Anti-Sky Game System

v7 Chapter 365: Empty space

Chapter 365 Empty Space

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, Zhao Zhijing, I think we can practice some moves."

Zhao Zhijing whispered: "I don't think it's for today. I'm a little tired."

Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Yeah, I think so too."

So they lay down and they all rested for a while.

After half an hour, Lin Tianyao finished training, he said aloud: "Zhao Zhijing, I think you should take a rest, I think you can't bear your body if you practice like this."

Zhao Zhijing said in a low voice: "I understand."

So, Lin Tianyao and Guo Fu walked out quickly.

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, all of you subordinates, all come, I want to watch."

The subordinates nodded, and then Lin Tianyao said aloud, "Come, I want to see your moves."

They both nodded, so they all practiced.

After a long time, they were all done.

Right now, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Very well, I see you continue to practice, Guo Fu and I are leaving."

The subordinates nodded, so Lin Tianyao turned to Guo Fu and said, "Do you still want to eat steamed buns?"

Guo Fu said with a smile: "Of course I did, I always dreamed."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "I think we should change the way, we can't eat like this."

Guo Fu whispered, "Okay, let's go now."

So they rushed towards the bazaar, and then they found a bigger bazaar.

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Oh, this market is good."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I think this market is very beautiful."

Right now, Lin Tianyao whispered: "I don't think we'll eat anymore, let's go shopping first."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "I have the same idea."

So they walked back and forth. When they walked for a long time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Guo Fu, are you feeling tired now?"

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm tired."

Therefore, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Oh, I think we can take a look at the bun shop."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "OK, let's go."

So they went to the bun shop, and then they ate.

At this time, Guo Fu smiled and said: "Oh, these buns are delicious."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Yes, I like it very much."

Guo Fu whispered: "Okay, let's stop talking."

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we can practice."

Guo Fu said aloud: "Oh, I just finished eating now. If I practice, I don't think it's suitable."

Lin Tianyao said in a low voice: "You are right, then let's go."

Guo Fu nodded, so they went outside.

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we leave the market, we still have a lot of things to do."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "OK, let's go now."

Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Oh, we are now in an empty place."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Okay, let's sit down."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Guo Fu, I think we should visit Lin Zi."

Guo Fu whispered: "I like Lin Zi very much."

So, they walked over, they saw a lot of fruit in the forest, so they all wanted to pick.

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Brother Tianyao, I want to see you pick it now."

Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Okay, I will pick it immediately."

So he quickly climbed into the tree, he picked it off, and then he handed the fruit to Guo Fu and said, "Come, you can taste it."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Okay, I really want to eat."

So they eat it, and after a long time, they finish it.

At this time, Lin Tianyao said with a smile: "Guo Fu, I think we have a rest, we will talk about it later."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I think so too."

So, they sat down, and after a long time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Guo Fu, I think we discuss some moves."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Okay, let's say it immediately."

Therefore, they have been speaking for a long time, and they are all done.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "Guo Fu, your moves are good."

Guo Fu said aloud: "Haha, brother Tianyao, you have won the prize, I think if we practice according to these moves, we will definitely have an effect."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Guo Fu, no matter what happens to us, we can't be anxious. Let's take it slowly. You have to understand that if we are too anxious, it won't do us any good."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "I know, I listen to you all."

When they said for a while, Lin Tianyao suddenly felt thirsty, he said loudly: "Guo Fu, I think we'll find some water."

Guo Fu said aloud: "Yes, I think we'll drink it."

So they drank, and after a long time, they finished.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Oh, these waters are really good."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I see it too."

Right now, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we should go to the tomb to drink honey. There is such a good thing. If we don't drink it, we must be very sorry."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I think so too."

So, Lin Tianyao walked toward the ancient tomb, and then he saw her grandmother standing outside. Lin Tianyao said aloud, "Grandma, what do you dare?"

Mother-in-law smiled and said, "Lin Shaoxia, I sent you honey."

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Okay, so much honey, I like it very much."

So he took the honey and drank it. After a long time, he finished drinking.

At this point, Guo Fu smiled and said: "Oh, so much honey, I like it so much."

Mother-in-law smiled and said, "I already knew you would come."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Grandma Sun, your skills are quite big."

Grandma Sun smiled and said, "I'm fine."

At this time, Guo Fu came over and she said aloud: "Come on, Grandma Sun, I think you are so hard, and I will give you some honey."

Grandma Sun smiled and said, "Okay, thank you very much."

So she drank the honey, and soon she was finished.

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "OK, Guo Fu, I think we will go."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yes, I understand."

So they walked towards a large forest. ....