to me. I know why you want to go back, because you think that world is your world. It’s just that after so many days, you’ve gotten into this world. If you decide to leave Is it too irresponsible?"

Lansell knew Charles' personality and knew that once he made a decision, it would be difficult to change. At this time, if you want to persuade Charles, you have to change the word.

As a friend, he respected Charles' decision. But as a friend, he must explain these interests to Charles.

Charles was silent for a moment. He really thought about this problem. He also hesitated once, but now, he has come up with his answer.

"I decided. It's not mine, it's not mine after all. This world should be what it was, what it was like. I was very happy to have such an experience. However, there is a time when the beautiful dream will wake up."

Lansell was silent, Charles said so, the meaning was already clear.

He has made a decision, and he really has to leave.

Can he change his decision? Lansell shook his head and had known Charles for so many years. When did he change Charles's mind?

Charles was always guiding him. Now that Charles really wants to leave himself, he has to face all the problems by himself since then.

Although he has stood at the pinnacle of power, he can overlook the whole world. Every move can attract the attention of the world, and even determine the direction of the world, but Lansell, this time still has some fear.

"You think about it, even if you really want to leave, think about how to deal with the matter here. Mora, you have to make an explanation." Lansheer finished, he stood up and left Out of the ward.

His tall figure seemed so depressed at this moment. Charles suddenly discovered that his friend, like himself, was really old.

Although it is not old, it is irresistible.

He was no longer Charles when he was young, and Lansell was not Lansell when he was young. However, the hearts of both sides can still understand each other.

This is enough.

He couldn't help but sigh when he thought of what Lansell said. ....