Anti-Sky Game System

v2 Chapter 2888: 3151 At first sight


After the banquet, it was no longer interesting. Although it is still a peaceful scene of singing and dancing, but no one's mind is on it.

Autumn hunting is an activity handed down from the royal family. Autumn is refreshing, and many prey begin to accumulate fat for the winter. At this time, hunting can not only obtain the most fat prey, but also strengthen the human body, and then spend this cold winter.

Don't think that aristocrat's winter is an easy thing. In ancient times, every winter was not easy for everyone. Autumn and winter seasons are a season of frequent epidemics, and the cold climate is also prone to various diseases for those young and expensive. And any kind of disease may bring a fatal threat in ancient times. Even the royal family spends winter every year, and some people often die, not to mention other families.

Fortunately, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, there were deeds of using charcoal to keep warm. In the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, the use of charcoal for heating was a sign of wealthy families. However, this does not include ordinary civilians.

For the nobles of the wealthy, winter is just a bit difficult. For civilians, every winter is a severe test of survival. Especially in such troubled times.

Can’t eat enough, and there is extra money to buy charcoal? Without charcoal heating, how to spend a long winter? The rich can buy fur coats to keep warm, but the poor? In addition to adding more vegetation to your clothes, what else can you do?

Every winter, many civilians die from hunger and starvation. Even though the imperial court has allocated funds for disaster relief, but after several layers of exploitation by local officials, how many civilians really got into the hands of the civilian population?

However, all this has nothing to do with those noble children. What does the life and death of the poor have to do with them? And they don't know that the autumn hunting that they can participate in with enthusiasm can be strong and healthy, but in the eyes of farmers, it is absolutely disgusting.

Autumn is the harvest season, and the farmland is often close to the hunting ground, or more accurately, a large part of the hunting ground is converted from the farmland. Every year because of autumn hunting, I do not know how many mature dealers are trampled by horses! Those crops are the basis of the peasants' lives.

It's just all this, how can the powerful have care?

The banquet lasted for two hours before ending. Looking at the messy scene, Lin Tianyao's heart rose unreasonably into a sad feeling. Although the atmosphere of this banquet seems to be pleasant, but everyone knows that it is just a look away.

After the banquet, the Sky Guardians left with Ding Yuan. No one would ask the Sky Guardians to go there, although their hearts were indeed curious. However, everyone understands that they cannot intervene in the matter of the military commander tower.

Lu Bu left amidst a group of generals, he had eaten a lot of wine today and was already a little drunk. However, after all, he did not do too much. On the side of Wenchen, although a lot of people came to talk with Lin Tianyao, Lin Tianyao all used the excuse of being drunk and refused those secret temptations.

The disagreement between the generals represented by Wenchen and Lu Bu is indeed an indisputable fact. However, this does not mean that Lin Tianyao is going to participate in this storm and use it as a gun for others. And Zhang Liao, looking at Lin Tianyao like this, coupled with his father's advice, although very friendly with those literary officials, but did not really make any promises.

The two of them followed behind Gao Shun. As soon as they left Shishifu, Gao Shun ordered people to bring them two horses. After that, they took them to the city gate.

Lin Tianyao thought that the city gate was closed, and they would find a place nearby to rest for one night and wait until tomorrow morning before going out. However, Gao Shun told him what he meant by more real actions.

He had long been begging Ding Yuan's token, and even though the city gate was closed, he also left Jinyang City with Lin Tianyao and Zhang Liao. Although Lin Tianyao and Zhang Liao were a little surprised, they were not angry.

On the contrary, Lin Tianyao appreciates Gao Shun instead. This person's talent may not be very outstanding, I heard that it is only a military commander, but what he did can indeed be called a role model for soldiers.

The three men drove in the dark night, and it didn't take long for them to see a huge camp in front of them. There were piles of bonfires inside, and outside the camp, there were three groups of soldiers patrolling back and forth.

Gao Shun suddenly stopped and Lin Tianyao and Zhang Liao stopped immediately.

"Give you two tasks one by one, quietly sneak in and create chaos!"

Gao Shun's voice was so cold in the dark night that seemed to be more icy than the cold wind.

Lin Tianyao and Zhang Liao glanced at each other, and the two of them turned over and dismounted, not much to say. In the army, military orders are like mountains. Although Gaoshun is not as talented as the two of them, they are now under Gaoshun's command. They must obey Gaoshun's orders unconditionally.

They stopped about 100 meters away from the barracks. After Lin Tianyao and Zhang Liao found the horses and **** the trees, they quietly stepped forward and touched a distance of about 50 meters. Gao Shun did not follow, but Lin Tianyao knew that at the moment he was looking at himself and Zhang Liao.

The two did not act immediately, but lay down in the grass and looked at the barracks in front seriously. It was already early autumn and the weather was quite cold. They didn't lie down for a long time before they realized that their bodies were cold. It's just that neither person moved.

There are arrow towers around the camp, and two soldiers are on the vigil above each arrow tower. The camp is only 100 meters wide. Once this distance alarms any arrow tower, it is very troublesome. The two of them observed for a long time. There was no other way than to break in through the gate of the camp.

However, there were three teams of soldiers at the gate of the camp. A total of fifteen people were patrolling nonstop. It was undoubtedly very difficult to sneak in without disturbing these people. ....